
Content in its shift to become digital

  • Exilim Zoom EX-Z850 Digital Camera From Casio

    Exilim Zoom EX-Z850 Digital Camera From CasioA shiny new 8 megapixel digital camera has just rolled of Casio’s well-used photographic slipway, the Exilim Zoom EX-Z850.

    The EX-Z850 offers 8.1 megapixel photos, a 3x optical zoom with both manual aperture and shutter speed priority AE options for advanced users who aren’t afraid to delve about with exposure options.

    There’s a sizeable 2.5″ Super Bright 115k pixels LCD onboard and the EX-Z850 includes the latest version of the EXILIM Engine, featuring the software-based Anti Shake DSP to reduce the risk of blurred shots.

    Exilim Zoom EX-Z850 Digital Camera From CasioAlthough effective, this is never as good as a proper optical stabilisation system, and relies on ramping up the ISO and shutter speed to freeze action – so you often get sharp pictures at the expense of increased image noise.

    Operation looks to be pretty fast, with the Casio boasting a one-second power up, 0.005 second shutter lag and high-speed picture playback of approximately 0.1 seconds interval.

    An intriguing Zoom Continuous Shutter feature creates a “shot within a shot”, with the user selecting an area of an image to zoom into and the camera then taking two images with a single press of the shutter.

    Exilim Zoom EX-Z850 Digital Camera From CasioWe’re not quite sure what that means or how the effect is achieved, but we hope it doesn’t involve digital zoom.

    The camera’s got a decent battery life capable of notching up 440 shots on a single charge, with the camera sporting three new flash functions:

    Rapid Flash blasts out three flash photos in only one second, Soft Flash prevents overexposure of subjects photographed up close and High Power Flash reckons that it can illuminate subjects up to 12.1 metres away.

    Casio have also included its Revive Shot, which claims to “refresh faded colours of old photos by bringing them back to life in digital format.”

    Exilim Zoom EX-Z850 Digital Camera From CasioApparently it does this by “automatically adjusting for obliquity even when photos are shot while still in the album” – whatever that means.

    The camera looks nice enough but without proper optical stabilisation and extended ISO performance, we reckon Casio are going to have to offer a really competitive price to make this one stand out from the pack.

    Sensor 1/1.8 ” Type CCD, 8.1 million effective pixels
    Image sizes 3264 x 2448, 3264 x 2176 (3:2), 2816 x 2112, 2304 x 1728, 1600 x 1200, 640 x 480
    Movie clips 640 x 480, 320 x 240
    File formats Still: JPEG (Exif 2.2)
    Movie: AVI (MPEG-4)
    Lens 38-114mm equiv, F2.8-5.1, 3x optical zoom
    Image stabilization Anti Shake DSPDigital zoom up tO 8x
    Focus Contrast type AF (selectable between spot, multi), 9-point Multi AF
    Exposure Modes Program AE, Shutter Priority AE, Aperture Priority AE
    Focus Macro mode, Infinity mode, Pan focus, Manual focus
    AF assist lamp Yes
    Focus distance Normal: 40cm to infinity, Macro: 10 to 50cm, Manual: 10cm to infinity
    Metering Multi-pattern, Centre weighted, Spot
    Exilim Zoom EX-Z850 Digital Camera From CasioISO sensitivity Auto (Max ISO1600 when using ‘Anti-Shake’ or’ High Sensitivity’ BEST SHOT modes)ISO50, ISO100, ISO200, ISO400
    Exposure compensation +/-2EV in 1/3 EV steps
    Shutter speed
    Program AE: 1/2 to 1/1600 sec
    Shutter Speed Priority and Manual Exposure AE: 60 to 1/1600 sec
    Aperture Priority AE: 1 to 1/1600 sec
    Program and Shutter Speed Priority AE: F2.8-8.0 (Autoswitching)
    Manual Exposure and Aperture Priority AE: F2.8/4.0 (Autoswitching)
    Connectivity USB 2.0
    Storage 8MB internal memory, SD / MMC compatible
    Power NP-40 Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
    Weight (no batt) 130 g
    Dimensions 89 x 58.5 x 23.7 mm


  • ShoZu Mobile Photo Application: Brief Update

    ShoZu Mobile Photo Application: Brief UpdateWe covered ShoZu winning an award to last weeks 3GSM. Sadly we’d hit problems trying to test it out, but here’s the update.

