
  • Live blogging iPhone 3GS UK Launch

    Live blogging iPhone 3GS UK LaunchYou may have noticed that not everyone is a massive fans of the iPhone.

    That doesn’t mean that there aren’t millions of people who are.

    One such is tech-chum Richard Lai.

    Not only is iPhone fandom in his blood, but so it writing, photographing and documenting.


  • Apple Unveil iPhone 3GS Handset

    Apple Unveil iPhone 3GS HandsetApple has announced the latest update to its hugely successful iPhone range at its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.

    The new iPhone 3GS offers several new features and upgrades, including onboard memory capacity doubled to 32GB, voice activated dialling, MMS messaging, 3-megapixel camera, a digital compass, Tom Tom compatibility and – finally – the ability to record videos and copy and paste text.


  • Apple: Mac And iPod Sales Down

    Apple: Mac And iPod Sales DownApril has proved to be another gloomy month for the cats at Apple as retail sales continue a downward arc, according to figures from the NPD Group.

    Analyst whizz Gene Munster from Piper Jaffray cast his beady eyes over the sales data and noted that Mac sales were down 1.8 percent compared to a year ago.


  • Championship Manager Football For iPhone

    Championship Manager Football For iPhoneChampionship Manager, one of the most hideously addictive games ever created by humans has been released for the iPhone.

    Simultaneously wonderfully playable and hideously anti-social, we had to force ourselves to give up playing the game way back when it was an Amiga title.


  • US College Requires Students To Buy iPhone Or iTouch

    US College Requires Students To Buy iPhone Or iTouchCall us cynical old rascals if you will, but we can’t help suspecting that there’s been a few palms greased along the way to make this happen.

    The University of Missouri journalism students are now being ‘required’ to purchase an iPhone or an iTouch for their next college term.


  • Apple Lists Top 20 Free And Paid iPhone Apps

    Apple Lists Top 20 Free And Paid iPhone AppsApple’s runaway success of their App Store continues at a rate of knots, and to celebrate the one billionth download the company has released two lists showcasing the top 20 free and paid iPhone apps.

    Incredibly, it’s just three months have passed since Apple’s iTunes store shimmied past the 500 million download landmark


  • Apple Unapproved Cydia App Store For iPhones Emerges

    Apple Unapproved Cydia App Store For iPhones EmergesExpect Apple’s over-worked legal department to go into overdrive if the strictly non-official Cydia App Store ever appears online.

    The Wall Street Journal has reported that a developer is planning to launch the Cydia service soon, and it will sell hundreds of iPhone applications for “jailbroken” iPhones.


  • Apple And The Daft Yellow Sticky Note

    Apple And The Daft Yellow Sticky NoteIf there’s one thing sure to set Mac fanboys into palpitations of leg-quivering, gusset-moistening excitement, it’s the ludicrous pretend ‘post-it note’ that Apple slaps on their site whenever a new product is due to be announced.

    This pantomime – acted out several times annually – sees all the contents of a product page swept aside to be replaced by a yellow ‘sticky’ note proclaiming, “We’ll be back soon,” penned in a ghastly Comic Sans-alike font. Accompanying the note is the message, “We are busy updating the store for you and will be back shortly.”


  • Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple Dip

    Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple DipNew figures for the operating systems used to access the web show Microsoft registering a rise while Apple’s share takes a bit of a downward shimmy.


  • Apple And Windows 7 Grab Increased Web Market Share

    Apple And Windows 7 Grab Increased Web Market ShareJanuary has proved to be a good start for Apple, with around 10 percent of Web users running the operating system, according to Web metrics company Net Applications.

    Microsoft’s new Windows 7 OS – currently in its first public beta – also enjoyed a surge of popularity. The company first made the beta available for download on January 10, although it suffered an inauspicious debut, with servers crumbling under the demand.
