• Airline Wi-Fi Struggling For Business Customers

    Airline Wi-Fi Struggling For Business CustomersOnly 25% of US business travellers are using Wi-Fi hotspots in airports and on planes, despite the growing availability of high-speed, wireless connections.

    A report by Gartner reveals that only a quarter of US business travellers want to log on when they’re flying off, and in the UK the percentage is even smaller, with only 17 percent of travelling Brit execs willing to whip out their Wi-Fi wotsits.

    The low level of adoption is rather surprising considering the growing number of hotspots and Wi-Fi enabled devices springing up over last two years.

    The study suggests that users have been shunning Wi-Fi in airports and in-flight because some are baffled by the process of using the technology.

    “While Wi-Fi has come a long way, our survey shows that many business travellers remain uncertain as to why they should use Wi-Fi, what equipment they need, how they can connect and what they will be charged,” said Gartner analyst Delia MacMillan.

    “If Wi-Fi providers really want to attract new customers they must convince both end users and organizations of its benefits.”

    Although some airlines like Lufthansa and SAS in Europe are installing wireless Internet access in their planes, the majority of travellers (78 percent in the US, 75 in the U.K.) said they would rather stay out of contact while in the air.

    Airline Wi-Fi Struggling For Business CustomersThose surveyed also said that they were more interested in increased onboard personal space, bigger baggage allowances and better entertainment than blasting out emails mid-flight.

    It wasn’t all bad news though, with the respondents who actually used Wi-Fi expressing satisfaction with the speed of connection, ease of use and overall value.

    The report revealed that wandering Wi-Fi folks were less chuffed with the price of the services and the limited availability of hot spots in useful locations.

    “Many organisations will not reimburse their personnel for Wi-Fi access charges, as these fees are often not covered by their telecom contracts,” commented MacMillan.

    “If airlines can commit to lower prices then the provision of Wi-Fi access could prove a key attraction to business travellers.”

    Gartner’s report predicts that broadband-speed 3G cellphone networks could put pressure on Wi-Fi providers to cut prices.


  • NSF GENI Project Looks To The Next-Generation Internet

    NSF GENI Project Looks To The Next-Generation InternetThe boffins at the US National Science Foundation (NSF) have proposed “re-engineering” the Internet to create a whizz-bang updated version that connects all kinds of devices with built in security and robustness.

    With the government agency challenging researchers to look at the Internet as a “clean slate”, the NSF’s Global Environment for Networking Investigations (GENI) initiative proposes a research grant program and an experimental facility to test new Internet technologies.

    NSF officials trumpeted the GENI project at a conference for the Special Interest Group on Data Communications in Philadelphia last week.

    But before you get too excited about this new super-improved Internet being piped into your devices (ooo-er), NSF spokesman Richard “Randy” Vines has some news for you: it’s not yet funded and it’s only “an idea under consideration.”

    With the Internet continuing to grow exponentially and with researchers predicting an explosion of data in the next decade from mobile and wireless devices as well as sensors, the GENI project intends to anticipate and envision the Internet society’s needs 15 years or more from now.

    NSF GENI Project Looks To The Next-Generation InternetThe goals of the GENI Initiative include a new core functionality for the Internet, with new naming, addressing, and identity architectures; enhanced capabilities, including additional security architecture and a design for high availability; and new Internet services and applications.

    According to the NSF’s GENI Web page, the GENI project intends to “explore new networking capabilities that will advance science and stimulate innovation and economic growth,” adding, “The GENI Initiative responds to an urgent and important challenge of the 21st Century to advance significantly the capabilities provided by networking and distributed system architectures

    The site also urges the enabling of “new classes of societal-level services and applications”. We’ve no idea what that means, but it sure sounds good to us.

    Faster transmission speeds aren’t on the agenda of the GENI Project, however, with David Clark, a senior research scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sagely commenting, “Making a network faster has never made it more secure or easier to use.”

    National Science Foundation
    NSF Global Environment for Networking Investigations

  • Teleo, VoIP Startup Grabbed By Microsoft

    Microsoft Grabs VoIP Startup TeleoFrom deep within the Microsoft base, Bill Gates has pulled a few levers and dispatched a corporate grabbing tentacle in the direction of Teleo, a privately held provider of VoIP software and services.

