e-cigarette: Real, Apparently

We’re not sure how serious this one is – an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette.

In a land like the UK, where those who wish to smoke in a public building, like a pub, are cast outside the buildings to drag from their cigarettes, come cold, rain or shower – something that gives the nicotine hit without all of the bother might be welcome.

Ta Da! Here comes the e-cigarette that lets all of those nicotine-nuts get their hit without having to go outside.

Continue reading e-cigarette: Real, Apparently

fipr: Phorm Web Monitoring Illegal?

fipr: Phorm Web Monitoring Illegal?Ask most people about their views on Phorm and you’ll either get a blank look or people turning purple with rage.

In brief: It’s a ‘service’ that monitors all of your normal Web browsing, with the stated aim of providing personalised advertising to you. All of this monitoring is made possible under agreements with ISPs, including BT, Talk Talk and Virgin Media.
Continue reading fipr: Phorm Web Monitoring Illegal?

WightCable Get AirSpan WiMax Kit

WightCable Get AirSpan WiMax KitWe wouldn’t normally cover something as apparently dry as this, but personal interest is a factor here.

Having space-shifted from London to The Isle of Wight just over three years ago, it’s really pleasing to see that the holder of WiMax license for the Island has applied to locate the WiMax aerial and kit in the town that we moved to – Ventnor.

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iPlayer iPhone Hacked AGAIN

iPlayer iPhone Hacked AGAINJust when the BBC were pleased to tell everyone that they’d fixed the hole in their iPhone iPlayer service that let people download TV programmes without DRM – the very next day, the originator of the hack, Paul Battley, produced an update to get around the BBC’s fix, re-opening the whole.

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Bebo Sells To AOL: $850m

Bebo Sells To AOL: $850mAOL will be buying social Networking site Bebo for $850m cash.

Well done to all of those at Bebo, the social network that (more or less) quietly got on with building its 40 million members while the other social network shouted about what they were up to.

It’s interesting that the deal is all cash, with one interpretation of that being that Bebo and its backers wanted to cashout rather than receive stock that might decrease in value.

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