Simon Perry

  • Virtual Trainers In A Virtual Mirror: Video

    Virtual Trainers In A Virtual Mirror: VideoHere’s an interesting video that we grabbed at IFA last year.

    The concept? Rather than shops needing to have huge stock of every trainer available, all that would be needed is for a stock of virtual trainers.

    This gives the shops a number of advantages. The shops can be considerably smaller, saving money on expensive ground rent; they’ll be able to sell trainers that they don’t have in stock; trainers that don’t even _exist_ can be sold – how good is that for a business?


  • Zattoo Mini Review: Live TV Streaming On Your Computer

    Zattoo Mini Review: Live TV Streaming On Your ComputerZattoo is a P2P applications for all three computer platforms (Linux, Mac and Windows) that lets you view live streams of many TV channels.


  • Site Down Site DownAnyone been to the T-Mobile site today? Thanks to Ian who pointed it out to us, we’ve just visited there to find that the site is showing a single holding page.

    We all know that the online world has its difficulties with servers every now and again, but T-Mobile are claiming that they we’ve caught them “secretly working on the site.”


  • Warner Music And Last.FM Part Company: Brief Analysis

    Warner Music And Last.FM Part Company: Brief AnalysisFriday saw the news that Warner Music and Last.FM had ended their arrangement to have Warner’s music play on the free on-demand music streaming service that Last.FM runs.

    It’s unclear if Warner’s dropped Last.FM or if Warner’s were themselves dropped.

  • Logosphere: Kitchen Table Lingo Wants Your Words

    Logosphere: Kitchen Table Lingo Wants Your WordsIt appears that no-one is immune to Internet fads these days, even traditional venerable institutions such as Oxford English Dictionary (OED) are getting involved.

    (Amazingly the OED is only 80 years old – it’s one of those things that you would have assume had been around since the invention of the print press in Europe by Gutenberg … or before.)


  • Paul McGuinness Of U2 Fame: Our Comments

    Paul McGuinness Of U2 Fame: Our CommentsPaul McGuinness, the manager of U2, has been speaking at a conference, Music Matters conference in Asia, addressing what he thinks is wrong with the music business and who is to blame for its reduced ability to make money.

    Broadly — to save you having to read the 12 pages of it — he thinks the ISPs are making loads of money, because people are getting broadband connections to download/share music.

  • Age of Conan Hits 1 Million Units

    Age of Conan Hits 1 Million UnitsAge of Conan, a fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), by Funcom has within three weeks of its release has reached the major milestone of shipping one million units.


  • Microsoft DRM: A Blunt Knife

    Microsoft DRM: A Blunt KnifeWhat a blunt knife Microsoft’s DRM is. We don’t know if you’ve noticed before, but some time in the last, Microsoft made change to their Media Player, stopping screen grabs of videos that are playing.

    Clearly Microsoft thought this would be something that would appeal to content owners in fear of their work being taken without payment – even if it was only a single frame of it.


  • Gmail Contacts Upgraded: Good Job

    Gmail Contacts UpgradedIf you’ve not been into the contacts section of Google Mail recently, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you do, to see that it’s had a pretty major makeover. We might have noticed it earlier, but we avoided using the old contacts system as it was so clunky previously.


  • Cash For Your Life Insurance: New Spam Attack

    Cash For Your Life Insurance: New Spam AttackThere appears to be a new type of spam attack, the focusing of an email blitz for a limited period of time – with a potentially high return for the spammer.