    The move comes hot on the heels of Google’s recently announced Google Talk service and suggests that Microsoft is ready to start slopping its considerable weight around the crowded VoIP market and give Skype a run for its money.

    Microsoft Grabs VoIP Startup TeleoThe San Francisco-based outfit Teleo was founded just two years ago and got as far offering a beta PC to PC or standard phone Skype-like VoIP service with click-to-call dialing through Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer before Gates grabbed the product.

    Microsoft are expected to integrate Teleo technologies into the infrastructure that supports MSN, aiming to eventually deliver new VoIP consumer apps in future releases of MSN services.

    “Teleo has great technology to deliver superior VoIP quality and an excellent overall customer experience. This acquisition opens up infinite opportunities for Microsoft to enable even more relationship-centric communications experiences for our customers in the future,” commented Microsoft’s corporate vice president of the MSN Communication Services and Member Platform group Blake Irving.

    Microsoft Grabs VoIP Startup TeleoTerms of the deal haven’t been disclosed, but Microsoft have said that members of the Teleo executive team will continue to work closely with MSN, while some Teleo product developers are expected to shuffle across and join MSN.

    “It’s going to be very exciting to see Teleo software extended into MSN products and services that millions of consumers worldwide rely upon every day for their information and communication needs,” purred Wendell Brown, co-founder of Teleo. “The union of our respective technologies and talents has the potential to deliver great value to customers.”

    Teleo MSN

  • News Roundup: Hamster Powered Mobile; US Kids SMS

    Elvis Charges Mobile PhonesElvis Charges Mobile Phones
    A 16-year-old lad in the West Country is breaking open the alcopops as he celebrates passing his GSCE electronics course – all thanks to his cunning hamster powered phone charger invention.

    Peter Ash, from Lawford in Somerset, rustled up the wheeze after listening to his sister Sarah moaning that his pet hamster Elvis was keeping her awake at night by whizzing around on his exercise wheel for hours on end.

    A light bulb illuminated above young Peter’s head as he realised that his hamster’s nocturnal marathons could be used to generate electricity.

    For the next 13 months, the teenager worked on perfecting the hamster-powered device for his GSCE electronics coursework project.

    After strenuous trials, Peter managed to get the insomniac hamster to generate enough power to charge his mobile phone overnight.

    Rumours that he is now working on a dog powered version for powering small sound systems have proved to be unfounded.

    Nearly 40% of Mobiles Bought By US Teens For TextingNearly 40% of Mobiles Bought By US Teens For Texting
    A recent survey in the States by IDC and revealed that talking is, like, so uncool amongst teenagers, with Da KidZ preferring to text than talk.

    The study revealed that 35.9% of teens acquired their cellphones for the sole or main purpose of texting, with just 13.3% of them getting all traditional and actually talking into the things.

    Naturally, we advise that a large mountain side of salt be consumed with these ‘facts’ seeing as the survey was commissioned by online text service who have something of a vested interest.

    Curiously, the survey doesn’t explain what the remaining 50.8% of kids are doing with their phones.

    A Feast Of Firefox FactsA Feast Of Firefox Facts
    Anyone using the excellent Mozilla Firefox browser may find this site invaluable:

    The site serves up a ton of useful links to turn browser dabblers into Firefox pros, with information about rendering issues, downloading, interface enhancements, installable mini-applications, configuration and preference customisation, browser tabs, extensions and more.

  • Traffic Hacking, Mac Madness, Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev , .xxx interference – Teenage Tech News Review

    Traffic Light Hacking
    Traffic Hacking, Mac Madness, Cosmonaut Capers, .xxx interference - Teenage Tech News ReviewWe’ve had hackers doing all sorts of naughty things in the past, but one thing I heard about recently is new to me: Hacking traffic lights. You heard right: traffic lights. However, these traffic lights aren’t used to harvest credit account numbers of passers-by or to spam traffic: They are simply used to enable people to get to work that bit faster, if a little less legally. These hackers use technology originally intended for use with emergency vehicles and mass-transit systems. The way it works, is that a lot major traffic lights in the US have infrared receivers built into them. These receive one of two frequencies of infrared pulses: The first is a low frequency, and intended for use by mass-transit like buses. This low frequency makes traffic lights stay green for that bit longer, enabling the bus to pass through and thus speeding up public transport. The second frequency is intended for use by emergency vehicles, and switches traffic lights from red to green within two seconds of activation, allowing them (and anyone possessing a similar device) to pass through traffic lights unhindered.

