
Changes to business digitisation brings

  • The Future Of Moore’s Law Questioned

    The Future Of Moore's Law QuestionedFor over forty years Moore’s Law has stood to be correct. It’s now being questioned as to whether it will continue.

    Named after co-founder of Intel, Gordon Moore (pictured), Moore’s Law stated that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles every two years.

    Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst, semiconductor manufacturing, for research company iSuppli, has raised the flag that given the economics of the chip business, it could well come to an end, in around 2014.


  • Lord Carter, Digital Britain Report Author May Leave Government: UPDATED

    Lord Carter, Digital Britain Report Author May Leave GovernmentIt was most surprising to hear today that Lord Carter may be leaving the government.

    He’s currently preparing the much-vaunted Digital Britain Report, that is intended to form the UK governmental approach to digital media and its distribution.


  • AlertMe Raise £8m Funding

    AlertMe Raise £8m FundingToday we’ve had notice that AlertMe, a UK company that develops and sells alarm systems, has raised £8m in series B funding.

    Good Energies, Index Ventures, SET Venture Partners and VantagePoint Venture Partners were the investors.


  • PCW Magazine Closes: End Of An Era: UPDATED

    PCW Magazine Closes: End Of An EraA piece of UK computing history has fallen by the wayside today.

    It is with great sadness that we heard that PCW, Personal Computer World magazine is to close.

    This magazine defined UK home computing during the ’80s.

    Launching as a self-build hobbyest title in 1978, it soon adapted to what were then called micro-computers – Sinclair’s ZX80, BBC micro, etc.

    We’re talking early days here, when “What sort of sort” routine you should use was a heavily debated subject and a computer getting colour graphics was front cover news.


  • Twitter Introduces Advertising

    Twitter Starts AdvertisingFor a looooong time people have been wondering quite how Twitter is going to make money from this beast of a product that they have.

    Looks like they’ve taken the plunge into advertising.

    Today I logged on with a new account that I created yesterday, to see an advert placed in on the upper right hand side of the page.

    You may have noticed that this space has before been used for giving you tips on how to Tweet better – and we thought a pre-cursor of where commercial ads would appear.


  • Macbook Air Sucks! Video: Knifing or Conniving? Real Or Advertising?

    Macbook Air Sucks! Video: Knifing or Conniving? Real Or Advertising?You can’t have failed to have noticed that ‘social advertising,’ is the flavour of the month year.

    You know the type of thing – ‘edgy’ videos made to look like that they’ve been shot by an amateur on a wobbly handy cam, like Samsung did with their LED sheep video (which possibily was shot by farmers) and Samsung kind of did with their HD Phone.

    Macbook air sucks! video
    Today we saw a Tweet (Thx @iowaug) pointing us to a video …

  • iPhone Dork Plays Wembley, T-Mobile Flashmob Rip-Off Part Two

    iPhone Dork Plays Wembley, T-Mobile Flashmob Rip-Off Part TwoIn what looks like a truly desperate piece of attention-seeking, some bloke called Gary Go (we suspect that’s not his real name) has said he’ll be going onstage with his iPhone during a series of support slots at Wembley.

    The solo singer is due to support the well-ripened boy man band Take That in the summer, and claims to have written some songs using the virtual four-track studio iPhone application.


  • Virgin Signs Up To Google Email Deal

    Virgin Signs Up To Google Email DealVast clouds of backslapping dust were seen rising over Virgin Media’s offices after the company announced a partnership with Google to power its email service.

    The new service aims to offer better inbox management and more storage space and is being launched as a pilot for the first 20,000 to sign up today


  • Intel Profits Plummet, But Company Keeps Chirpy

    Intel Profits Plummet, But Company Keeps ChirpyProcessor heavyweights Intel have announced an almighty drop in operating income for 2009, yet remain confident that PC sales will rise over the coming months.

    The company recorded a whopping 56 per cent drop in its operating income for the first quarter of 2009, yet cheery Paul Otellini, Intel president and CEO remained upbeat, “We believe PC sales bottomed out during the first quarter and that the industry is returning to normal seasonal patterns.”


  • Samsung HD Phone Attempts Viral Video

    Samsung HD Phone Attempts Viral VideoIt’s hard getting attention for you new cameraphone in these days of many phones with 8Mpx, even if yours does shoot HD video.

    Samsung has taken the approach of commissioning a video that they hope will go viral.