    Thanks to the top brass at Shozu for getting in touch to remedy our installation hiccups. Before the contact, we’d loaded another browser (Firefox over Safari, which didn’t hang) and managed to get the WAP download link onto our trusty Sony k750i.

    The next problem we hit was of our impatient making. When getting the downloaded app authorised to use the phones Internet connection and access out photo’s on-board, we didn’t read the message fully and only fixed the Internet problem – the message didn’t reflect this.

    We’ve now got it working and have been playing with ShuZo.

    The problems we hit getting/authorising the ShuZo app on a myriad of mobile phones will be found by many others, and as far as we can see, there’s no obvious way to tackle it without being very patient and holding the hand of the user.

    Looks like a clear need for a standard for getting active mobile applications working across handsets.


  • Dixons Loads Unsigned Music Acts Onto MP3 Players

    Dixons Loads Unsigned Acts Onto MP3 PlayersIn an interesting and innovative twist, Dixons have teamed up with Pulse Rated, a Internet radio station, to fill up the empty space on new MP3 players with tracks from unsigned bands.

    The 60 unsigned bands – none of which you’re likely to have heard of before – were shortlisted by Pulse Rated from more than 10,000 wannabes, and Dixons will load a freebie tune from each on selected MP3 players.

    The music covers a huge range of genres including pop, rock, dance, R&B and hip-hop (no death metal?).

    Bryan Magrath, stores and marketing director at Dixons, was honest about the music on offer: “It is an indication of the rate at which technology is moving that just two years ago an initiative like this wouldn’t have been considered. We won’t be giving Simon Cowell sleepless nights yet, but we do believe we can play a role in helping break new and emerging music talent.”

    Richard LaBrum, chairman of Pulse Group, commented: “This promotion is an incredible opportunity for these up-and-coming acts to get their music listened to by a much wider audience.”

    Dixons Loads Unsigned Acts Onto MP3 PlayersWe expect this initiative to increase our already impressive tally of artists offered recording deals as a result of our activities – all of which are provided totally free of charge to the artists,” he added with a plug-tastic air.

    Anything that gives enterprising bands an opportunity to be heard outside their immediate fanbase can only be good for consumers and the band themselves, so we like the sound of this a lot.

    Unless the next MP3 player we get comes with a load of boy band tosh, of course.

    The first players preloaded with unsigned bands will be the 512MB and 1GB Logik MP3 players, retailing at £39.99 (~$70, ~€58) and £64.99 (~$113, ~€95) respectively.

    Pulse Rated

  • MySpace: Parents’ Concerns Grow

    Parents' Concerns Grow Over MySpaceThe kids may love it, but concerns are growing over social-networking sites like which encourage young users to build ever-larger circles of friends.

    Media mogul Rupert Murdoch forked out $580 million for MySpace last July and the site is now the undisputed big daddy of all U.S. web community sites, holding nearly 50 percent of the market share – 10 times more than any single rival site, including Yahoo, Craigslist, Facebook, and LiveJournal.

    Recent newspaper headlines have led to some authorities claiming that the site is a magnet for adult sexual predators, with Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal already investigating a number of sexual assaults with links to MySpace.

    “What’s troubling is the pornography and the access by children,” Blumenthal told ZDNet.

    Much of the problems are related to teenagers putting up far too much personal information about themselves, making it easier for web weirdos, sleazy stalkers and other undesirables to make contact.

    Parents' Concerns Grow Over MySpaceLast week, authorities in Santa Cruz, California arrested a 26-year-old man on suspicion of felony child molestation after he met a 14-year-old high-school student on MySpace.

    According to a spokesman for the Santa Cruz County sheriff’s office, the suspect had claimed he was 15, 17 and 26 years old in online conversations that led to several meetings.

    MySpace has also been associated with murders in Baltimore and New Jersey, as well as rape and child molestation cases in Texas, Connecticut, Hawaii and California.

    Playboy campaign
    Playboy’s current campaign, “the Girls of MySpace”, solicits naked photos from the site’s users who are “18 or older,” for possible publication in the magazine, with the company offering discounted membership to its online club for MySpace members.