    These sorts of devices had a dodgy legal status in the States up until recently, when they were outlawed entirely and use of them declared a federal crime.

    Mac Madness
    Traffic Hacking, Mac Madness, Cosmonaut Capers, .xxx interference - Teenage Tech News ReviewIt seems people are getting less civilized by the day: In a scene reminiscent of the riot caused by the opening of an Ikea store in Edmonton near London, there was another riot when a school in Virginia decided to sell its old laptops for $50 a piece. Apparently, “One woman went so far to wet herself rather than surrender her place in line.” The school was selling laptops that were worth around $1,500 dollars 4 years ago for a meager $50. This kind of event does showcase the fact that a lot of people are eager about technology as long as it is at the right price. Maybe if manufacturers decreased their prices by half, although they might initially make a loss, the hugely increased bulk of sales could lead to much lower production costs. Of course, they will never do this, as it will both cut their profit margins as well as saturating the market. Nice thought though!

    Cosmonaut Capers
    Traffic Hacking, Mac Madness, Cosmonaut Capers, .xxx interference - Teenage Tech News ReviewRussian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev is now the person who has spent the longest time in space, ever. The Russian is currently the commander of the ISS, and now has 750 days in space to his name. Spending this amount of time in space can be detrimental to a person’s health: 6 months in space typically leads to a loss of about 1.5% of bone mass, which can take years to grow back. 2 years of life in space could lead to a variety of problems when the Russian cosmonaut returns back to earth, but the extent of these remains to be seen. In the worst case, his bones could be unable to support his weight here, although NASA suspects it shouldn’t be anywhere near as bad. While in space, people must stick to a strict regime of exercise to simulate the stresses that bones receive during life on earth to ensure they lose a minimum of mass. This along with the increased danger of high radiation (which can lead to cancer), makes space have many more risks than the obvious danger of your vessel disintegrating. Maybe in the future these will be solved, but bar artificial gravity, I fail to see how this might work.

    Although I of all people think Space is a pretty cool thing to explore, issues like this must be solved before any lengthy extra-planetary stays are considered.

    They Couldn’t Give a .XXX
    Traffic Hacking, Mac Madness, Cosmonaut Capers, .xxx interference - Teenage Tech News ReviewThis week, it seems like we have another nice example of people in government being quite the opposite of liberal and interfering with technology: Various suit-wearing, self-important men/women of power have objected to ICANN’s newest top-level domain (things like .com, .net), .xxx: according to them and others, introducing a .xxx top-level domain will mean “Pornographers will be given even more opportunities to flood our homes, libraries and society with pornography through the .xxx domain.”

    Apparently, the American Department of Commerce has received a “staggering” 6,000 emails and letters protesting about the creation of a .xxx domain. Ok, so 6,000 sounds a lot, but when you think about it, 6,000 people out of the approximately 600,000,000 who use the Internet worldwide, it isn’t quite so impressive.

    Surely, the creation of a .xxx domain might even help people distinguish from a filthy porn site and a normal one: It would mean it would be easier for people to block these kinds of sites from opening, and would mean that classification of Web sites as containing porn or not would be easier, and thus the subsequent blocking of offensive content would be made easier.

    Although this doesn’t directly affect me, as I am still under the age of 18, I still believe that political objectives should not be allowed to interfere with the running of the Internet. Besides, the Internet is a virtual, international, entity and as such shouldn’t be allowed to be governed by a single country and it’s respective governing body’s re-election agenda.

