
Service offered

  • Gavin Starks AMEE Interview: Monitor The World’s Energy Usage (Podcast)

    Gavin Starks AMEE Interview: Monitor The World's Energy UsageWhen you hear of the vision behind AMEE — The Avoiding Mass Extinction Engine — you’ll know that this project is both hugely ambitious and is serious about helping us all change the way we lead our everyday lives.

    The vision? To aggregate all of the energy consumption data on earth.

    It doesn’t stop there. Their intention is that by informing people of their power usage, they can modify their behaviour, thus reducing their energy usage.


    This is not just hot air and dreams. AMEE have made a very strong start to this already and you may well have used the services without knowing.


  • Wikitude: Philipp Breuss And The Story Behind The Software

    Wikitude: Philipp Breuss and the story behind the softwareAfter having seen the highly impressive demonstration of Wikitude, we just had to find out more, so Digital-Lifestyles spoke to Philipp Breuss, who has lead the development of Wikitude.

    Philipp previously worked for Sony but gave this up to make the development of the Wikitude software which he describes as “the most exciting things that we ever did.”

    He’s been building the application for the last year, but as a mobile travel guide for Android that also uses Mobile Google Maps and Text from Wikipedia.


  • Flickr Pro Photo Hijack: Where Have My Flickr Photos All Gone?

    Flickr Pro Photo Hijack: Where Have My Flickr Photos All Gone?I’ve been with Flickr for _ever_. Pretty much as soon as they opened the site, I signed up. Back in those days, you didn’t have an option it was _the_ place to host your photo back then – Site Du Jour … and it was the best executed to boot.


  • Siemens C475IP DECT Cordless VoIP Phone Review (77%)

    Siemens C475IP DECT Cordless VoIP Phone Review (77%)The small box that the system comes in is deceiving. It contains a DECT phone and basestation, but when you examine the basestation alongside the expected phone connector, there’s a an Ethernet connector too.

    The basestation is both a normal telephone answering machine and a VoIP capable device which can be used with up to 6 VoIP accounts/services.


  • Google Adds Activity Logging to GMail

    Google Adds Activity Logging to GMailYou may have seen that every now and again we’ll point out new features in Google’s applications.


  • FOWA 08: Soocial Announce Blackberry and Outlook Support

    FOWA 08: Soocial Announce Blackberry and Outlook SupportDuring a frenetic presentation at FOWA in London, Stefan Fountain from Soocial announced that their contact-anywhere service would be supporting interfacing to Outlook allowing your contacts to stay up to date.

    Alongside that, news of a newly supported mobile platform – the Blackberry – was also announced.

    No release data were given – but will be soon, the audience was lead to believe.

  • Spotify Mini Review: (91%): Public Launch of Serious iTunes Competitor

    Spotify Mini Review: (91%): Public Launch of Serious iTunes CompetitorFor a long time, one option for the music business to save themselves has been to offer an ‘all you can eat’ option for music – pay a monthly fee and listen to all of the music you fancy.


  • Search Like It’s 2001 On Google

    Search Like It's 2001 on GoogleGoogle has been going ten years this year and to mark the occassion they’ve released a version of their database as of ten years ago.

    First thing that you’ll notice is that it’s got an old school Google logo – not exactly sure if that’s the accurate one, as drop-shadows might have been beyond them.


  • First Loyalty Points For Music Service Launched In UK

    First Loyalty Points For Music Service Launched In UKA new way of getting music has launched in the UK.

    As Nokia launches their ‘music with phones’ offering today and T-Mobile/Google offered music for the G1, we’ve heard of another company using music to tempt people towards their product.

    Nectar, who provide a loyalty card which gives points against purchases, have launched Nectar Music Store in the UK. We understand that it’s the first in the UK using loyalty points as track-buying currency.


  • Google Maps Adds Live Traffic updates For England

    Google Maps Adds Live Traffic updates For EnglandWe’re huge fans of GoogleMaps, so we’re chuffed to see us folks in Blighty being offered some of the treats that our Stateside cousins have been enjoying since last August
