Microsoft:Yahoo Merger: Letter From Microsoft To Yahoo

Microsoft:Yahoo Merger: Letter From Microsoft To YahooHere’s a copy of the letter in full between Steve Balmer and the Chair and CEO of Yahoo, for your delectation.

Board of Directors
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Attention: Roy Bostock, Chairman
Attention: Jerry Yang, Chief Executive Officer

Dear Members of the Board:
Continue reading Microsoft:Yahoo Merger: Letter From Microsoft To Yahoo

Microsoft:Yahoo Merger Officially Floated – Holy Moly!!!

Microsoft:Yahoo Merger Officially Floated - Holy Moly!!!H O L D the phone!

Microsoft are reporting that they will be making a offer to purchase Yahoo for approx $44.6 billion in cash and stock.

This is not a joke, repeat, this is not a joke. It’s on the Microsoft site!
Continue reading Microsoft:Yahoo Merger Officially Floated – Holy Moly!!!

Internet Porn Addicts Targeted By US Presidential Hopefuls

US Presidential Hopefuls Go For Internet P0rn AddictsThe ever-irreverent News Biscuit has hit upon a story that could well be a traffic monster for them – combining Internet porn and the current presidential race.

Those tricky laugh generators have penned a piece which tells us that some of the presidential hopefuls have realised that, as there are soooo many Internet p0rn addicts, it’s worthwhile them sacrificing the female liberal vote – would would be outraged at such an idea – to get hold of the p0rn maniacs.

Continue reading Internet Porn Addicts Targeted By US Presidential Hopefuls

Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG Scheme

Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG SchemeVirgin are always rather good at separate you from your money – usually more money than you thought you wanted to spend – like the ‘opportunity’ of buying a place on the seats by the emergency exists on a plane, you know the ones that use to be free.

Well now they’ve come up with a way of getting Virgin Mobile PAYG customers to use their mobile phones on a daily basis, thus slowly using up their credit. They call it Daily Bonus
Continue reading Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG Scheme

Mobile Broadband Contract Gives Free Laptop

Mobile Broadband Contract Gives Free LaptopWe’re all aware of how many inducements there are around these days to get you to take up broadband, but here’s a new one to us.

Giant UK computer retailer, PC World, is offering a free laptop (or £350 towards one of their approved ten) to anyone who signs up through them for an 18-month 3G data contract with 3.

An example of a free laptop available under the scheme is an Advent 9912 (pictured), a Intel Celeron C530, 1GB RAM, 80GB drive laptop.

With the Mobile Broadband package you’ll get a USB-dongle modem with the ability to download at up to 2.8Mbps (YMMV).

The £35 mobile data service from 3 includes up to 3GB of downloads per month.

Wired Follows Oobject On Apple Failures

Wired Follows Oobject On Apple FailuresWired have a feature about failed Apple products called “Learning From Failure: Apple’s Most Notorious Flops.”

They’ve picked eight items Newton, Lisa, etc … including ones we’d never heard of, like The TAM (Twentieth Anniversary Mac).

If you’re getting a feeling of deja vu with all of this “Apple make mistakes” idea … you could well have in minds the collection of 19 items that Oobject had, “All time worst Apple products,” – a mere two months ago.

Good to see that there’s still re-cycling of Apple products … or ideas at least.

(We’ve been meaning to tell you about Oobject for ages … and with the time we’ve spent on it again today, looking around its various pages, it’s served as a reminder of how that article needs to be higher on our list).