
  • Yahoo Takeover News Catchup

    Yahoo Takeover News CatchupThe tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.

    Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.


  • Ask Offer Users ‘Privacy Switch’

    Ask Offer Users Privacy is to allow users of its search engine to delete all of their queries from their server – a stark contrast to other major search engines, especially Google.


  • Le Moteur Search: FranceTelecom Takes On Google

    Le Moteur: FranceTelecom Take On Google SearchDo you remember back in the early Web days when everyone wanted to start their own search engine? You couldn’t move for people starting search engines, then Google hit and everyone – bar Microsoft, their huge cash pile and their Live search – backed away.

    FranceTelecom have now launched their search engine, Le Moteur – The Engine, to any non-linguists.

  • Google Increases Search Market Share Further

    Google Increases Search Market Share FurtherSearch engine giants, nay, colossi, Goggle have once again increased their share of the U.S. Internet search engine market, eagerly surging past rivals Yahoo and Microsoft.

  • Advanced Search: Is The Name A Problem?

    When you’re preparing a newspaper for the world of on-line news, helping your audience find the information they need is paramount.

    Anders M Olausson, CTO of (a local Swedish newspaper/site) ponders the problem.

    Advanced Search: Is The Name A Problem?

    According to Google only 1% of the searches uses “advanced search”. It’s a remarkable low figure if you think about how tough some people think it is to find what they are looking for. But then it struck me, is it advanced to use “Advanced search”? Not particularly.

  • Japan Fund Google Rival: Are They Joking?

    Japan Fund Google Rival: Are They Joking?Japan has stuck €89m-€95m in to a research project to try and build a search engine to rival Google, reports the FT.

    10 Japanese companies are pooling their talent, as they’ve just noticed that hardware isn’t selling so well, South Korea and Taiwan are making and selling just what Japan is – but much cheaper. Oh, and that software services are growing.

  • Mobile Search Business To Hit $2.4 billion by 2011

    Mobile Search Business To Hit $2.4 billion by 2011The Telecom and Internet industries are squaring up for a right old fist fight over who rules the consumer mobile search business.

    According to market research firm eMarketer, the battle looks set to resemble a full on pub brawl, with telecom carriers, handset makers, publishers, directory and yellow pages outfits, Silicon Valley big boys and a load of start-ups all looking to grab a piece of the mobile search action.

  • Porn Scum Stoop Ever Lower

    Porn Scum Stoop Ever LowerThis morning my daughter was having a look around for some pictures of medieval castle’s on Google Images. She’s six and a half.

    My Wife was sitting with her while she browsed the index, and as the results looked quite reasonable, she left the room to let her browse around the search results.

    Next thing, our daughter was calling out that she didn’t like what was on the screen – and seeing what was there, no wonder. It was a porn site.

  • Microsoft Revamps MSN Mobile

    Microsoft Revamps MSN MobileWith a swish of the ceremonial curtain, Microsoft has launched its updated MSN Mobile service offering, boasting a “redesigned, reinvented” portal.

    Designed for ‘net connected mobile users, the MSN Mobile service offers “one stop” access to news, email, local movie listings, maps, directions, yadda yadda, as well as Windows Live services like Hotmail, Live Messenger, Live Spaces and Live Search.


  • Search Engines Disagree On Top Matches

    Search Engines Disagree On Top MatchesThe most popular search engines rarely agree with each other when it comes to the top results for identical queries – and the differences are growing yearly.

    In a study involving 19,332 queries typed (presumably not by hand) into Google, Yahoo, Windows Live and Ask, the same top result only popped up on all four search engines 3.6 percent of the time.