    Here’s the tacky online blurb from the Playboy site:

    When we cast our ‘net looking for the sexiest Girls of MySpace, we had no idea the response would be so overwhelming. Hundreds of sexy submissions have already come in, and there’s no sign of letting up. Before Playboy’s all-original Girls of MySpace pictorials unfold this spring, we’ll be showing you a daily updated submissions gallery. Rate the candidates and when you’re done check out users’ outrageous online hookup stories.

    Parents' Concerns Grow Over MySpaceWith promotions like this, it’s not surprising that the site is proving attractive to older predators seeking to exploit young members.

    MySpace says that their users have to be at least 14 years old and are required to fill out an online form that includes their date of birth (like a 13 year old is going to take much notice of that!) – but with no effective screening or enforcement mechanism, we can see more trouble ahead.

    The company claims that it uses an automated search engine and a team of 100+ workers to sift through the “tens of millions” of profiles to pick out potential minors, but added that members need to recognise “the public nature of the Internet.”

    Perhaps parents need to understand the ‘nature of Murdoch’ and his News Corp organisation too?
    Myspace Tips For Parents

  • What Software On Which PDAs? Survey

    Handango Releases 2005 Mobile Software StatsHandango has released their annual “Handango Yardstick”, a global snapshot of the state of the mobile content industry in 2005.

    Containing specific reports for each of the five major mobile operating systems – BlackBerry, Palm OS, Symbian OS and Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone – the Yardstick offers stats on the top devices downloading software and digital content, best-selling applications and ringtones and software sales by category etc.

    Their 2005 report reveals that multimedia was the hot new category for 2005 with fast-rising sales on all platforms.

    Across the board, MP3 and music players; DVD/video converters and viewer and ringtone managers topped the best sellers list, with multimedia content ranking seventh in the top ten sales by categories

    The big hitters included Ring Tone Megaplex for BlackBerry, Ringo Pro for Palm OS, Pocket-DVD Studio for Windows Mobile Pocket PC and SmartMovie for Symbian OS.

    The Yardstick reported an overall increase in the average selling price (ASP) of mobile applications, surging upwards from $16.96 in 2004 to $20.03 in 2005.

    The dynamic nature of the smartphone/PDA industry was reflected by the fact that only four of the top ten devices adding content in 2004 – the Palm Treo 600/650, O2 XDA, Sony Ericsson P900/P910 and Palm Tungsten T Series – stayed in the list.

    Handango Releases 2005 Mobile Software StatsNew additions included the Motorola RAZR V3, the BlackBerry 7100 Series and the BlackBerry 7250/7290 (the first BlackBerry smartphone to ever make the top ten).

    The Palm Treo 650 shunted the Treo 600 into second place as it grabbed the title of the number one device adding content, with the Palm Tungsten E, Palm Tungsten T3 and Palm Tungsten T5 trailing behind.

    Although more than 2,125 new applications were created for the Palm OS in 2005, this represented a hefty 89 percent decrease from last year.

    Here’s the top ten best-selling applications for Palm OS according to Handago:

    • 1. Agendus Professional Edition
    • 2. Treo Voice Dialing
    • 3. AOL for Treo 650
    • 4. Agendus Standard Edition
    • 5. PocketMirror Standard Edition
    • 6. Diet & Exercise Assistant
    • 7. SplashID
    • 8. KeySuite
    • 10. Ringo Pro

    Palm Yardstick [PDF]

    Windows Mobile Pocket PC
    A total of 3,024 new applications were launched on Windows Mobile Pocket PC platforms in 2005 – down on the previous year’s total by 17 percent.

    Handango Releases 2005 Mobile Software StatsThe top ten Windows Mobile Pocket PC applications were:

    • 1. Spb Pocket Plus
    • 2. Battery Pack Pro
    • 3. Agenda Fusion
    • 4. Pocket-DVD Studio
    • 5. SBSH PocketBreeze
    • 6. Microsoft Voice Command – US Edition
    • 7. Pocket Informant
    • 8. eWallet
    • 9. Pocket Controller-Professional
    • 10. Spb Weather

    Pocket PC Yardstick [PDF]
    Smartphone Yardstick [PDF]

    The Handango Yardstick reported a busy year for BlackBerry with 462 new applications contributing to a 67 percent increase over last year.

