Social software

  • Is Twitter Over-Hyped?

    Is Twitter Over-Hyped?It may seem that the entire online world is always banging on about Twitter, but research from web security firm Purewire suggests that not everyone may be feeling the Twitter-love.

    The company evaluated the profiles of millions of Twitter users to show off the abilities of their new Tweet Grade web tool (unfortunately, their website appears to be down at the moment so we can’t tell you anything about what it does).


  • Twitter Flitters Soon Become Quitters

    Twitter Flitters Soon Become QuittersIt may have an explosive growth chart that makes the Buncefield disaster look like a whoppee cushion going off, but it seems that most Twitterers quickly find better things to do.

    New statistics revealed by web metrics company Nielsen Online has discovered that an astonishing 60% of Twitter sign-ups lost all interest in using the microblogging service after just one month.


  • Microsoft Vine Seeks Cash From Chaos

    Microsoft Vine Seeks Cash From ChaosCurrently in deep beta with only a few invited users in Seattle allowed to play along is Microsoft’s Vine application, a Twitter-like app aimed at letting people communicate in disaster situations.


  • Social Network Sites Continue To Grow As Facebook Flourishes

    Social Network Sites Continue To Grow As Facebook FlourishesA detailed study by tech spods Nielsen Online has found that UK users spend one in every six online minutes browsing social media and blogging sites.

    Facebook continues to be the don of social networking sites globally, visited monthly by thirty per cent of users in the nine markets tracked in the study (UK, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, and the US) with Facebook’s global audience now a phenomenal 108.3m users.


  • People Power: Facebook Revolt Sees Off Dodgy New TOS Clause

    Facebook Revolt Sees Off Dodgy New TOS ClauseBrandishing virtual pitchforks, a user revolt against a new Terms of Service (TOS) agreement foisted on Facebook fans has seen the company perform a swift volte-face.

    Faced with growing masses of outraged users and tenacious Twitterers – and with the thread of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC) coming onboard – Facebook crumbled in the face of complaints that their updated terms equated to nothing more than, “We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever.”


  • Facebook Notches Up Record Traffic Over Christmas

    Facebook Notches Up Record Traffic Over ChristmasWhile Christmas is traditionally the time that sees traffic levels plummet on websites as folks head off to far flung families or incoherent revellers find themselves unable to type due to dangerous lager levels, Facebook enjoyed a veritable festive frenzy.


  • Twitter Misunderstood In The Evening Standard

    Twitter Misunderstood in the Evening StandardNick Curtis has written a poorly-researched piece in the Evening Standard that attempts to take a chunk out of Twitter, while asking if ‘Twitter is the new Facebook.’

    Why poorly-researched? Well, he starts the piece saying that Tweets are 160 characters long – and as anyone who has ever looked at the sevice will know, they’re 140, the large ‘140’ beneath the input box being the clue. He then moves to tell us all how he didn’t really understand it.


  • Twollow: Auto Follow People Who Twitter On Your Interests

    Twollow: Auto Follow People Who Twitter On Your InterestsIf you’re looking to expand your network of Twitter friends, but are finding that it’s taking more time that you thought it would, or aren’t able to find that time, Twollow could be a solutions for you.


  • WordPress 2.6 Killed Our Love Of WordPress

    Wordpress 2.6 Killed Our Love Of WordPressWe’d been faithful and steadfast to WordPress for a very long time. Over the years, the increasing numbers of people that asked for recommendation for a blogging tool, we’d enthusiastically promote WordPress as the tool of choice.

    We’ve held the WordPress faith until we upgraded Isle of Wight News site, VentnorBlog, a sister site of Digital-Lifestyles, to version 2.6.

    It was a total disaster. Two major problems struck for us.


  • Twitter: WSJ Says It’s Now Mainstream: Is That A Good Thing?

    Twitter: WSJ Says It's Now Mainstream: Is That A Good Thing?We know that Twitter gets under people’s skin, leading some of them to tweet their little sock off across many subjects from their view of emerging new business idea, through their inner most thoughts, to their love of sandwiches. Some people even get their houses to Twitter, like IBM Tech Boffin, Andy Stanford-Clark, on the Isle of Wight.
