Just for fun

  • Sales Guy vs Tech Guy: Brilliant Video

    Sales Guy vs Tech Guy: Brilliant VideoIf you’ve ever had contact with a Tech support person or indeed, are in Tech support yourself, you are going to _love_ this video.

    Josh Weinberg and his team, have written and put together a video, through the eyes of a computer screen, a view of how some tech people work.


  • Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of World Record

    Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of RecordYou may have heard about the Highest Popping toaster in the world and the intention to get it into the record books.

    We were at the RCA yesterday when the devices creator, Freddie Yauner, 26, launched himself (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun) into the Guinness Book of Records with his bonkers over-powered toaster.


  • Ferrari 360 Modena Stretched Limo Does 170mph! Videos

    Ferrari 30 Modena Stretched LimoA Ferrari 360 Modena has been turned into a Ferrari Limousine with huge 110″ motorised gull wings doors, eight seats and capable of 170mph.

    Moving away from the normal stretched limo with neon-drenched bar and tacky accessories, this baby goes for the stripped-down approach.

  • $2 Multi-touch Screen: Video

    Many thanks to megamani, a new subscriber to our YouTube channel, who pointed us to a video of a $2 multitouch screen.

    Much was made of the Microsoft multi-touch table when it first came out, well, with a plastic bag, some blue dye and water – and a bit of trickery, some clever wag has created the same effect.

    Video after the click (more…)

  • Monoface Mashup: Hilarious

    Monoface Mashup: Hilarious

    We’ve just been pointed to a great site with a face mashup generator. What’s that you’re asking?

  • £25,000 Winnings For Getting To 100

    £25,000 Winnings For Getting To 100In this decimal-obsessed society that we live in, there is a general amazement when someone reaches 100 years old.

    Mr Alec Holden from Epsom, Surrey clearly understood this when he placed a £10 bet ten years ago with UK bookie William Hill that he would survive a century.

    Today he’s celebrating his 100th birthday, a letter from the Queen and his £25,000 winnings.

    His view on the recipe for success? Porridge for breakfast, don’t worry about anything, do as little work as possible and keep breathing!

    Alec keeps his mind active by playing chess against his computer everyday and also runs a chess club.

    Listening to him on Today on Radio 4 this morning he sounded bright and sprightly taking a very positive view of his age saying that he’s looking forward to “starting off again at 100.”

    Although William Hill is down £25,000, they’ll be making saving all of the advertising that they’ll be getting from this story.

    Interesting to hear from them that they are no longer take bets of getting to 100, but are pushing out the year out to 110.