
  • Video ID Matches: YouTube’s Anti-Piracy Tools

    Video ID Matches: YouTube's Anti-Piracy ToolsAlways keen to stay on top of how content is being used and distributed, a few of us at DL have been playing around with the playlists and ‘channel’ building abilities of YouTube of late.

    While compiling and organising collections of strange video that we found, an interesting options popped out at us.


  • Moo Cards: Customer Support Is BAD

    Moo cards - Customer Support Is BADThis is a sad and sorry tale. A tale of not having a clue how to treat your customers.

    When we got our first Moo cards back in May 2007, we loved them. We ordered, they delivered. Simple.

    We’ve had the same experience quite a few times since then – UNTIL we had to send some back.

  • Facebook Harassment Charge Dismissed

    Facebook Harassment Charge DismissedWhat is thought to be the first UK trail involving Facebook has ended in the dismissal of the case at Birmingham’s magistrates court.


  • Voipfone Broadband: A Managed DSL Service VoIP Users

    Voipfone Broadband: A Managed Service VoIP UsersVoipfone continues to expand their available services, now adding Voipfone Broadband to their offerings.


  • Brake Lights Gain Intelligence

    Brake Lights Gain IntelligenceThe invention of the brake light on the car was arguably the most important addition to the safety of driving, probably trailed by the availability of ABS.

    Somehow, perhaps because brake lights are so important, there’s been no significant advance in their development, beyond changing the bulbs to a brighter version.


  • Two New Directors At Ofcom

    Two New Directors At OfcomUber-regulator Ofcom is making two changes at the upper echelons of the organisation.

    Ofcom are bringing in people who are currently working at some of the media companies that they are regulating. With some artistic licence you could even stretch it to poacher turned game keeper.


  • e-cigarette: Real, Apparently

    We’re not sure how serious this one is – an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette.

    In a land like the UK, where those who wish to smoke in a public building, like a pub, are cast outside the buildings to drag from their cigarettes, come cold, rain or shower – something that gives the nicotine hit without all of the bother might be welcome.

    Ta Da! Here comes the e-cigarette that lets all of those nicotine-nuts get their hit without having to go outside.


  • fipr: Phorm Web Monitoring Illegal?

    fipr: Phorm Web Monitoring Illegal?Ask most people about their views on Phorm and you’ll either get a blank look or people turning purple with rage.

    In brief: It’s a ‘service’ that monitors all of your normal Web browsing, with the stated aim of providing personalised advertising to you. All of this monitoring is made possible under agreements with ISPs, including BT, Talk Talk and Virgin Media.

  • Film Studios Relying On Web Trailers

    Film Studios Relying On Web TrailersOnline trailers are now proving to be a vital part of a new film’s marketing, with a short web teaser able to generate a substantial buzz prior to a movies release.

    The latest Indiana Jones sequel – due to open on May 22 – has been trailed online for nearly a month, with millions of fans clicking through to get an eyeful of the promo.


  • Half Of UK Consumers Unhappy With Their Internet Provider

    Half Of UK Consumers Unhappy With Their Internet ProviderAround half of the UK’s broadband users are less than chuffed with the service they’re getting from their Internet providers, despite improved speeds and cheaper deals.

    According to a survey by the price comparison service uSwitch, punters are having a good old moan about their broadband service, even though high-speed connections are both cheaper and faster than before.