
  • Google Chrome Attacks Browser Market With Its Own Browser

    Google Attacks Browser Market With Its Own Chrome BrowserIn a fascinating development, search engine kings Google have released a new browser to take on Firefox and Internet Explorer.

    The tabbed browser, known as Chrome, promises superior memory handling, a more stable environment and faster downloading of complex pages.


  • YouTube NOT Doing Live Video

    YouTube NOT Doing Live VideoA couple of months back one of the founders of YouTube, Steve Chen, somewhat excitedly announced on video with pretty blogger, Sarah Meyers, that YouTube would be offering a Live version.

    There was considerable amount of excitement around this, and a fair amount of terror in the companies that are in the live video space currently.


  • Google Bags Three Quarters Of All UK Web Searches

    Google Bags Three Quarters Of All UK Web SearchesFurther proof of Google’s towering dominance of the search market has been revealed in the latest figures released by stats analysts comScore.

    Their latest Internet usage figures from June 2008 show that Google has become the total don of UK search engines, notching up more than three in every four of all web searches conducted in the UK.


  • Google Add Maps to Adverts

    Google Add Maps to AdvertsGoogle are ever-keen to merge their services — but in a subtle way — so you don’t realise that they are taking over the world.

    The latest trick along this path that we’ve noticed is them putting Google Maps into Google Text Ads.


  • Google News Generated $100m Year

    Google News Generated $100m YearMarissa Mayer, the acceptable face to Google’s tech dork-ery, appears to have slipped up somewhat.

    She let it out that Google News — one of the only areas of Google that doesn’t have advertising on — generates them around $100 million a year in referrals to main Google, from the 47 million people a month looking at it.


  • Cuil Search: Battling for Google’s Crown

    Cuil Search: Battling for Google's CrownCuil, pronounced Cool, is a new search engine, one that’s thought to be able to take on Google. Quite an ambition.

    Who’s Cuil?

    Cuil has been hidden away, getting their technology sorted and, as of this morning, they’ve decided to open their searches up for public browsing.


  • Google To Buy Up Digg?

    Google To Buy Up Digg?Currently burning up the blogosphere is the hot rumour that search giants Google are in final negotiations to acquire the user-driven, social content website Digg for “around $200 Million.”


  • Russian Spam: Come on Google, Sort It Out

    Russian Spam: Come on Google, Sort It OutWe’re getting more and more Russian spam. A hideous amount of it. For example, we had 10 of them getting through the gmail filter in less than an hour today.

    We say spam, because we assume it’s spam as we didn’t ask for it to be sent to us, but mostly because we can’t read Cyrillic, so we’ve got no idea what it’s all about!


  • Google Lords It Over The Mobile Search Sector

    Google Lords It Over The Mobile Search SectorAs unexpected as the sun rising in the morning, new research figures reveal that Google continues to be the boss, the head man, the top dog, the big cheese and the head honcho in the world of mobile search.

    Leaving its competitors floundering about like a wet fish in a tub o’lard, the search engine kings surged miles ahead of its competitors in the first quarter of 2008, according to Nielsen Mobile.

  • Gmail Contacts Upgraded: Good Job

    Gmail Contacts UpgradedIf you’ve not been into the contacts section of Google Mail recently, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you do, to see that it’s had a pretty major makeover. We might have noticed it earlier, but we avoided using the old contacts system as it was so clunky previously.
