Mike Slocombe

  • HTC Touch 3G And Touch HD Handsets Unveiled

    HTC Touch 3G And Touch HD Handsets UnveiledSlipping out of HTC’s ever-industrious product factory in rather a half cocked manner is two new high-end HTC Touch handsets; the Touch 3G and Touch HD.

    Both seemed to have suffered leaked releases, with product pages going up and down all over t’shop, but here’s what we’ve found out so far.


  • Leica D-Lux 4, Leica D-Lux 3 Digital Cameras Announced

    Leica D-Lux 4, Leica D-Lux 3 Digital Cameras AnnouncedHigh end, wallet-draining, camera toffs Leica have announced their D-Lux 4 and C-Lux 3 digital compact cameras.

    Based entirely on the already-released Panasonic Lumix LX3 and FX37 cameras, the Leica versions come with gracefully understated exteriors, a few default parameters and, of course, the drool-inducing red badge that says, “I am a veh serious photographer.”


  • Web Creator Warns Of Conspiracy Nuts On The Web

    Web Creator Warns Of Conspiracy Nuts On The WebThe creator of the World Wide Web has voiced his concerns that his invention is being used more and more to spread misleading information, rumours and bonkers conspiracy theories.

    The comments by Tim Berners-Lee came just a week after many science-lite websites were busy speculating that the end of the world was nigh with the switching on of the Large Hadron Collider, ironically located at CERN where Berners-Lee did his pioneering work on the web.


  • InFocus X9 Projector Delivers 720p Video On A Budget

    InFocus X9 Projector Delivers 720p Video On A BudgetWith the huge rise in sales of big Plasma/LCD screens, it’s not surprising that projector companies are trying to cut themselves a slice of the consumer action.

    Last week we attended an open day put on by Epson who were keen to show off their home-targeted range of projectors and now US company InFocus have weighed in with their budget priced InFocus X9 720p DLP projector.


  • Sony Alpha 900 World’s First Full-frame 24.6 Megapixel DSLR

    Sony Alpha 900 World's First Full-frame 24.6 Megapixel DSLRVast reservoirs of drool have started to form around the desks of photographers in Chez Digi-Lifestyles after the full details of Sony’s flagship new Alpha 900 digital SLR were released.


  • Sony Ericsson G705 Smartphone Announced

    Sony Ericsson G705 Smartphone AnnouncedWe’re liking the look of Sony Ericsson’s new G705 high end smartphone.

    A sleek, slide out number, the G705 packs a 2.4-inch display with automatic screen rotation taken care of by an onboard accelerometer. There’s also WiFi, aGPS with Google Maps for Mobile, a built-in FM radio, an RSS reader for grabbing your news on the move, email client and a full HTML browser – all delivered at “turbo 3G speeds.”


  • Asus Introduce P552w Smartphone With ‘Glide’ 3D Interface

    Asus Introduce P552w Smartphone With 'Glide' 3D InterfaceComputer bigboys ASUS have announced the imminent launch of their first ever first handset, the P552w smartphone, a wee little keyboard-less thing.

    Packing a nippy 624MHz processor and minimal buttons, the ASUS sports a 2.8-inch touchscreen supporting a 240×320 resolution, and comes with HSDPA/UMTS radios, a built-in Google Maps-compatible GPS receiver and 802.11b/g Wi-Fi connectivity.


  • Live Coverage: Apple “Let’s Rock” Event: (UPDATE 14)

    Mike is at the London end of the Apple announcement today, bashing away LIVE as things happen.

    Live Coverage: Apple Started early by the looks of it.

    [17:55:26] Bloke currently waffling on about their 500 resellers in EMEA
    [17:55:37] big crowd too
    [17:56:21] loads of “we’re great” blather going on
    [17:56:38] Right: it’s started
    [17:57:56] showing footage from Apple borg crowds around the world
    [17:58:12] actually it’s just SF
    [17:58:38] got to be around 700peeps here
    [18:00:44] whooping from SF
    [18:01:37] Jobs on screen – makes joke about rumours of his death being exagerated: cue more whooping
    [18:02:11] 8.5m songs now on iTunes, 2600 Hollywood movies
    [18:02:41] 65m user accounts shopping
    [18:03:03] now #1 music distributor in US

  • Apple London Event: Live Updates

    Apple London Event: Live UpdatesWith their usual high levels of secrecy – no doubt accompanied by the ridiculous ritualistic taking down of their Website for ‘updates’ – Apple are expected to announce refreshes to their iPod range in tonight’s “Let’s Rock” launch.


  • Nokia Retains Crown As King Of Smartphone Vendors

    Nokia Retains Crown As King Of Smartphone VendorsThe latest research from stat-gorging boffins Gartner reveals that no less than 32.2 million smartphones were sold in the second-quarter this year – a figure that represents a fairly hefty 15.7% hike from the same period last year.

    However, the company noted sales slowing down in the first half due to the weakening economy, with Roberta Cozza, principal analyst at Gartner, observing, “The current economic environment continues to negatively impact the market, limiting consumer spending and replacement purchases in general.”
