
  • The Blog System That’s Eating Blogs

    The Blog System That's Eating BlogsMaking blogging too easy seems to be making it hard. It may be coincidence, but one example of “too easy” blogging is the spam blog, or splog – and suddenly, there’s a rash of upset bloggers who have had their blogs blacked.

    The latest example, listed on “the other Inquirer” tells the sad tale of a long-term addict to public navel-gazing: “I have been blogging since April 16, 2004, a day after my youngest daughter was born. On March 8, 2006, I was surprised to find my blog locked,” he writes.

    The villain – as listed – is Blogger. Blogger has several tools designed to stop your public diary from being filled up with spam. And understandably! – there’s really nothing more frustrating than posting a deeply-held opinion, and coming back a day later to find it full of dozens, even hundreds, of comments that actually aren’t comments at all. They’re simply spam: “Great blog! You might like to read about my organ enhancement products on *” and all pointing to the same crooked site.

    The Blog System That's Eating BlogsAnd a spam blog is something that doesn’t actually have any real content. It’s just links to trackback pointers for everybody else. The trouble is, all the signs of a spam blog are caused by the ease with which they are built. You just have to create the blog (two clicks) and then set up a robot that scours the web for new posts, and links to the trackbacks.

    So, the coincidence: just before he got black-listed, our navel gazer switched to a blog automator. The product is one of so many I can’t make myself go there. It’s called Qumana, and what it does (amongst other things) is allow you to create your blog quickly and easily, including advertising, even if you’re offline. You’ll get an idea of the scale of the problem if you look at Technorati’s tag for Qumana.

    Yes, in a fit of egotism, idiocy, the authors decided to write software that creates a tag for qumana for every blog page that is created on qumana. It doesn’t matter whether the subject is carrots, cameras or carcases; the tag for Qumana will also be created. As a result, you’ll have real trouble finding what the current discussion about Qumana is about; it’s lost in the backgroud noise.

    The Blog System That's Eating BlogsI’m not saying that Qumana is what caused the blog to be blacked. I am saying that if it produces a series of random, unrelated tags to a single site, it’s going to fulfil one of the prime indicators of a splog. And when random, unrelated blog entries all get tagged “Qumana” whatever their subject, you have something so similar, it’s going to be quite hard to see what a blog provider can do to filter it.

    So our injured blogger has moved from Blogger to WordPress – which is something that could be said about better publications than his – and Blogger has instituted a standard “are you human?” check. But the real problem is that if you make blogging so easy that anybody can do it, anybody (or are splog creators things) will do it. And quality and quantity are not always good bedfellows.

    *( for Monty Python fans, that is not a real URL! – yet)

  • Google Chalks Up SketchUp

    Google Chalks Up SketchUpSeveral forests are having to be torn down to supply Google with enough chequebooks to keep up with their current spending spree.

    Barely has the ink dried on the Writely deal earlier this week than the big spenders at Google whipped out their heaving wallet and scooped up @LastSoftware, the company who make the 3D SketchUp software.

    The high-end program is used by architects, game players and other 3D bods and has a plug-in designed to allow developers to export 3D models into Google Earth.

    Google Chalks Up SketchUpBought for an undisclosed sum, a statement on @LastSoftware’s site details how they fluttered eyes at each other a wireframe table: “We got to know a bunch of Googlers while we were building the Google Earth plug-in for SketchUp, and it quickly became apparent that we could really stir things up together.”

    Brad Schell, co-founder of the 7-year-old company, said it would continue to develop and sell SketchUp, which retails for a pricey $495 (~£283, ~e411).

    Google Chalks Up SketchUp“Google’s resources will allow us to serve our current users better, and Google’s reach will allow us to expose more people to SketchUp in one year than we could have touched in 10 years on our own,” he commented in a budsy message to customers.

    Clearly getting excited, Schell whooped, “‘3D for Everyone’ is becoming a reality; we’re bringing the ‘3D’ part; Google’s contributing the ‘Everyone.’”

    Google’s move into 3D mapping software looks to be part of a strategy to spruce up their mapping and direction service, as an entry in the @Last blog explains: “We do not have any announced plans regarding the integration of this technology with current Google products and services, but we can say that we’re tired of all those grey boxes in Google Earth.”

