
  • David Sweeney: Quale, Intelligent Olfactory Channel: RCA 2007

    Listen to the Interview – [audio:]

    David Sweeney: Quale, Intelligent Olfactory Channel: RCA 2007This goes beyond the simplicity of smell-o-vision, to a far more deeper, emotional level. Using smells to associate to emotions, providing powerful triggers.

    16 essential oils, extracted from around Berlin (in this example usage) are held in the device. When a smell is needed to be generated, they are passed down a syringe tip to a piezo-electric disc and then atomised.

    One example used – instead of constantly checking your email, a ‘key’ smell is generated, so the person using it ‘feel’ like it’s time to check their email – triggered by the released smell.

    David’s site – makegoodstuff

    David Sweeney: Quale, Inteligent Olfactory Channel: RCA 2007

    We’re trying a new format with these RCA pieces. Rather than have text dominated reporting, we’re going to have the audio and picture do the speaking. Let us know what you think of the new approach.

  • Apple iPhone 2 Spotted

    Apple iPhone 2 SpottedOn the eve of the most hysterical launch known to mankind – the Apple iPhone (exceeding even the heavily spent-on Windows XP launch), we have an exclusive the Apple iPhone II.

    I know it sounds crazy, but we just stumbled over it while at the RCA 2007 show.

    While looking at the work of Alan Outten, we came across one of his projects, No Robots Please!

  • Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury Festival (Part 2/2)

    Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury FestivalIn Part One, we gave you the run down of what gadgets we decided to take along to Glastonbury 2007, now you can find out how we got on with them.

    How the gadgets fared (more…)

  • Adrian Westaway: Magic Light: RCA 2007

    Listen to the Interview – [audio:]

    Adrian Westaway: Magic Light: RCA 2007Adrian Westaway’s project, Magic Light, lets you guide a light to a different location merely by waving your hands in the direction you want to move the light.

    The lack of ‘interface’ means that there’s no age restriction, as using it is as simple as moving your hand around.

  • RCA 2007 Show Review: The Great Exhibition

    The Great Exhibition: RCA 2007 Show ReviewWe attended the end of year show for the Royal College of Art (RCA) and were highly impressed with a lot of it.

    While I personally thought that the fine art side of the exhibition was too safe and ultimately unexciting – it felt like they were all being too conscious of trying to ‘make it’ – the work in the Great Exhibition tent was very stimulating – bright minds tackling issues that are just ahead of current issues, and a few, a long way off.

  • Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury Festival

    Taking Gadgets To Glastonbury FestivalLeaving the safety and relative sanity of our London office for a six day soiree at Glastonbury, we thought carefully about what gadgets to pack. Being veterans of Glasto – and all too familiar with the minging mudbath of 2005 – we made sure to pack ample waterproof clothing and bring along plenty of plastic bags for wrapping up our gadgets against the inevitable rain.

  • iRiver W10 Reappears As A VoIP/Media Player

    Seemingly metamorphosing at a rate of knots as the iPhone rumbles over the horizon, iRiver’s W10 media player has re-emerged again as a sleek all-in-one media player.

    First seen in March 2006, the W10 appeared as a UMPC-like clamshell gadget running Windows XP with a 5in display and a 60GB hard drive for storage.

  • Pepper Pad 3 Internet Tablet Goes On Sale

    We can’t say this its old school plasticky looks are exactly grabbing our gonads of pleasure, but the new Pepper Pad 3 certainly manages to pack in a fair bit of functionality.

    Billed as being neither a laptop or a PDA, the Linux-powered “handheld media computer” invites comparisons with the Nokia 770 tablet, although there’s far more going on underneath its (sizeable) hood.

  • HTC Touch Phone Review (Part 3/3 – 62%)

    HTC Touch Phone Review (Part 3/3 - 62%)In Part Two we looked inside the Touch and at connectivity and multimedia functions.

    HTC have redesigned the Windows Today screen, with a moody dark finish displaying the time in big LCD-style numbers, and three thumb sized buttons giving quick access to basic weather updates, a program launcher and a link back to the home screen.

  • HTC Touch Phone Review (Part 2/3)

    HTC Touch Phone Review (Part 2/3)In Part One we gave you an outline of the phone took a gander at the look and feel.

    Opening up the Touch
    The phone may be elegant on the outside, but it’s not such a pretty picture when you need to get inside.

    Opening the phone was tricky enough, requiring a fair bit of energy to slide the back off to install the battery, but worse was to come when we looked to install the SIM and MicroSD card.