  • Lazer TripWire: Get On A Mission

    Lazer TripWire: Get On A MissionFancy getting all very Mission-Impossible at home or round about? Concerned that you need to protect yourself against International terrorists, your elder brother or members of a rival spy gang?

    Wild Planet, based in San Francisco, will be able to fulfil your paranoia/technology dreams with their Lazer Tripwire. From the product name, it’s not exactly surprising that it act as a tripwire, but uses a laser to do it.

    Using a low-power beam of light that won’t burn you retina out even if you look directly into it (not a laser then), for detection, the three supplied devices clamp on to relevant surfaces. Each of these units has an angle-able transmit and receive heads, so lining them up creates an invisible barrier around whatever is inside. As you all know from the movies, breaking the beam will set of the alarm, alerting you to the intrusion.

    Lazer TripWire: Get On A MissionIt’s an interesting adoption of technology that is used to protect really rather serious things, like armed fighter planes sitting on a runway and power stations, as Rayonet from UK company, Integrated Design, does.

    Clearly devices like Rayonet are a little different in that they use infrared light and have a _little_ more sophistication in them, like the ability to ignore birds flying through the beam, but the Lazer Tripwire fundamentally uses the principles.

    Michael Bystram of Integrated Design tells me that the initial ideas for Rayonet started 24 years ago, With a considerable step forward in intelligence around 8 years ago. Jump to now, and there’s a toy using the same principles.

    The Lazer TripWire comes from Wild PLanet’s Spy Gear equipment range which, if I was in the process of going through childhood, I would been quite obsessed with getting hold of (frankly I’m pretty tempted now).

    Wild Planet
    Watch the Lazer TripWire Tv advert
    Integrated Design’s Rayonet

  • Amazon A9 Search Offers Street Level Photos

    Amazon A9 Search Offers Street Level PhotosAmazon is testing its new A9 mapping service that lets users view street-level photos of city blocks surrounding a requested address.

    Barging its elbows between online mapping giants like AOL’s, Yahoo, Google and Microsoft’s, Amazon is hoping that its novel street level photos will give them a critical edge amongst consumers.

    The company has amassed an index of 35 million photographs spanning 22 neighbourhoods of US cities, letting users view photographs of entire city blocks alongside a traditional map showing a grid of streets.

    Amazon A9 Search Offers Street Level PhotosAmazon first introduced street-level photographs of specific addresses as part of its Yellow Pages listings, but the company believes that consumers will find the A9 service a more helpful view than Google mappings satellite views.

    “We’re making maps slightly less abstract and closer to the real world,” said Udi Manber, A9’s chief executive.

    Obtaining driving instructions with the service is easy enough, with users clicking on starting and destination points on the map rather than having to type in addresses. Clicking on a point on the map will get the corresponding address to pop up.

    There’s some clever business tie-ins built into the service, with driving instructions providing photos of all the businesses along the recommended route (if the images are stored in the search engine’s index).

    Amazon have been photographing city streets like Cartier Bresson on amphetamines, adding over 15 million more pictures since the January debut of the Yellow Pages service.

    Amazon A9 Search Offers Street Level PhotosNot surprisingly, the horizon-challenged photographs ably illustrate that there’s none of Bresson’s magic in evidence, with pictures being automatically snapped by trucks equipped with digital cameras and GPS, receivers.

    Despite being backed by an industry underweight, the two year old A9 search engine remains a Johnny-come-lately in the lucrative search engine industry, processing just 4.9 million search requests in June.

    This gives it a lowly ranking of 27th amongst Internet search engines – a figure which equates to a measly US market share of 0.1 percent.

    A9’s maps will display photos from 22 cities: Atlanta; Austin, Texas; Boston; Chicago; Dallas; Denver, Detroit; Fargo, N.D.; Houston; Los Angeles, Miami; New York; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Portland, Ore.; Sacramento, Calif.; Salt Lake City; San Diego; San Francisco; San Jose, Calif.; Seattle; and Washington D.C.

  • AG-225H: ZyXEL’s Wi-Fi Finder Hunts Hotspots Hastily

    AG-225H Wi-Fi Finder From ZyXEL Hunts Hotspots HastilyZyXEL’s new AG-225H Wi-Fi Finder is an ideal tool for hotspot-hunting consumers, hackers, freeloaders and bandwidth bandits.