    Google Chalks Up SketchUpThe combination of SketchUp’s 3-Dimension models overlaid on Google Earth’s maps could serve up a competition busting offering, with the added detail offering real value to GPS users.

    @Last have said that they won’t be shifting from their current headquarters in Boulder, Colorado or moving their Munich and London offices, although the company’s name would change to Google while SketchUp will retain its name.


  • Google Mars Launched

    Google Mars LaunchedGoogle’s plans for galaxy-spanning domination have continued apace with the launch of Google Mars, giving surfers the opportunity to explore the surface of the Red Planet.

    Coinciding with the arrival of the MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) into Mars orbit on Friday, the new map of the Red Planet offers a familiar ‘Google Earth’-like interface with three viewing modes.

    The Elevation mode offers a shaded relief map, colour-coded by altitude and generated with data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.

    The Visible mode gives a bird’s eye view of the planet (yes, we know there aren’t any actual birds there), displaying a mosaic of images taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.

    Google Mars LaunchedFinally, the Infrared mode offers a mosaic of infrared images taken by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

    In this view, warmer areas appear brighter, and colder areas are darker, and because clouds and dust in the atmosphere are rendered transparent by infrared, the map is incredibly sharp.

    Using the Google Mars interface, it’s possible to view and zoom into areas by categories – mountains, canyons, dunes, plains, ridges and craters – or by regions.

    Google Mars LaunchedYou can also track the landing sites of failed and successful space missions and find the probable crash landing site of the much loved – but totally unsuccessful – Beagle 2 mission.

    A listing of Mars related stories, articles and links wraps up the feature list of this impressive resource.

    Google Mars appears to be just a small step for Google’s space plans with the company owning domain names for all the planets.

    Google Maps

  • Writely Grabbed By Google. Does Microsoft Quake?

    Google Grabs Writely.comIn what some are viewing as a challenge to Microsoft’s Office software, Google has dipped into its deep pockets and snapped up Upstartle, a small company best known for their online word-processor, Writely.

    The software – still in beta – employs ‘Web 2.0’ technologies, like those used in Google Maps and GMail – to let users to create, edit and store documents online.

    Crucially, the program also supports documents created in the Microsoft Word format and with Google’s proposed GDrive plan (which gives users massive storage on the Web), some pundits suspect that this could be the start of an onslaught on Microsoft’s Office 12.

    Google Grabs Writely.comBlog announcements
    As is now the vogue, the two companies announced the deal via their respective corporate blogs, and although details are still scarce, it’s been revealed that Upstartle’s four staff members will join Google immediately.

    “Writely is now part of Google,” wrote Upstartle co-founder Claudia Carpenter on the blog, commenting that the two companies were “matched in their culture and goals.”

    There have been whispers circulating for months that Google was looking to develop a direct competitor to Microsoft Office, although analyst firm Ovum think that the acquisition is more about increasing revenue streams.

    Writing in a research note, Ovum analysts David Bradshaw and David Mitchell observed that buying Writely would give Google another place to push online advertising and protect its revenue streams.

    Google Grabs“That could provide enough revenues to pay for the acquisition in months and provide an interesting diversion to keep Microsoft looking over its shoulder,” said Bradshaw and Mitchell, adding that Writely’s integrated collaboration and blogging tools could also prove useful resources for Google’s hugely popular Blogger service.

    Joe Wilcox at Jupiter Research was also dismissive of claims that Google were getting ready to do battle with Microsoft: “Speculation is that Google will take on Microsoft in the productivity suite market with a hosted product. I suppose Google could do this, but why?”

    “Microsoft has so many other word processing competitors already, at least in the consumer market … If Google is smart, Writely technology will bolster products Blogger, GMail and Google Talk (instant messaging),” he added.

    For the time being, Upstartle has cut off new registrations following the announcement while the service is scaled up and moved over to Google’s systems.

    In the meantime, interested users can sign up to a waiting list.

  • Google Digitises US Video Archives, Iraq Censorship Rumours Debunked

    Google Digitises US Video Archives, Iraq Censorship Rumours DebunkedGoogle has struck up a partnership with the US National Archives to digitise their historic movie collection and provide free access to the public through their video search service.

