
  • Google Street View Gets OK; EU To Sue UK Over Privacy

    Google Street View Gets OK; EU To Sue UK Over PrivacyThe UK’s Information Commissioner has ruled that Google’s Street View is not a threat to privacy after mulling over an official appeal by privacy campaigners, Privacy International.

    Launched in the UK last month, the nifty add-on to Google Maps and Google Earth lets users view an unfurling panorama of pannable, zoomable street-level photographs of major streets and cities.


  • Detect Language Option In Google Translate: Brilliant

    Detect Language Option In Google TranslateGoogle Translate has long taken over from the BabelFish translator that Alta Vista had way-back in the dim, distant past.

    We use it whenever we can’t make sense of block of foreign text – nothing new in that.

    Presented with a language we weren’t sure of recently, we selected Swedish as a guess, but the translation didn’t make sense to us.


  • Virgin Signs Up To Google Email Deal

    Virgin Signs Up To Google Email DealVast clouds of backslapping dust were seen rising over Virgin Media’s offices after the company announced a partnership with Google to power its email service.

    The new service aims to offer better inbox management and more storage space and is being launched as a pilot for the first 20,000 to sign up today


  • Google Android Upgrade (1.5) Floated: SDK Released

    Google Android Upgrade (1.5) Floated: SDK ReleasedGoogle’s mobile phone operating system, Android, is about to launch its next release – version 1.5.

    Details are emerging as to what will be included. Users of current release Android phones will be pleased to hear that there’s a number of improvements including – the Web Browser has been improved; video recording, playback and upload to YouTube; the whole interface (IU) has been given a polish. Here’s the full list of features

    Google has just released the Software Development Kit (SDK) to give developers an early glimpse and get their software ready in advance of the general public having it on their phones.

    Android 1.5 SDK

  • Google Reveal Some Server Secrets

    Google Reveal Some Server SecretsGoogle has, for most of its life, been obsessed with keeping details of its server secret.

    Their long-fabled server design, seen by many as one of the central reasons for the success, certainly wasn’t ever detailed.


  • Privacy International Calls For Google Street View To Be Closed

    Privacy International Calls For Google Street View To Be ClosedAn official appeal by privacy campaigners has been made to the Information Commissioner’s Office to close down Google’s UK Street View service.

    Launched in Britain last week, Street View serves up pannable, zoomable street-level photo views of major cities, allowing curious punters to take virtual strolls around towns and have a good nosey about.


  • HTC Magic Android Phone Arrives On Vodafone

    HTC Magic Android Phone Arrives On VodafoneThe second phone based on Google’s operating system Android has been pulled out of the bag by Vodafone as the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona continues to pepper the landscape with new handsets galore.


  • Google’s Gmail Now Freaking Out: Mis-marking Mail As Spam

    Google's Gmail Now Freaking Out: Mis-marking Mail As SpamAs soon as Google fixed their misreporting “This Site May Harm Your Computer” search problem, we had reports of another problem with a Google service. This time GMail.


  • Google Breaks!: “This Site May Harm Your Computer”

    Google Breaks!: This Site May Harm Your ComputerGoogle has was broken in a major way. (UPDATE it’s fixed now, phew)

    If you search for anything on Google search, the warning message “This Site May Harm Your Computer” appears underneath each of the results.

    This may be down to every server on the Internet becoming infected – highly unlikely – Or Google and its security messaging having a major melt down – far more plausible.

    Thanks to Daniel Harris for alerted us to this, just before we saw a flood of comment appearing on Twitter. It will be worth watching the hashtag #googlemayharm to watch the growth on knowledge on this.

  • eBay To Sell Off Skype? Speculation Grows

    eBay To Sell Off Skype? Speculation GrowsSpeculation continues to grow that the Internet auction website eBay is preparing to flog off its VoIP telephony service, Skype.

    The story sprang up after eBay head honcho John Donahue recently described Skype as a ‘great stand-alone business,’ sparking off a flurry of rumours about a possible sell off.
