Mike Slocombe

  • Video Gamers Do Less Reading And Homework

    Video Gamers Do Less Reading And HomeworkKids playing video games on school days spend up to a third less time doing homework than those who do play games.

    Figures from a study in America revealed thath video gamers spending far less time reading and doing homework, with fragging boys found to spend 30 percent less time reading, with the girls registering a 34 per cent reduction in homework.

  • Toshiba Launches Satellite U305 Laptop Range

    Toshiba Launches Satellite U305 Laptop RangeHoping to lure the wallets of well heeled students and small businesses, Toshiba have announced the addition of the Satellite U305 range to their lappie line up.

    The Vista Home Premium-powered machines come in three flavours, starting out at $899 for the Satellite U305-S5097 and going up to $1,399 for the Satellite U305-S5127.

  • Universal in Dispute With Apple Over iTunes

    Universal in Dispute With Apple Over iTunesUniversal, the planet’s biggest music corporation, has told Apple that it won’t be renewing its annual contract to sell music through iTunes.

    According to an anonymous executive cited in the New York Times, the mighty Universal Music Group of Vivendi will now market music to Apple at will, leaving the company free to remove its songs from the iTunes service at short notice if pricing and terms can not be agreed.

  • Apple iPhone Launch Goes Hyperbolic

    Apple iPhone Launch Goes HyperbolicThe most over-hyped event in the history of consumer electronics offered plenty of troubling insights into what happens when over-excited tech geeks come into contact with the object of their lust.

    Starting with a mass public countdown on the street, the iPhone Launch TV channel coverage showed slavering first buyers for the iPhone gleefully charging into Apple’s New York Soho store and being treated like celebrities, with their every move being captured by banks of photographers and cameraman.

  • Dell Go Colour Crazy

    Dell Go Colour CrazyThose crazy cats at Dell have loosened their ties, taken off their suit jackets and kicked back with a new range of funky notebooks designed to show the world that they’re not just a bunch of boring business stiffies.

  • Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury Festival (Part 2/2)

    Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury FestivalIn Part One, we gave you the run down of what gadgets we decided to take along to Glastonbury 2007, now you can find out how we got on with them.

    How the gadgets fared (more…)

  • Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury Festival

    Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury FestivalLeaving the safety and relative sanity of our London office for a six day soiree at Glastonbury, we thought carefully about what gadgets to pack. Being veterans of Glasto – and all too familiar with the minging mudbath of 2005 – we made sure to pack ample waterproof clothing and bring along plenty of plastic bags for wrapping up our gadgets against the inevitable rain.

  • iRiver W10 Reappears As A VoIP/Media Player

    Seemingly metamorphosing at a rate of knots as the iPhone rumbles over the horizon, iRiver’s W10 media player has re-emerged again as a sleek all-in-one media player.

    First seen in March 2006, the W10 appeared as a UMPC-like clamshell gadget running Windows XP with a 5in display and a 60GB hard drive for storage.

  • Pepper Pad 3 Internet Tablet Goes On Sale

    We can’t say this its old school plasticky looks are exactly grabbing our gonads of pleasure, but the new Pepper Pad 3 certainly manages to pack in a fair bit of functionality.

    Billed as being neither a laptop or a PDA, the Linux-powered “handheld media computer” invites comparisons with the Nokia 770 tablet, although there’s far more going on underneath its (sizeable) hood.

  • HTC Touch Phone Review (Part 3/3 – 62%)

    HTC Touch Phone Review (Part 3/3 - 62%)In Part Two we looked inside the Touch and at connectivity and multimedia functions.

    HTC have redesigned the Windows Today screen, with a moody dark finish displaying the time in big LCD-style numbers, and three thumb sized buttons giving quick access to basic weather updates, a program launcher and a link back to the home screen.