    Initially offering 101 digitised films, the public will be able to view World War II newsreels and footage of the Apollo 11 mission and other Nasa material online.

    Also included in the pilot are reels from a 1930s documenting the establishment of the national park system (be steady, my beating heart).

    In a statement, US archivist Allen Weinstein declared the partnership as, “an important step for the National Archives in its goal of becoming an archive without walls.”

    Google Digitises US Video Archives, Iraq Censorship Rumours Debunked“Our new strategic plan emphasises the importance of providing access to records anytime, anywhere. This is one of many initiatives that we are launching to make our goal a reality,” he added.

    Google censoring Iraq content?
    But what Google gives with one hand it appeared to be taking with another as The Register reported that the search engine giant was blocking US viewers from seeing a piece of Iraq footage on their video service.

    Although available to non-US viewers, the innocuous clip – which showed US military personnel detonating a roadside bomb in a controlled explosion – was unavailable in the US with The Register (and, to be fair, several others) citing this as an example of a new regime of political censorship at Google.

    Google Digitises US Video Archives, Iraq Censorship Rumours DebunkedHappily, this was not the case, as a Google spokesperson explained: “Video uploaders, using Google Video’s ‘Advanced Options’ feature, can choose to blacklist countries. In this case the uploader blacklisted the US and only the US. When uploading the video the content owner set a preference not to show this content to users in the US.”

    Of course, had Google not agreed to their highly controversial deal with China to censor search results recently, people would be less inclined to think them capable of censorship closer to home…

    Google Video censors Iraq footage – for US only
    National Archives via Google Video

  • Google To Power Vodafone Mobile Search – Imagination Lacking: 3GSM

    The news is coming out of 3GSM thick and fast, so we’re going to be reporting in a slightly different way. When we see a press release that we think it’s of interest to you, Dear Reader, we’ll put it up in full, with a brief comment at the top. Normal service will be resumed post 3GSM – unless you tell us you like this format.

    We’re increasingly disappointed about the view of a couple of technologies by the wider market. The primary recipients of over-glowing acceptance in our view are Apple with their iPod and Google with search. OK, they’re good products, but really …. have some imagination. There are other products/services around that are equally good, and we’re sure that it’s only a matter of time before the alternatives exceed what is currently seen as the benchmark.

    To fit in with this trend, Vodafone (who for goodness sake should have more confidence and technical expertise) have signed with Google, to have them power search on the Vodafone network.

    Vodafone and Google team to create innovative mobile search experience for mobile phone users

    Vodafone today announced that it is collaborating with Google todevelop innovative mobile search services for its customers.

    Vodafone will integrate Google’s search capability into its consumerservice, Vodafone live!, providing customers with the most relevantinformation, wherever they are and whatever time of day it is.

    Google’s search results will be delivered through Vodafone’s high speeddata networks. Combining Vodafone’s mobile expertise with Google’ssearch capability will ensure that customers can quickly and easilyfind what’s relevant to them. The new service will offer simultaneoussearch both on Vodafone live! and the wider Web.

    Vodafone’s integration of Google search will take the mobile internetto a new level. Vodafone live! was the first mobile service to makedata services easily accessible to mobile customers. Whether checkingthe weather, looking for a restaurant or getting the most up-to-datenews, consumers want search services that meet their everyday needs.

    Alan Harper, Group Strategy Director, Vodafone, said: “Innovative mobile search will become increasingly important as fastand easy access to information and services are increasingly demandedby customers on the move. Together, Vodafone and Google will focus oncreating the best mobile search service in the market, helping to bringthe mobile internet to life. Our customers will be able to findrelevant information and services faster, making the Vodafone live!customer experience even better. Our intention is to develop ourrelationship with Google to ensure Vodafone customers continue to havethe very best in mobile services.”

    Nikesh Arora, Vice President, European Operations, Google Inc., said: “As people become more mobile, it’s increasingly important that we canprovide them with access to information when on-the-go. Googleunderstands that mobile phone users are looking for more than a desktopreplacement – they want directly relevant content, quickly. Vodafonehas long been a pioneer in providing mobile data services to itscustomers and we believe that by working together we will ensure a userfriendly experience for mobile users.”