    The top three BlackBerry devices adding content in 2005 — the BlackBerry 7250, BlackBerry 7290 and BlackBerry 7100t — were also three of the top smartphones adding content across all platforms.

    The top ten best-selling applications for BlackBerry were:

    • 1. Ring Tone Megaplex
    • 2. WebViewer
    • 3. Aces Texas Hold’em – No Limit
    • 4. IM+
    • 5. Acrobat PDF Graphical Attachment Booster
    • 6. CryptMagic + PC Desktop
    • 7. Sol Mania
    • 8. Ascendo Photos
    • 9. Requwireless Value Bundle
    • 10. PocketDay Professional Edition

    Blackberry Yardstick [PDF]
    Symbian Yardstick


  • Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac Safe (Update 2)

    Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac SafeThe days of smugness of Apple Macintosh users are coming to an end. Symantec is reporting that they’ve recently identified a virus for Macs. It’s a pretty rare occurrence, given there’s only been about 10 Apple viruses in the last 10 years.

    Given the rareness of this, we felt it’d be worth delving further into this one.

    The OSX/Leap-A virus uses the Apple Instant Messaging (IM) software, iChat, to spread itself. Once installed, it spreads itself by forwarding the virus payload (translated – reads the program that infects your machine) as photos from your IM pal, under the name ‘latestpics.tgz’. It’s not selective, it just runs through your IM list attempting to infecting each of them in turn.

    Macs still safer
    The next stage illustrates PC & Mac virus are notably different. To become infected, the recipient has to get involved, and not just once, but follow a few clicks.

    In the case of the OSX/Leap virus – the .gz file has to be accepted; clicked on to unbundle; then executed. The more steps there are to follow, leads to a significant reduction in the chances of it being executed without suspicion. PC viruses often install themselves without the user knowing anything about it.

    Symantec tell us that to date, no Apple Mac virus has been able to install itself without the user getting involved in some way.

    Spotlight – used by OSX/Leap
    Illustrating the double-edged side of all technology, this virus uses Spotlight, the Apple supplied quick searching service that ships with OSX.

    Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac SafeBy identifying the four most recently executed apps using Spotlight, it uses this information to attempt to infect these files.

    Many Mac users will find this the most disturbing aspect of this virus. Something as integrated and wide-ranging as Spotlight being able to be taken over by a malicious program is very worrying.

    Safe with Intel-based Mac?

    (Update: Thanks to Lee Dickey for getting in touch pointing out that what we’ve written, about OSX.Leap not running on Intel-Macs conflicts with the advice on the Symantec page. To be clear, when we were researching the original article we spoke to Eric Chien, Chief Researcher at Symantec. He told us it did _not_ run on the Intel-Macs.)

    (Update 2: We’ve re-contacted Mr Chien today, and he now informs us that it _does_ run on Intel-Macs, but won’t spread from them. His words …

    There is no malicious payload (e.g., deleting of files, sending out personal information, etc.) in the threat itself and thus, on both Intel AND PPC.

    The threat merely tries to replicate. On Intel, it does not executeproperly and does not replicate successfully, but can be saved andcopied onto the system. The threat itself was clearly written for PPC.

    Ammendmants to our text have been made.)

    When delving into this, we found it interesting that the virus code doesn’t execute, at all, spread on Intel-based Macs, even when using the compatibility emulator, Rosetta. Summary – Intel-based Macs are safe from damage this heartless-beasty.

    Start the queue here marked ‘Conspiracy: Getting you to buy an Intel-based Mac.’

    Discussion on IM worm viruses
    We chatted over the currently state of Apple Mac viruses with Eric Chien, Chief Researcher with Symantec. It’s clear that it’s early days for Mac viruses, just take a look at the total lack of social engineering involved with the virus payload. All that’s delivered is the gz file, no supporting message to entice you into looking at them like, ‘hey have a look at these’, ‘here’s some shots of you last time you danced naked through town’, nothing.

    On the general subject of IM worms (viruses that use IM to transport themselves), we wondered if IM is less successful as IM users are generally more tech-aware, therefore less likely to be tricked into getting infected. As Chien pointed out, there’s also an instant response route to the potential-infector – ‘what’s this you’re sending me’ – which is likely to de-rail a lot of infection.

    One of the benefits in using IM to distribute viruses is that it plays on the intimate relationship with everyone on your IM list. They wouldn’t be there without that level of trust and this is easily abused – currently.

