Mike Slocombe

  • PlacesBar Editor: Windows XP Utility Review (85%)

    PlacesBar Editor: Windows XP UtilitySometimes it’s the little software utilities that make a pleasing difference to your productivity, and one that’s currently making our workload a little bit lighter every day is Melloware’s PlacesBar Editor.


  • Google To Buy Up Digg?

    Google To Buy Up Digg?Currently burning up the blogosphere is the hot rumour that search giants Google are in final negotiations to acquire the user-driven, social content website Digg for “around $200 Million.”


  • LX3: Panasonic Lumix Flagship Digicam

    Panasonic Lumix LX3 Flagship DigicamWe’ve already talked about Panasonic’s new superzoom camera, but to be honest we’re far more interested in its new prosumer Lumix DMC-LX3 digital camera.

    Aimed at pros looking for a carry-everywhere SLR back-up and mustard-keen photo enthusiasts who insist on manual options galore, the compact LX3 comes in moody black and no-nonsense silver colour finishes.


  • Apple Scoops Up Record $1bn Profit In Three Months

    Apple Scoops Up Record $1bn Profit In Three MonthsUnbridled bouts of iJoy erupted around Apple HQ yesterday as the company posted a hefty profit of $1.07 billion on revenue of $7.46 billion for its financial quarter ending June 30, 2008.

    This whopping great bag o’cash adds up to Apple’s best-ever June quarter for both revenue and earnings, with the company’s total gross margin exceeding industry expectations, with $1.33 billion in cash being added to Apple’s bulging coffers.


  • W302 Sony Ericsson Walkman Launched

    W302 Sony Ericsson Walkman LaunchedOf the phone released today, the W302 is bottom of the range, a quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE handset that comes with a 2-megapixel camera, 3D games, FM radio and Bluetooth stereo A2DP with just a 512MB Memory Stick Micro card lobbed in the pack.


  • W595 Sony Ericsson Walkman Launched

    W595 Sony Ericsson Walkman LaunchedSporting a similar feature set as the W902 (albeit with a lower camera megapixel count of 3.2MP), the W595 comes with shake control, SensMe, 3D games, FM radio, auto screen rotation, Bluetooth stereo A2DP and a smaller 2GB Memory Stick Micro card bundled.


  • W902 Sony Ericsson Walkman Launched

    W902 Sony Ericsson Walkman LaunchedThe quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE; UMTS/HSDPA 2100 W902 Walkman is the most feature-packed of the three released (W595 & W302), offering a 5-megapixel autofocus camera, shake control, Sens Me, 3D games and comes with a bundled 8GB Memory Stick Micro card.


  • Sony Ericsson Announces W302, W595 and W902 Walkman Handsets

    Sony Ericsson Announces W302, W595 and W902 Walkman HandsetsAs the Walkman phone brand hits it third birthday, Sony Ericsson W902 have rolled out another three new handsets to add to the 77 million Walkman phones sold to date.

    The Walkman phone range came blinking into the day with the W800 that we got our hand on back in April 2005 and Sony are hoping that the new W302, W595 and W902 models will keep the punters shuffling back for more.

    We’ve split the three phones out to separate posts …

    W902 Sony Ericsson Walkman
    W595 Sony Ericsson Walkman
    W302 Sony Ericsson Walkman

  • DMC-FZ28: Panasonic Lumix Boasts 18x Optical Zoom

    DMC-FZ28: Panasonic Lumix Boasts 18x Optical ZoomHeading for the shelves and ready to to start wooing bird-watchers, wannabe paparazzis and other looooong zoom-lovin’ types is the mid-range Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 digicam.

    Sporting a veritable John Homes of a zoom, the 10 MP DMC-FZ28 packs a colossal 18x (F2.8-4.4) optical range, starting off at a handy wideangle 27mm setting and soaring up to a 486mm – which is probably powerful enough to snap the Phoenix lander on Mars. Possibly.


  • Lenova X200 0.8″ Thick Laptop Sets Our Hearts A-Pumping

    Lenova X200 0.8We’ve recently become big fans of Lenova (formerly IBM) after grabbing a super-cheap old ThinkPad X32 off eBay for use as a backup lappie. We were so taken by its rock-solid build and all-round dependability that it’s now taken over the Sony Vaio as our primary machine.
