Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Apple And The Daft Yellow Sticky Note

    Apple And The Daft Yellow Sticky NoteIf there’s one thing sure to set Mac fanboys into palpitations of leg-quivering, gusset-moistening excitement, it’s the ludicrous pretend ‘post-it note’ that Apple slaps on their site whenever a new product is due to be announced.

    This pantomime – acted out several times annually – sees all the contents of a product page swept aside to be replaced by a yellow ‘sticky’ note proclaiming, “We’ll be back soon,” penned in a ghastly Comic Sans-alike font. Accompanying the note is the message, “We are busy updating the store for you and will be back shortly.”


  • Spotify Hit By Hackers: Suggest Password Change: UPDATED

    Spotify Hit By Hackers: Suggest Password ChangeSpotify, the fab online music service, has been hit by hackers.

    In a mail just sent out to Spotify users, they reveal that the Spotify protocol – the method they use to transfer music to subscribers – has been compromised by a hacking group.


  • Cadbury’s Live Dairy Milk Become Fairtrade-Certified Webcast

    Cadbury's Live Dairy Milk Become Fairtrade-Certified WebcastWell done to Cadbury (well known UK chocolate maker) for committing to take their Dairy Milk chocolate to be Fairtrade certified from Autumn 2009.

    Their approach to releasing the information is also refreshing – they’re carrying out a live webcast as we speak/type at Cadbury Live.

    Cadbury is also opening themselves up to questions from the public, while the live webcast is going on.

    All good news, but quite quaint to see that incoming questions are being read from a piece of paper rather than the expected laptop screen.

    Thanks to for alerting us to this.

  • Sony Cyber-shot HX1 Ultrazoom Snapper Packs CMOS Sensor

    Sony Cyber-shot HX1 Ultrazoom Snapper Packs CMOS SensorSony has give their New Product Trumpet a lengthy parp to announce the arrival of its latest super-zoom camera, the Cyber-shot HX1.

    Strutting the streets with Sony’s all-new Exmor CMOS sensor – last seen in Sony’s Alpha range of cameras – and packing an effective resolution of 9.1 megapixels, the SLR-style camera employs the powerful BIONZ image processor.


  • PC Sales Expected To Crash This Year

    PC Sales Expected To Crash This YearSales of personal computers are set to tumble by double digits this year for the first time in history of computing.

    The claim comes from analyst firm Gartner, who predict shipments of PCs to crash by 12 per cent this year, with sales for 2009 pegged to 257 million units.

    The last major dip in PC sales was way back in 2001 following the ‘dot-bomb’ Internet crash, but shipments only fell a relatively modest 3.2 per cent.


  • Pentax Goes Superzoom With New X70 Digital Camera

    Pentax Goes Superzoom With New X70 Digital CameraThey’ve taken their time to join the megazoom digital camera market, but Pentax have just rocked up with their new X70 digicam packing a hefty 24X optical zoom lens in a reasonably compact and lightweight body.

    Sporting 12 megapixels and a 1/2.3-inch chip, the X70 bridge camera comes with the usual auto exposure options, plus aperture/shutter priority and metered manual modes for tinkerers.


  • Two Thirds Of Mobile Phone Subscriptions In Developing Nations

    Two Thirds Of Mobile Phone Subscriptions In Developing NationsIt doesn’t seem that long ago that mobile phones were the sole province of braying city slickers bellowing, “Buy! Sell!” into their handsets, but new research shows that two thirds of the world’s cell phone subscriptions are now in developing nations.

    A study by the United Nations agency, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), found that the highest growth rate of mobile subscriptions was in Africa where over a quarter (28 per cent) of the population own mobile phones – a huge leap up from 2000 where just 2 per cent Africans were connected.


  • Online Retail UK Sales To Hit £56bn by 2014

    Online Retail UK Sales To Hit £56bn by 2014When it comes to facts, stats and figures, you can always rely on research house Forrester Research to serve ’em up by the plateful, and their bods have just unleashed their white-coated bods on the matter of online UK retail and travel sales.


  • Kindle 2 Text-To-Speech Feature Blasted By Authors Guild

    Kindle 2 Text-To-Speech Feature Blasted By Authors GuildBuckling under blistering criticism from the Author’s Guild, Amazon has made it possible for their controversial text-to-speech feature to be disabled on its new Kindle eBook reader.

    The online book-shifting behemoths have now promised to modify the Kindle 2 so that authors, publishers or any holders to a novel’s rights can decide whether the feature will be available for their work.


  • Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple Dip

    Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple DipNew figures for the operating systems used to access the web show Microsoft registering a rise while Apple’s share takes a bit of a downward shimmy.
