

  • 3 Skypephone Available From 29 October

    3 Skypephone Available From 29 OctoberAs we expected the 3 Skypephone has been announced today.

    It’s a fully-featured 3G Internet phone with Skype built-in, giving Skype to Skype calls and Skype instant messages over the 3G network – all for no payment for calls. To call up the Skype functions, there’s a Skype button in the middle of the handset.

    The handset also has Web access built in and the ability to play music from the 3 MusicStore, giving the ability to play over 500,000 tracks.

  • i-mate Ultimate 9502 And 8502 Smartphones Announced

    i-mate Ultimate 9502 And 8502 Smartphones AnnouncedSmartphone kings i-mate have shuffled out two new high-end Ultimate smartphones, both packing QWERTY keyboards.

    The 9502 packs in more features than a Friday night multi-screen cinema, offering a high resolution touch screen display, tri-band 3.5G, 802.11b and 802.11g Wi-Fi, integrated GPS, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR and quad band GSM with EDGE.

    The beefy handheld features a 2.8″ VGA (640×480) touch screen that slides out Sidekick-stylee, with a 39-key Qwerty keypad lurking below.

  • Samsung Announces 5 Megapixel Cameraphone With Optical Zoom

    Samsung Announces 5 Megapixel Cameraphone With Optical ZoomSamsung has pulled on the little rope and sent the velvet curtains shimmying asunder to reveal the Samsung G800, triumphantly declaring it the world’s first 5 megapixel camera phone with 3x optical zoom.

    Although the quality of phone cameras has been increasingly steadily recently, most come burdened with the digital zoom, which is, frankly rubbish.


  • Mobile Internet Access Hits 15m In UK

    If the growth of mobile access use continues at the current rate in the UK, future Brits may develop hands with massive thumbs, teensy little fingers and Quasimodo-like hunches developed from squinting at tiny little screens, according to a new study by the Mobile Data Association.

    Well, alright, we made up the bit about the possible Darwinian side-effects, but the figures show that an awful lot of us are now getting on line with our phones, with the total now hovering around the 15 million mark.

  • SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian Phones

    SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian PhonesThose who have Nokia Nseries and Eseries phones will be able to buy software, SlingPlayer, to play the video content from their homes to the handsets, wherever they are, from their Sling Boxes.

    Quick resume on Sling Box: plug one into your TV at home and any programmes that you can watch can be viewed remotely, either on a computer, or portable device. Not only can you change channels remotely, but control the DVR functions.

  • Next week, more time for in-de…

    Next week, more time for in-depth interviews, not just a blizzard to news announcments as per last week.

  • Manic days at the start of IFA…

    Manic days at the start of IFA over. Theme of the show? The next stages of HD TV – 100 Hz. More confusion for consumers!

  • Heading off to IFA in Berlin. …

    Heading off to IFA in Berlin. It’s a huge bun fight, but often raises a good story.

  • Sony Ericsson K770 Cyber-shot Cameraphone

    Sony Ericsson K770 Cyber-shot CameraphoneSony Ericsson’s new superslim K770 Cyber-shot phone has been announced today and it looks rather a dandy number to our eyes.

    A mere slip of a thing at just 14.5mm wide, the candybar-style handset packs a 3.2 megapixel camera and comes in what Sony is describing as “fashionable Truffle Brown.” We can’t say that the colour of truffles has ever been much of a hit amongst the fashionistas around our neck of the woods, but we’ll take Sony’s word on that.

  • Finally – performance that our…

    Finally – performance that our readers deserve.