
  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review

    UK iPhone: Detailed ReviewWe’re all to aware that many sites have reviewed the iPhone, but the vast majority of them have been done by American sites.

    Following last weeks UK release we thought it would be interesting to have a look at it through UK eyes, after all, nationalities use devices differently – a great example being the UK obsession with SMS texting, compared with the US not really seeing its value.

  • Stewart Purvis Joins Ofcom

    Stewart Purvis, news super-hero and friend of DL, has been appointment as the new Partner for Content and Standards at Ofcom.

    The Content and Standards Group oversees regulation of television and radio quality and standards and compliance with the Broadcasting Code.

    He’s a hard-bitten newsman who has a strong understanding of technology and the changes that it is bring to the world of media.

  • MyFootballClub Announces Team They’re Buying

    MyFootballClub Announces Team They're BuyingThe UK football club that is being bought by Web site, MyFootballClub has been announced today.

    MyFootballClub (MyFC) is a revolutionary Web-based idea that will see the decisions of the management of the club – transfers, player selection and all major decisions – carried out by the paid-up members of the site – perhaps one of the only true forms of democracy still left. Thinks of it as fantasy football, but with a real team.

  • KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro Mobile Phone

    KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro MobileGot 0.25 million Euros rattling around in your pockets and looking for a new mobile phone? KMD-edition will be more that willing to help you out.

    They’ve just released a range of phones that are certainly not for the average man in the street, and not just because of the cost.

  • Babel TV Launches (Podcast)

    Babel TV LaunchesWe toodled along to the launch of Babel TV, a new TV/ PVR/ Internet/ Computing device, earlier this week.

    Sadly we have to use that long, awkward description because, as yet, no one’s come up with a snappy term to match its wide range of functions.

  • Hushmail Opens Emails To US DEA

    Hushmail Opens Emails To US DEAIt appears that Hushmail isn’t quite as secure as it was initially thought to be.

    Up to this point, it was thought that Hushmail was completely secure as messages were stored encrypted. Indeed Hushmail used to boast that not even their engineers would be able to read messages of users.

  • YouPorn Featured In London Metro Newspaper

    YouPorn Featured In London Metro NewspaperThe times are clearly changing. Metro, one of the give-away papers in London, covered YouPorn in a whole page article in yesterday’s edition.

    As well as pointing out that YouPorn is supposed to be the 27th most visited site in the UK, three slots behind eBay, it surprisingly bigs up the benefits of amateur porn.

    At the bottom of the page, they take it a couple of stages further and give tips on how you can look good when making your own porn video!

    As a side issue, the piece also mentions a UK version of YouTube (new to us), which after a quick glance (you’ve got to research these things, haven’t you) looks like a poor copy of the original.

    We suspect that having such high billing in the Metro, YouPorn’s popularity will be on the rise.

  • iPlayer Opening: Post BBC Interview with Mark Taylor, OSC (Podcast)

    iPlayer Opening: Post BBC Interview with Mark Taylor, OSC (Podcast)As promised, below is the interview we did yesterday evening with Mark Taylor, President of the Open Source Consortium, following their meeting the BBC Technology staff, giving you the latest news on the BBC’s view on changing the iPlayer to an open platform rather than the Microsoft-only approach they’ve taken until now.

  • iPlayer: BBC DOES Want Open Platform: OSC

    iPlayer: BBC DOES Want Open Platform: OSCWe met with Mark Taylor, President of the Open Source Consortium (OSC) last night, directly after his meeting with the BBC to discuss opening-up the iPlayer to run on more platforms than just the Microsoft browser.

    It appears that the meetings were positive and boiled down to two points, the BBC feels they haven’t communicated their desires for iPlayer properly and that they want the iPlayer to run on an open platform.

  • Ashley Highfield & The BBC iPlayer PR Offensive

    We’ve had a listen to the podcasted interview with Ashley Highfield, Director of BBC Future Media and Technology, put out by BBC Backstage and thought it was worth some comment.

    It’s clearly part of a PR battle against those who are voicing disappointment at the BBC making the iPlayer only work on a Microsoft platform.