    The pocket-sized marvel serves up a feast of information for connection-hungry amblers, with a graphic LCD displaying Signal Strength, Security & Encryption, Operation Channel, Radio Band and SSID.

    The AG-225H detects all 802.11a and 802.11b/g access points, including 802.11-compatible MIMO and Pre-N networks on both 5GHz and 2.4GHz bands, with the monochrome display giving detailed information about security, SSID and signal strength,

    AG-225H Wi-Fi Finder From ZyXEL Hunts Hotspots HastilyThe AG-225H claims to be the first gizmo to combine an 802.11a and 802.11b/g USB 2.0 adapter with a fully functional stand-alone hotspot detector, allowing users to turn their laptops into an access point and share their wireless access with others.

    The new device sports a dual-band USB wireless adaptor with advanced WPA2 security and 802.11a worldwide radio support, with intelligent software monitoring the wireless connection and switching bands to avoid interference and maintain high throughput levels.

    “As wireless networking increasingly becomes ubiquitous, more and more people are looking to access the Internet on the go to check email, access corporate networks, share music and pictures, and send and receive documents,” said Munira Brooks, VP of sales, marketing and business development, at ZyXEL.

    “The AG-225H is an ideal tool for the road warrior who can’t be without Internet access. It also makes a great holiday gift,” Brooks added, plugging frantically.

    AG-225H Wi-Fi Finder From ZyXEL Hunts Hotspots HastilyOne of the real benefits of carrying around one of these puppies is that you don’t have to wander about with a booted-up laptop to see if there’s any Wi-Fi in the air, so the US$99 AG-225 could prove invaluable for security professionals looking for any unsecured access points.

    And hackers, of course. They’ll love it.

    ZyXEL AG-225H Wi-Fi Finder

  • Star Trek Special Edition Phone Announced

    Star Trek Special Edition Phone AnnouncedViacom have announced that they will be launching a special super-spoddy edition Star Trek Communicator Phone, in association with Sona Mobile.

    Cool as a heatwave, only twice as hot, the special phone will serve up an intergalactic feast of Star Trek related guff so that Trekkers will feel that the Enterprise is never far away.

    The phone will let Sci-Fi nutjobs enjoy a multi-player online Star Trek game or stream video clips while simultaneously text messaging a friend or accessing information on the Internet.

    Naturally, Borg buffs, Ferengi fans, Cardassian connoisseurs and Delta Quadrant devotees will be able gorge themselves on a planet full of downloadable Star Trek ring tones, wallpapers as well as access news, information, and other fan activities.

    As if all these Spock-tastic goodies weren’t enough, The Star Trek Communicator Phone will also come equipped with a custom Star Trek faceplate and other themed features.

    Naturally, there are more tie-ins than a Houdini convention at work here as Viacom own Paramount Pictures who own the Star Trek brand.

    Sandi Isaacs, VP of Interactive at Viacom Consumer Products set his phaser to ‘gush’ and enthused, “There is a tremendous opportunity to tap into Star Trek fans around the world and offer them a device to interact, connect and download Star Trek entertainment. This not only promotes the Star Trek spirit but creates a new paradigm for the wireless community.”

    Star Trek Special Edition Phone AnnouncedWe couldn’t find a picture of the actual phone anywhere, although one poster on a Star Trek site claimed it was a re-branded Motorola V3 phone, while another frothed enthusiastically about a “multiplayer, persistent game universe, that uses location based / GPS information to alert you when an ‘enemy player’ is within range so you can do battle!”

    Whatever it looks like, I’d imagine Trekkers would be most disappointed if it doesn’t make that funny noise when you flip it open.

    A Star Trek themed phone isn’t the kind of thing that warms our warp drives, but if someone designed a phone based on Tribbles, we’d say, “bring it on!”

    The phone will be available beginning 30, September, 2005.

    Sona mobile

  • X-Fi Sound Blaster Series Launched

    X-Fi Sound Blaster Series LaunchedSo what’s the deal here?