    Full details of how OSX/Leap installs itself and how to get rid of it are available from Symantec

  • Fujifilm FinePix F30 Offers Amazing ISO 3200

    Fujifilm FinePix F30 Offers Amazing ISO 3200With PMA 2006 (Photo Marketing Association International) looming ever closer on the horizon, there’s been a flurry of new camera announcements, and of real interest is Fujifilm’s successor the award-winning FinePix F10/F11 digital compacts, the new 6.3 megapixel Fujifilm FinePix F30.

    Fuji are billing the F30 as the world’s first digital compact camera to feature an incredible IS3200 sensitivity at full resolution – that’s eight times as effective in low light as a conventional compact with IS400.

    Fujifilm FinePix F30 Offers Amazing ISO 3200The camera comes with a 3x (36-108mm equiv) F2.8-8 zoom and uses a sixth generation Super CCD and Fujifilm’s groundbreaking Real PhotoProcessor II.

    Although we would have liked to have seen an optical stabilisation system built in, the high sensitivity rating should prove effective for freezing action and producing atmospheric shots in dark lighting.

    Fujifilm FinePix F30 Offers Amazing ISO 3200As with the F11, the camera boasts a sizeable 2.5-inch LCD screen, coated with Fujifilm’s proprietary CV film for reducing glare and reflection.

    The overall layout of the F30 remains the same as the F11, although the design has been tweaked slightly with a new mode selection switch and some smoothed body lines.

    Fujifilm FinePix F30 Offers Amazing ISO 3200We like the addition of a dedicated exposure compensation button on the back of the camera as we found some functions on the F11 to be annoyingly buried deep in menus.

    Shutter lag and start up time remains nippy (0.01 and 1.4 second respectively) and there’s a new ‘intelligent flash’ system onboard which takes uses the camera’s high sensitivity to combine natural foreground illumination with balanced exposure in the background.

    This, claims Fuji, will avoid, “both the messy background blur of ‘slow-sync’ flash, and the stark contrast of conventional flash.”

    Sticking with their annoyingly obscure xD-Picture Cards, the FinePix F30 boasts an exceptional 500-shot battery life and should be available from UK retailers in May 2006.

    Pricing to be announced nearer to the date of retail launch.

    Sensor 1/1.7 ” Type CCD, 6.3 million effective pixels
    Image sizes 2848 x 2136, 3024 x 2016 (3:2), 2048 x 1536, 1600 x 1200, 640 x 480
    Movie clips 640 x 480 @30fps, 320 x 240 @30fps with Monoaural sound
    File formats JPEG (Exif 2.2)
    Movie AVI (Motion JPEG)
    Lens 36-108mm equiv, F2.8-8, 3x optical zoom
    Focus AF with Macro
    AF area modes Center, Multi
    Macro 5cm (wide)
    Metering 25- zone TTL
    ISO sensitivity Auto, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200
    Shuttter speed 1/2000-15secs
    Aperture F2.8-8
    Modes Auto, Program AE, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Burst/Continuous
    Scene modes Natural light, Natural light with flash, Portrait, Landscape, Sport, Night, Fireworks, Sunset, Snow, Beach, Underwater, Museum, Party, Flower close-up, Text
    White balance Auto, Fine, Shade, Fluorescent light (Daylight), Fluorescent light (Warm white), Fluorescent light (Cool white), Incandescent light
    Self timer 2 or 10secs
    Continuous shooting 2.2fps max 3 images
    Image parameters Standard, Chrome (vivid), B&W
    Flash Auto, Intelligent flash mode, Red eye reduction, Forced flash, Supressed flash, Slow synch, Red eye reduction & Slow synch
    Viewfinder No
    LCD monitor 2.5-inch, 230,000 pixels
    Connectivity USB 2.0 high speed, Video out
    Print compliance PictBridge
    Storage 10MB internal memory, xD-Picture Card
    Power NP-95 Li-ion battery
    AC adapter AC-5VC included
    Weight (no batt) 155 g (5.5 oz)
    Dimensions 92.7 x 56.7 x 27.8 mm (3.6 x 2.2 x 1.1 in)


  • ShoZu, Mobile Photo Sharing App Wins Award: 3GSM

    We’ve found it amazing that no application has come along and claimed theposition as the de-facto mobile phone photo-handling application. Perhapsbecause it’s such a mouthful.