  • FON Global WiFi Venture Gets Google And Skype Investment

    FON Global Wi-Fi Venture Gets Google And Skype InvestmentInternet big boys Google and Skype have teamed up with two venture capital firms, Index Ventures and Sequoia Capital, to invest a mighty wedge into Fon Technology, a Spanish startup looking to build a global network of Wi-Fi hotspots.

    A total of €18 million ($21.6 million) has been invested in the Madrid-based company, with the cash being set aside to increase the number of Fon users and to support the growth of Wi-Fi worldwide, “particularly in countries where broadband is currently unaffordable to most people.”

    Fon’s service allows subscribers to connect and/or share their WiFi connections with others and has notched up 3,000 registered members since launching a beta version of its service in November 2005.

    The company hopes to establish a global network of 1 million Wi-Fi hotspots by 2010, allowing FON users, or “foneros,” to connect to the Internet via FON WiFi hotspots provided by other foneros (we’re already getting fed up saying ‘fon’ ).

    FON Global Wi-Fi Venture Gets Google And Skype InvestmentFor Google and Skype, a deal with FON makes their web-based services more ubiquitously available, with developers gaining access to a new platform for creating and delivering services on a global scale.

    FON intends to scoop up revenue from a subscription model, where ‘foneros’ sign up as Linus members (sharing their home WiFi hotspot with the FON network and able to use any FON hotspot for free), Bill members (sharing WiFi hotspots with Alien members for a fee but unable to roam the FON network for free) and Alien members who pay to use the FON network on an as-needed basis.

    According to FON, fifty-percent of revenue generated from ‘Aliens’ will be shared with ‘Bills’, with alien memberships currently available on a free-trial basis.

    We’re not sure how he kept a straight face, but FON founder, Martin Varsavsky is quoting as saying, “Aliens are at the heart of our business model.”

    FON Global Wi-Fi Venture Gets Google And Skype Investment“As we continue to grow, we will attract consumers for all three foneros categories and achieve our goal of creating a global WiFi nation. This is a great opportunity for ISP’s, bloggers, developers, early adopters, consumer electronics manufacturers and the ‘average Joe or Jane’ with a WiFi connection to make money by letting other foneros connect to the Net safely and simply,” he continued.

    Skype CEO Niklas Zennstrom was also enthusiastic: “There is perhaps no more important goal for the industry than helping to make broadband Internet access available around the world.”

    “FON has a great idea to help people share WiFi with one another to build a global unified broadband network, and we’re happy to lend support. Enabling more communities to tap into the power of the Web benefits us all,” he added.


  • BMW Punished By Google For Porn Tricks

    BMW Punished By Google For Porn TricksAfter trying to cheat its way to the top of the search engine pile, BMW has been dropped from global search engine, Google.

    The German car manufacturer was booted off Google after it had employed the same kind of tactics used by porn sites to try and artificially inflate search engine rankings.

    BMW’s dodgy practices were detected by Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google who explained how the company had violated Google’s webmaster quality guidelines, specifically the principle of “Don’t deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users.”

    BMW Punished By Google For Porn TricksAs he explains in his blog, search engine ‘bots’ arriving at the BMW site would see a page full of keyword-loaded text, which had been optimised to ensure a high search engine ranking.

    But what the search engine saw and what greeted visitors were two quite separate things, as a piece of JavaScript would immediately redirect visitors to a completely different website.

    Keyword-optimised ‘fake’ pages created purely to attract search engine robots are known as ‘doorway’ or ‘gateway’ pages and have long been employed by the porn industry to boost the profile of a site.

    Google’s ‘delisting’ of BMW means that searches for terms like “BMW” or “BMW Australia” will now only return results for the global site and not regional sites.

    Moreover,’s PageRank – an algorithm used by Google to assign a ‘popularity ranking’ to every page on the web – has been reset to zero.

    It’s probable that BMW enlisted the help of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts who use a variety of cunning tricks to boost a client’s search engine ranking.

    Although there are many perfectly fair and legal ways of optimising a site’s search engine ranking, it’s not unusual to see less ethical “black hat” tactics being employed, usually by dodgy gambling and pornography sites.

    BMW Punished By Google For Porn TricksBMW now have the dubious honour of becoming one of the highest profile companies to have a website effectively blacklisted by Google, by having their all-important PageRank reset to Zero (German camera manufacturer are also set to be delisted).

