
Projects used to display still or moving images

  • Oregon Scientific Release Thin Projecting Clock And Weather Station

    Oregon Scientific Release Thin Projecting Clock And Weather StationWe’ve been using a projection clock for over a year now and find it great to use.

    Somehow you feel like you’re waking up less if you just have to open your eyes and look up at the time projected onto the ceiling, rather than actually lift your head to look at the clock beside you bed, to find out what unearthly hour you’ve woken up at.

    Anything that wakes you up less in the middle of the night has got to be a good thing, that is unless you want to wake up of course!


  • InFocus X9 Projector Delivers 720p Video On A Budget

    InFocus X9 Projector Delivers 720p Video On A BudgetWith the huge rise in sales of big Plasma/LCD screens, it’s not surprising that projector companies are trying to cut themselves a slice of the consumer action.

    Last week we attended an open day put on by Epson who were keen to show off their home-targeted range of projectors and now US company InFocus have weighed in with their budget priced InFocus X9 720p DLP projector.


  • Optoma Pico Projector: Handheld Midget

    Optoma Pico Projector: Handheld MidgetProjections company Optomo has announced a pocket-sized video projector.

    A long time back, Texas Instruments, or TI as it’s commonly referred to as, made the decision that they’d be a big player, if not the largest, in the world of video projectors.


  • Oculon’s Hikari Pro920/Pro1440 – World’s Smallest Projectors?

    Oculon's Hikari Pro920/Pro1440 - World's Smallest Projectors?There’s no denying that your pockets will have to be a tad larger than most, but Oculon really have managed a marvellous feat of miniaturisation with their new Hikari Pro1440 and Pro920 projectors.


  • 24 London: Interactive Bar Get London Launch

    24 London: Interactive Bar Get London LaunchYou know what it’s like when you want a drink at a busy bar – it can take ages to get yourself served sometimes. Often because the bar tender doesn’t know you’re waiting.

    Those behind new bar, twentyfour London, claim that this is all in the past. Alongside a whole host of interactive and technology whiz bangs, this bar helps you get served.

  • Texas Instruments Demos Mobile Phone Projector

    As if having someone hand you their mobile and insist that you’d be bored to death looking at their collection of blurry, “here’s me drunk with my mates” videos wasn’t bad enough, it looks like things are set to get a lot worse.

    Texas Instruments Demos Mobile Phone ProjectorAt the CTIA Wireless 2007 show in Orlando, Florida, tech firm Texas Instruments has been giving public demonstrations of its digital light processing (DLP) ‘pico’ projector – a teensy weensy movie projector that’s small enough to wedge into a mobile phone.

    “How does it all work?” we hear you ask. And the answer is, “with clever stuff that we don’t quite understand.”

    We can tell you, however, that the mini-projector sports three lasers, a LP chip and a power supply, with the whole caboodle measuring just 38mm, making it technically possible to fit in all the gubbins inside a normal sized phone.

    Texas Instruments Demos Mobile Phone ProjectorUsing the phone projector (“phonejector?” “prophonetor”?”), the mobile phone will eventually be able to beam DVD-quality video on to a screen or a wall, making it a workable portable video player or TV.

    However, the prototype is currently only capable of displaying an image about the size of an A4 sheet of paper (8.5×11-inches) at a rather humble HVGA (640×240) resolution in “ambient light conditions” (i.e. it’s not very bright).

    We understand that for some of you, the prospect of filling giant walls with the handheld highlights of the office party may prove a compelling attraction, but we’re afraid that you’re going to having to wait: TI has not announced when it will actually start producing projectors for the mobile phone market.


  • NEC DLP Projector Sits 2.5″ from Screen

    Video projectors are great for showing large, high quality video images, but they have a few problems. They normally have to be placed a significant distance from the screen they are being projected on to, to ensure the projected image is large enough; and, because the light is projected a long distance to the screen, walking between the projector and the screen blocks the projected image. This normally leads to the projector being mounted to the ceiling to try and minimise the impact of these disadvantages.

    A while back NEC took note of these and produced a DLP (Digital Light Processor) projector that takes a different approach. The WT600 is a short-throw projector that, unlike other projectors, uses four aspheric (convex) mirrors. This means it can be placed as close as 2.5 inches from its screen, and still produce a 40″ image. Placing it 26″ away results in a 100″ image. It can be placed in front of or behind the screen, on the floor or the ceiling and can run as quietly as <32dB.This week they've installed a number of them for an exhibition called Ecce Homology at the Fowler Museum at UCLA as, due to the restricted space available and the need for the viewers to interact with the projected graphics, no other projector could fit the bill.A really interesting feature is provided by some of the software, called ImageExpress, that ships with it and other projectors in the NEC range. It enables a number of computers/laptops to switch between projecting what is displayed on their screens on to the projected screen, either using an Ethernet cable or wirelessly using 802.11b. Great news when a number people bring content to a meeting that they want to share with everyone, such as a group friend showing holiday photos.The 13-lb., 1500 ANSI lumen, XGA resolution DLP projector currently retailing for just under $7,000 (~£4,150), placing it in the same price range as plasma displays.NEC WT600 specification

    Ecce Homology at the Fowler Museum at UCLA