    Creative Technology Ltd, the people with over 250 million Sound Blaster sound cards sold to date, have just announced, what they claim, is a major step upwards in audio fidelity.

    They have introduced the Sound Blaster X-Fi line of sound cards. Powered by the Creative X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity audioprocessor, the Sound Blaster X-Fi cards introduce Xtreme Fidelity, an entirely new audio standard for music, movies and games.

    As I am currently encoding a radio library (old tapes), I was intrigued by the press-release claim “With Sound Blaster X-Fi’s 24-bit Crystalizer and CMSS-3D technologies, all your MP3 music and CD music can sound even better than the original studio recording”

    It goes on: “Sound Blaster X-Fi heralds the beginning of a new epoch in audio, where X-Fi enabled audio products will eventually and completely replace the old hi-fi equipment in the home,

    Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro features professional-quality digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with 116dB SNR, plus an I/O module with a comprehensive selection of connectivity for audio creation with easy-to-use control knobs for the X-Fi 24-bit Crystalizer, X-Fi CMSS- 3D (Creative Multi-Speaker Surround), 3DMIDI, and EAX.

    The Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro also features 64MB of on-board X-RAM — audio memory dedicated to higher gaming audio quality and performance, in addition to a built-in pre-amp for direct recording, and high-impedance inputs for electric guitars. The “top of the line” Sound Blaster X-Fi solution, the Elite Pro includes all of the standard features, application software, power and performance capabilities of the entire family of Sound Blaster X-Fi cards (described below in product launch-ese), in one solution.

    Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS : Yes that is a “1” not an “i”. Designed to meet the performance demands of the world’s best-known professional gamer, Johnathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel, the Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS sound card provides stunning 109dB SNR audio quality, accelerates gaming performance and includes 64MB of on-board X-RAM for high performance gaming. With support for EAX ADVANCED HD 5.0, the latest version of the EAX Environmental Audio standard, the Sound Blaster X-FiFatal1ty FPS card utilizes X-Fi CMSS 3D technology for stunning audio realismover headphones in LAN gaming. The Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS features a convenient front-facing internal drive bay for easy connectivity, plus the X-Fi IR remote to easily access and control all digital entertainment, and to control the X-Fi 24-bit Crystalizer, X-Fi CMSS 3D, 3DMIDI and EAX.

    Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum : The ideally versatile sound card to suit all digital entertainment experiences, the Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum sound card includes an internal drive bay with additional, convenient front-facing input/output connectivityfor headphone listening, PC gaming and audio creation. Delivering 109dB SNR audio quality, the Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum includes the X-Fi IR remote, for easy access to the Entertainment Center software console, which enables access to music, movies and picture slide shows through a slick, streamlined interface. The Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum also includes all of the standard features, application software, power and performance capabilities of the Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music.

    Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic. The Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic sound card harnesses the full power of the Creative X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity audio processor to upgrade any existing library of MP3 or any music files to the Xtreme Fidelity audio standard. With the X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity 24-bit Crystalizer, MP3 music and movies are converted to Xtreme Fidelity, which deliver an experience beyond the original CD or DVD recordings. With the included Creative MediaSource 3 software suite, users can easily SuperRip all their digital music permanently toXtreme Fidelity. In addition, MediaSource 3 also allows users to further enhance their music content with single-click access to rich features like X-Fi CMSS-3D, Smart Cross-Fade and Smart Volume Management. The Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music sound card plays back audio with rich 109dB SNR quality. Optimized Modes for Peak X-Fi Performance

    Pricing and Availability: The Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro, priced at US$399.99, the Sound BlasterX-Fi Fatal1ty FPS, priced at US$279.99, the Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum, priced at US$199.99 and the Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic, priced atUS$129.99, will be available this month in the US (August 22nd shipping), probably in September in Europe.

    I hope to test the Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic by the end of the month. Watch this space! Wonder if the card gets hot with all those components on it?

    Jonathon Marks is a highly-experienced radio reporter, expert on the next stages of the media, an all-round good egg and friend of Digital-Lifestyles. One of his publications is What Caught My Eye – Broadcast & Podcast Gadgets

    Sound Blaster X-Fi