
  • Le Moteur Search: FranceTelecom Takes On Google

    Le Moteur: FranceTelecom Take On Google SearchDo you remember back in the early Web days when everyone wanted to start their own search engine? You couldn’t move for people starting search engines, then Google hit and everyone – bar Microsoft, their huge cash pile and their Live search – backed away.

    FranceTelecom have now launched their search engine, Le Moteur – The Engine, to any non-linguists.

  • EC Mobile Carbon Footprint App Launches

    EC Mobile Carbon Footprint App LaunchesIt’s a good thing that we’re all becoming aware of the impact of our actions on the world as a whole. One of the problems is being able to know what the impact different types of actions make.

    To that end, the European Commission (EC) has launched an application, mobGAS, that you run on your mobile phone to help you monitor your daily activities, and enable you to understand the impact of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide generated.

  • KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro Mobile Phone

    KMD-Edition: The 250,000 Euro MobileGot 0.25 million Euros rattling around in your pockets and looking for a new mobile phone? KMD-edition will be more that willing to help you out.

    They’ve just released a range of phones that are certainly not for the average man in the street, and not just because of the cost.

  • Jalipo: Pay-per-minute Sports Video Launched

    Jalipo: Pay-per-minute Sports StartingJalipo, an online video service, has announced that they will now be carrying televised sporting events.

    As opposed to the more usual way of paying for the pleasure of watching sports events – on a subscriptions or pay-per-view basis – Jalipo will be charged on a pay-per-minute basis.

  • Vodafone Scoops Up Spanish And Italian Broadband Firm

    Vodafone adds Spanish and Italian broadbandMobile mega-company Vodafone has waved its enormous wad in the direction of Europe and acquired the Italian and Spanish assets of telecoms firm Tele2 AB for an eye-watering £537 million.

    The Swedish-owned Tele2 enjoys a big presence in Italy, offering fixed-line and Internet services to more than 2.6 million users, including 400,000 broadband customers.

  • Wiinstrument: Wii Drumming On Mac: Video & Podcast

    Wiinstrument: Wii Druming On Mac: Video and PodcastWe’ve all see Wii-motes being used for all sort of strange purposes, well this one is useful.

    A bunch of students at University of Potsdam, Germany have written a programme that lets you use your Wiimote and nunchuck to trigger sounds, such as drums and cymbals on a Mac. It’s not just drums that can be triggered, but any MIDI sound.

    The accelerometer in the Wii-mote senses how hard the drums are being played, varying the loudness and harshness of the sound. It’s wire-free as it uses Bluetooth to connect.

  • EU Slashes Mobile Charges

    EU Slashes Mobile ChargesThanks to the European Commission, mobile phone calls within the EU have just got a whole load cheaper.

    The Commission has wielded its mighty powers to establish limits on how much mobile phone operators can charge their customers, with calls now costing no more than 34 pence a minute, while incoming calls are now pegged at a 17p/minute rate.

  • Microsoft European Anti-Trust Appeal: Actual Judgement Text

    Microsoft European Anti-Trust Appeal: Actual Judgement TextWith the overview of Microsoft losing of their European appeal against the European court case completed, we thought you’d appreciate the actual judgement handed down.

    1. Annuls Article 7 of Commission Decision 2007/53/EC of 24 March 2004 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 82 [EC] and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement against Microsoft Corp. (Case COMP/C-3/37.792 – Microsoft), in so far as:

  • Microsoft Loses European Anti-Trust Appeal

    Microsoft Loses European Anti-Trust AppealMicrosoft has lost its appeal against a court ruling that they abused their dominant position in Europe.

    The judgement released today was handed down by the European Court of First Instance – following the hearings on 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 April 2006 – is huge, running to 1373 points.

    In the courts words “The Court of First Instance essentially upholds the Commission’s decision finding that Microsoft abused its dominant position,” this is despite Microsoft providing their own shortlist of people they found acceptable to provide evident to the court and request to delay the hearing.

  • Record Breaking Growth For UK Internet Sales

    Record Breaking Growth For UK Internet SalesWith shoppers driven indoors and online by the miserable weather, UK online sales soared past £4bn in a month for the first time ever, according to latest figures from IMRG.

    The online retail body reported that Internet sales have exploded over the last year, with this July’s figure of £4.2bn up a hefty 80 per cent from £2.34bn in July 2006.