
Content in its shift to become digital

  • Christmas Guide: Seeking The Perfect High-End Digital Compact Camera (Part Two)

    Christmas Guide: Seeking The Perfect High-End Digital Compact Camera (Part Two)In Part One of our search for the hottest high end digital cameras, we finished by looking for something to beat one of our favourites, the Olympus XA.

    That camera was the Ricoh GR, which, like the XA, offered a fixed, wide angle lens in a compact package.


  • Christmas Guide: Seeking The Perfect High-End Digital Compact Camera (Part One)

    If you’re looking for an overview of the best High-End digital compact camera, you’ve come to the right place. Over the next few days, we’ll fill you in on what’s hot – Ed

    Seeking The Perfect High-End Digital Compact Camera (Part One)Way back in the pre-digital age, our favourite carry-everywhere camera was the Olympus XA, a wonderful lightweight (225g) and compact 35mm camera, measuring just 102 W x 64.5 H x 40 D mm and providing a superbly portable alternative to our Olympus OM2 SLR system.

    This pocket-sized wonder packed aperture-priority exposure controls, rangefinder focusing, an optional flash accessory and a fast 35mm lens with 10 sec-1/500 sec shutter speeds.


  • Mobile Internet Grows Eight Times Faster Than PC Web Use

    Mobile Internet Grows Eight Times Faster Than PC Web UseUse of the mobile Internet is growing eight times faster than traffic to the PC-based web, with the number of Brits accessing the Internet from their mobile devices soaring by 25% in the third quarter of 2008, according to new research from stat-studying spods Nielsen Online.


  • Apple User Copy Protection Fury

    Apple User Copy Protection FuryIt’s looking like Apple has built copy protection into their new laptops, without bothering to tell prospective purchasers about it.

    The currently Apple-faithful who have bought the new laptops, including the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, are finding that if they try to play films – that they have legitimately rented through Apple iTunes Store – through a non-HDCP external screen or projector are begin met with a message “This movie cannot be played because a display that is not authorised to play protected movies is connected.”

    Not surprisingly this has angered them a great deal – and quite rightly in our view.

    Given how Apple go to a great of effort in launching their products to the world, we think it’s pretty disingenuous not to mention that the laptops that are being bought have High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) built into them.


  • BBC Website To Become “Corporations Second Biggest Channel By 2012”

    BBC Website To Become BBC’s hugely popular website is on course to become the Corporation’s second biggest property in just four years, according to their new director of future media and technology, Erik Huggers.

    Spurred on by the success of their BBC iPlayer service, the BBC’s website has seen huge traffic rises and now looks set to be second only to their flagship channel BBC1 by 2012.


  • Sky & Virgin Kiss And Make Up: Carry Each Others Channels

    Finally Sky and Virgin Media are holding hands again following their bust up dating back to Feb 2007.

    The overview? Sky will carry some of Virgin’s channels on their service and Virgin will carry some of Sky’s channels – both agreements last until 2011. They’ll both drop the outstanding High Court actions against each other.

    Below is the press release from Sky in full …


  • Amazon’s 3D ‘Windowshop’ Web Interface Serves Up Eye Candy Feast

    Amazon's 3D 'Windowshop' Web Interface Serves Up Eye Candy FeastWith more bells and whistles than a Tinkers vs Morris Dancers wrestling bout, Amazon’s new WindowShop website offers a graphics-rich online shopping experience.

    You’ll need the latest version of Flash otherwise you’ll be looking at a page completely free of relevant content, but if your browser is up to date, then you should be in for a visual feast – just so long as you’re on a fast broadband experience.


  • Casio Exilim W63CA 8MP Camera Phone With HD Screen

    Casio Exilim W63CA 8MP Camera Phone With HD ScreenTaking the cameraphone concept to a whole new level is the Casio Exilim W63CA, a clamshell design handset packing in a mighty 8 Megapixel camera.

    Introduced by the Japanese mobile operator KDDi, the Casio has a camera feature set to challenge dedicated snappers, with support for 9-point auto focus, face detection, anti-shake and a YouTube video mode that records VGA video at 30fps to microSD.


  • Developer / Startup Match Making In London On Wednesday: Register Quick!

    Developer / Startup Match Making: Hurry UpUPDATED:Ben has been in touch to tell us the first event has sold out (Well done!). There have been expressions of interest in doing more of them, so stay tuned and we’ll keep you informed.

    Here’s a quick note to the London software developers out there.

    There’s an event this coming in London on Wednesday, 29 October, which is bringing together Developers and Startups – two sets of people who don’t normally socialise with each other, outside work dos.


  • FOWA London 2008 Review

    FOWA London 2008 ReviewFOWA or the Future of Web Apps, took place at the Excel in Docklands on the 8-10th of October 2008 with the conference running on Thu/Fri.

    FOWA was all about Web 2.0 or maybe even Web 3.0 or maybe that’s Web 4.0? Which ever way, it’s about the future of Web apps. You’ll have noticed that the clue is in the name.