    Mobile phones with cameras are, after all, one of the main devices that areused by the wo/man in the street to capture most of their photos.

    One of the applications that fits into said category is ShoZu, and weimagine that they are feeling rather pleased with themselves today afterwinning an award at 3GSM.

    Prompted by the enthusiastic press release (below), we thought it was abouttime we tried it out – after all, we’d been seeing their name on Flickr forages, so it only seemed right.

    We hope our experience is unique otherwise there’ll be a lot of peopleusing other services that _aren’t_ ShuZo.

    The first few sign up screens were OK, until we were asked for our mobilephone number, so we could be mailed the app. Clicking the button to receivethis has, for the last half hour, just left us hanging.

    Initial impressions – not good, but we’re hoping it’s going to get better.

    We assume the 3GSM judges got over this.

    Cognima collects top award at 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona for its ShoZu mobile media application

    Wednesday  15  February  2006:  Cognima,  the  company  behind  ShoZu,  the free-to-download  mobile phone application which allows users to share full quality  images  and  video content with their chosen online community, was officially  named  as  a  world leader within the global mobile application market  by the 3GSM Association at last night’s worldwide award ceremony in Barcelona.   The  ShoZu  content  sharing  service, which was only recently launched  at  the  end  of  last  year,  offers users the smartest and most affordable way to share rich media content using mobile cameraphones.

    Accepting the award on behalf of Cognima, Mark Bole CEO said, “We have been delighted with the genuine support we have been getting from our customers, web partners and handset manufacturers in mobilizing a thriving and workable rich media content ecosystem.”

    ShoZu’s  ongoing  commitment  to fueling the mobile value chain by offering innovative  and simple high quality media content services has captured the mood  of  the  industry as it heads into the realm of consumer focused rich media  content sharing. The fundamental concept behind ShoZu’s rapid growth in   market  visibility  revolves  around  making  the  user-experience  as enjoyable and simple as possible and in doing so makes mobile image sharing both straight forward and immediate.

    ShoZu  has  been one of the defining presences at this year’s international congress,   highlighting   the   sustainable  growth  within  the  maturing international mobile content sharing industry.

    Bole added: “It is exciting that ShoZu has managed to capture the attention of the global community who are looking to work within this space. We are fully committed to finding new ways of allowing our growing user base to interact and participate with their online communities.”

    Earlier  on in the day, Mark Bole received a personal visit from HRH Prince Andrew  who  was  keen to hear about ShoZu’s work in the area of delivering and offering application solutions to a wider mass user market.

    Over  the  coming weeks, ShoZu will be announcing major enhancements to the service,  including  the  development of rich media content from the web to mobile  devices.  These  will  include  videocasting, podcasting, music and other third party media formats.

  • Lumix DMC-TZ1, DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim ‘World’s Smallest’ Honours

    DMC-TZ1 And DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim 'World's Smallest' HonoursPanasonic have released two additions to their popular Lumix digital camera range which the company are claiming are the world’s smallest in their categories.

    The Lumix DMC-TZ1 is being touted as the world’s smallest 10x optical zoom digital compact, while the equally diminutive Lumix DMC-FX01 claims the honours as the smallest digital compact with a 28mm wide-angle lens.

    Lumix DMC-TZ1
    Billed as “the ultimate travelling companion”, the DMC-TZ1 uses a cunning optical system using folded optics, a retractable lens system and a prism to offer the immense 10x zoom range (35-350mm equiv, F2.8-5.0).

    DMC-TZ1 And DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim 'World's Smallest' HonoursThe 5 megapixel camera comes with Panasonic’s well regarded optical image stabilisation system (you’ll definitely need that at the far end of its monster zoom) and sports the newly developed Venus Engine III, offering quick response times and an improved battery life (250 shots).

    The Lumix looks to be faster than grit off a shovel with its new Linear AF system claiming an industry-leading high speed AF performance, with the makers boasting a super-nippy shutter release time of 0.006sec minimum, a shutter interval of approximately 0.5 seconds and up to three frames per second in full resolution.

