• Peek Email Device: Hands On

    We managed to get a brief hands on with the Peek email gadget at the WiredStore in New York and thought we’d share a few impressions.

    This little fella is designed for one thing only – accessing mobile email over the GPRS data network – and comes with a full keypad and a 240 x 320 pixels colour screen (with a rather small font size).


  • Yahoo: Top Searches of 2008 Published

    Yahoo: Top Searches of 2008Yahoo has published their “Year in Review,” covering search over 2008.

    They’re keen to point out that it isn’t just what the top 10 searches were, but Top 10s of lots of catagories.

    Beyond the Top 10s there’s also some analysis of what those things could have meant.


  • See The Power Behind The Browser (Video)

    See The Power Behind The Browser (Video)When you’re sitting at home or at work, tapping away in your Web browser, you hardly ever consider where your request queries are being dealth with.

    Sure they’re runing on a computer _somewhere_ on the Internet, perhaps in a data centre, but do you really know what goes on behind making that machine run?


  • Smartphone Hits The #1 Best Selling Slot In US

    Smartphone Hits The #1 Best Selling Slot In USFor years, Brits were baffled by the continuing dominance of the Motorola RAZR at the top of the US best selling handset listings, but it’s finally been booted off and – for the first time – replaced by a smartphone which now sits at the top of the pile. That handset is, of course, the Apple iPhone which has proved more popular than a bucket of alcopops at a teenagers party,


  • Nearly A Fifth Of Americans Using Smartphones

    Nearly A Fifth Of Americans Using SmartphonesSmartphones used to be the preserve of a tech-savvy niche and appointment-juggling business folks shuffling between vital meetings, but feature packed handsets have now hit the mainstream.

    According the ‘Mobile Market View’ study published by The Kelsey Group, no less than 18.9% of mobile consumers in the United States are now strutting the streets sporting smartphones, with 49.2% set to grab themselves a piece of smartphone action within the next two years.


  • Gary McKinnon To Be Extradited Despite Aspergers

    Just had this latest update in from Gary McKinnon‘s legal representative. His legal struggles have been long.

    This afternoon, the Secretary of State has advised via the Treasury Solicitors, that despite Mr McKinnon’s diagnosis with Aspergers she will now be making arrangements for his extradition pursuant to her order for Extradition of 4th July 2006. She has failed to make any request for repatriation to the UK when other countries make similar requests on behalf of their citizens.

    We are now considering whether or not Mr McKinnon has a further judicial remedy and we are urgently investigating this issue.

  • Pace DC50X Wins First New Energy Star Program Award

    Pace DC50X Wins First New Energy Star Program AwardPace, UK suppliers of digital TV products, have become the first company to receive an award under the new Energy Star Program.

    Energy Star is voluntary, market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency.


  • Live Coverage: Apple “Let’s Rock” Event: (UPDATE 14)

    Mike is at the London end of the Apple announcement today, bashing away LIVE as things happen.

    Live Coverage: Apple Started early by the looks of it.

    [17:55:26] Bloke currently waffling on about their 500 resellers in EMEA
    [17:55:37] big crowd too
    [17:56:21] loads of “we’re great” blather going on
    [17:56:38] Right: it’s started
    [17:57:56] showing footage from Apple borg crowds around the world
    [17:58:12] actually it’s just SF
    [17:58:38] got to be around 700peeps here
    [18:00:44] whooping from SF
    [18:01:37] Jobs on screen – makes joke about rumours of his death being exagerated: cue more whooping
    [18:02:11] 8.5m songs now on iTunes, 2600 Hollywood movies
    [18:02:41] 65m user accounts shopping
    [18:03:03] now #1 music distributor in US

  • Gary McKinnon: All Legal Routes Exhausted: Extradition To US Likely

    Gary McKinnon: All Legal Routes Exhausted: Extradition To US LikelyWe heard news from Gary McKinnon’s law firm, Kaim Todner, that the European Court of Human Rights (‘ECtHR’) has ruled against their recent application to have Gary’s extradition to the US halted.

    The temporary prohibition of McKinnon’s extradition, as granted by the ECtHR on 12 August, is now effectively lifted and the authorities of the United Kingdom are now free to extradite our client to the United States.


  • MBTA: MIT Student Court Gagging Order Lifted

    MBTA Court Gagging Order LiftedThree students who were carrying out academic research into the security vulnerabilities of Boston’s transit fare payment system have had a court order that forbade them to discuss the issues, reversed.

    You might have thought that in the ‘land of the free,’ forbidding free speech is the kind of thing that could never happen. Thank goodness this reversal restores a balance.
