Diesel xXx Porn Video Event Promo

Diesel xXx Porn Video Event PromoThe clothing company Diesel is building up to 30th birthday.

To mark it, they’re hosting parties in 17 cities around the world on the same day.

Being switch on media-types, they’ve released a promo video which is more than slightly controversial – obv a great way to get attention.

They’ve taken old p0rn video footage and superimposed graphics on top of the explicit parts.

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Internet Porn Addicts Targeted By US Presidential Hopefuls

US Presidential Hopefuls Go For Internet P0rn AddictsThe ever-irreverent News Biscuit has hit upon a story that could well be a traffic monster for them – combining Internet porn and the current presidential race.

Those tricky laugh generators have penned a piece which tells us that some of the presidential hopefuls have realised that, as there are soooo many Internet p0rn addicts, it’s worthwhile them sacrificing the female liberal vote – would would be outraged at such an idea – to get hold of the p0rn maniacs.

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YouPorn Featured In London Metro Newspaper

YouPorn Featured In London Metro NewspaperThe times are clearly changing. Metro, one of the give-away papers in London, covered YouPorn in a whole page article in yesterday’s edition.

As well as pointing out that YouPorn is supposed to be the 27th most visited site in the UK, three slots behind eBay, it surprisingly bigs up the benefits of amateur porn.

At the bottom of the page, they take it a couple of stages further and give tips on how you can look good when making your own porn video!

As a side issue, the piece also mentions a UK version of YouTube (new to us), which after a quick glance (you’ve got to research these things, haven’t you) looks like a poor copy of the original.

We suspect that having such high billing in the Metro, YouPorn’s popularity will be on the rise.

Porn Scum Stoop Ever Lower

Porn Scum Stoop Ever LowerThis morning my daughter was having a look around for some pictures of medieval castle’s on Google Images. She’s six and a half.

My Wife was sitting with her while she browsed the index, and as the results looked quite reasonable, she left the room to let her browse around the search results.

Next thing, our daughter was calling out that she didn’t like what was on the screen – and seeing what was there, no wonder. It was a porn site.
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China Tackles Internet Porn

China Tackles Internet PornThe month of May saw a month-long crackdown on Internet porn in China. The combined forces of 10 ministries lead the closing of 300 domestic porn and ‘salacious’ sites being closed down.

Li Baozhong, head of the official press watchdog and deputy director of the national anti-porn and anti-piracy office also reported that they’d blocked 4,000 links to porn sites and filtered out more than 10,000 ‘online porn games’ – we’ve no idea what these porn games could be.

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DreamStripper Cabaret: I have seen the future – and it takes its clothes off

DreamStripper Cabaret: I have seen the future - and it stripsWell, if there’s one area of convergence that we haven’t been keeping up to date with, it’s obviously virtual stripping.

We remember seeing a one-inch high wiggling dancer than stood on the same spot on a Windows desktop and was a dancer, not a stripper. That was about five plus years back, but since then it’s dropped off our radar.
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Porn: Over A Third Of All Internet Downloads

Over A Third Of All Internet Downloads Are PornOver a tenth of all websites are pornographic, a quarter of search engine requests are for naughty things and when it comes to hosting smut, the US leads the world by miles.

The figures, delivered in a clever seductive video (below) by Good Magazine reveals just how much pr0n dominates the web, with 12% of all websites containing top shelf material and 25% of all web searches being for porno.
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