    Matt Cutts’ blog reports that at least some of the JavaScript-redirecting pages have already been removed from, but before they can be ‘reincluded’, Google’s webspam team will need a ‘reinclusion request’ along with details on who created the doorway pages.

    Although it’s good to see search engine cheats getting slapped down, in reality it’s not going to make a great deal of difference to BMW in the long term. But we suspect that some P45 forms are being handed out as we speak…

    Matt Cutts Blog

  • Who Will Pay The Price For Google’s Stock Drop?

    Who Will Pay The Price For Google's Stock Drop??The tumbrels are resounding for enemies of Google European head, and former T-Mobile boss, Nikesh Arora, following the “disappointing” financial results. In fact, the results were trivially down, but that was enough, and his head will be anxiously sought by Google in the US, say our stray packet interception team.

    Your Network Sniffer has discovered that Google insiders are blaming the flop of Web’n’Walk (T-Mobile) and the low-key, reluctant Vodafone contract for making Google the default search engine for phone users. Both contracts, had they been successful, “would have earned the $40m that Arora promised the City he would have,” said one insider.

    And what is $40m in the context of Google earnings? “Enough!” is the answer. As a pundit in the Telegraph remarked today: the reason for owning google shares is “it goes up every day” and this is the first time Google has been obliged to report figures below prediction.

    Who Will Pay The Price For Google's Stock Drop?And the City doesn’t like people it can’t cut down to size. Give them an excuse, and they will jump on you, which is what happened. That $40m is the excuse they’ve been waiting for. “Misled us with the forecast!”

    Why has Nikesh been nominated as scapegoat? Well, apart from the fact that nobody inside Google Europe likes him, it seems that he committed the cardinal sin of not actually telling his US bosses that he was falling short.

    “You’d think that a search company could find out what was happening inside its own offices in Europe!” was one quip which, apparently, bit deep. But that appears to be where it all went pear-shaped: instead of saying “I’m going to be $40m short, sack me if you aren’t happy!” to the financial world, Arora didn’t reveal the gap between prediction and reality until the quarterly results came out.

    This story originally appeared on NewsWireless, a site read by those who really understand the value of quality journalism.

  • Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User Loyalty

    Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User LoyaltyGoogle have released version 4 of their popular toolbar for Web browsers, with groovy new features to lure more visitors to their sites.

    The new toolbar comes with an enhanced search box offering a dynamic list of suggestions based on popular Google searches, spelling corrections and the user’s Toolbar search history/bookmarks.

    A new Custom Buttons feature lets users create their own buttons to search chosen Web sites or display RSS feeds from selected sites.

    Clicking the ‘G’ icon in the search box also lets users search different Google sites, the current site, or their Custom Button sites.

    Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User LoyaltyThe Bookmarks functionality has also been enhanced to allow users to create and label bookmarks that can be accessed from any computer – something noticeable missing from arch-rival Internet Explorer.

    Users will need a Google account for this to work, but once signed in they’ll be able to access their Bookmarks menu on any computer with the new Google Toolbar installed.

    Google’s new ‘Send To’ feature lets users share Web pages via email, text message (SMS), or blog.

    An entire page can be sent by selecting the Toolbar’s “Send To” menu, whereas snippets can be conveniently sent by simply selecting the content you want before clicking “Send To.”

    Although sending text messages via the Google Toolbar is free, charges may be slapped on by mobile networks, and we’re not sure if this feature will work in the UK as yet.

    The new gizmos add more power to the Google toolbar which already offers useful functions like word translation, spell checking, auto-fill, pop-up blocking (IE only) and page rank display.

    Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User LoyaltyBy ramping up the feature set Google is hoping to grab a larger share of Web users (and thus more advertisers) and steal a march on Yahoo and Microsoft who both offer their own toolbars.

    [The toolbar] “promotes loyalty and repeat usage,” said Greg Sterling, an analyst at market researcher Kelsey Group Inc. in San Francisco.

    “Over time everyone expects the number of searches initiated in the toolbar to grow,” he added.

    The new Google toolbar is available from its website and as part of the recently announced Google Pack.

    Google Toolbar 4