    DMC-TZ1 And DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim 'World's Smallest' HonoursAfter the dire high ISO performance of the Lumix flagship model, the LX1, we were happy to see the new Venus Engine III claiming to “dramatically reduce noise levels at increased ISO settings”, with ISO selectable from ISO80 to ISO800 (with a High Sensitivity Mode from ISO 800-1600).

    Like the LX1, the TZ1 can record widescreen movies at 848 x 480 (and 640 x 480) at 30 fps with sound and comes with zillions of scene modes but no manual mode.

    DMC-TZ1 And DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim 'World's Smallest' HonoursThere’s also 13.4 MB of internal memory onboard, a SD/MMC card slot and a 2.5-inch, 207k pixel TFT LCD.

    The camera is expected to be in the shops in March for $349.95 (~£207, ~€294).

    Lumix DMC-FX01
    The successor to the DMC-FX9, the new 6-megapixel Lumix DMC-FX01 is another petite chappie, boasting an impressively wide 28mm Leica DC zoom lens.

    The FX01 incorporates the Venus Engine Plus LSI, offering 320 pictures on a single charge, a 1.6 second start up time (20% less than the DMC-FX9) and a 0.005 second shutter lag.

    The new High Sensitivity mode allows low light shooting up to ISO 1600, with the built in Optical Image Stabiliser keeping the shakes at bay.

    DMC-TZ1 And DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim 'World's Smallest' HonoursThe f/2.8, Leica zoom lens gives users a handy wideangle range of 28-102mm equiv., and the camera come with the usual smorgasbord of scene modes for every conceivable occasion.

    DMC-TZ1 And DMC-FX01 Panasonic Cameras Claim 'World's Smallest' HonoursThe camera is also expected to be out in March for $349.95.


  • Opera Web Browser Now On Nintnedo DS

    Opera, Opera, everywhere

    Opera have had a concerted effort to place their Web browser on _everything_, most recently, with AJAX support on digitalTV.

    Nintendo have made an interesting move here. The DS has always been focused on providing gaming, so to take the jump to making it a Web-access device is significant.

    Those interested in running it will need to buy a Opera on a DS card and they’ll be away – browsing over Wifi on the dual screens.


    February 15, 2006: Opera Software today announced that it will deliver the World Wide Web to Nintendo DS users in Japan. In Opera’s agreement with Nintendo, Nintendo DS users will now be able to surf the full Internet from their systems using the Opera browser. The Opera browser for Nintendo DS will be sold as a DS card. Users simply insert the card into the Wi-Fi enabled Nintendo DS, connect to a network, and begin browsing on two screens.

    Earlier this year, Nintendo reported that 13 million Nintendo DS systems were sold to consumers around the world within just 13 months of its debut in November 2004. Nintendo DS combines unique dual screens, touch screen, voice recognition and wireless and Wi-Fi communications capabilities. According to an independent market research company in Japan, Nintendo DS has become the fastest selling video games machine to top the 6 million sales mark in Japan in just over 14 months since its Japanese debut, breaking the old record held by Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance.

    “The incredibly popular Nintendo DS is already Wi-Fi enabled to support real?time gaming, so adding Web browsing capabilities was a natural evolution for this device,” says Scott Hedrick, Executive Vice President, Opera Software. “Gaming devices are growing more advanced and a great Web experience is becoming a product differentiator for gaming manufacturers. Opera is excited to work with Nintendo to deliver a unique dual screen, full Internet experience on Nintendo DS.”

    With an on?screen keypad and stylus, users can easily navigate the Web from their Nintendo DS with PDA?like functionality. Based on the same core as the Opera desktop browser, Opera delivers superior speed and rendering of Web pages on the Nintendo DS.

    “Within just five seconds of turning on the system, the Nintendo DS is already fully operational. This makes it the ideal device to enable people to swiftly obtain the latest information from the internet, wherever they are,” says Masaru Shimomura, Deputy General Manager of Nintendo’s R & D Department. “Opera exceeded our expectations with its user friendly interface, quick access to all your favorite sites, ease of use and, most importantly, in making the best use of the Nintendo DS system’s unique double screens and touch screen features. Opera is an important partner for Nintendo in our efforts to further expand the users of the Nintendo DS.”>Nintendo Co., Ltd. held a presentation today in Tokyo, Japan, to announce updates for the Nintendo DS. Information on the availability of the Opera browser DS card has not yet been announced.