
In-depth analysis of digitisation

  • Macbook Air Sucks! Video: Knifing or Conniving? Real Or Advertising?

    Macbook Air Sucks! Video: Knifing or Conniving? Real Or Advertising?You can’t have failed to have noticed that ‘social advertising,’ is the flavour of the month year.

    You know the type of thing – ‘edgy’ videos made to look like that they’ve been shot by an amateur on a wobbly handy cam, like Samsung did with their LED sheep video (which possibily was shot by farmers) and Samsung kind of did with their HD Phone.

    Macbook air sucks! video
    Today we saw a Tweet (Thx @iowaug) pointing us to a video …

  • Over Half Of All Spam For Pills And Viagra

    Over Half Of All Spam For Pills And ViagraNigerian 419 scammers fall far behind blue pill shifters for the trouser-dept failed.

    When it comes to spam, the most popular topic is pharmaceutical, with 30.6 per cent of spams trying to flog you sexual drugs with 20.9 per cent imploring you to invest in some other medicines.


  • FOWA 08: Suw Charman: Psychology And Addition To Web Sites

    We’re at FOWA listening to speakers and popping around chatting to people. Suw stepped in due to a last noshow but presented a fascinating talk. It’s slightly in note form, but the essential are there.

    FOWA08: Suw Charman: Psychology And Addition To Web SitesSuw looks into how humans (that’s us) become addicted to certain Web sites and services like email.

    To build proper social sites, we need to understand how people work – their psychology.

    It’s about understanding compulsive behavior.


  • Netflix On Xbox 360 Exclusively: Analysis

    Netflix On Xbox 360 ExclusivelyNetflix and Microsoft have signed a deal to stream films and TV programmes to the Xbox 360.

    Starting in the autumn, over 10,000 films and TV episodes available to Xbox Live Gold subscribers who are Netflix subscribers, all for no additional cost.


  • Flickr/Getty Deal: Analysis

    Flickr/Getty Deal: AnalysisThe deal between Getty and Flickr, which exclusively gives Getty the right to pick the best images from Flickr and sell them via to their customers in the creative, commercial and editorial industries — they call it the ‘first commercial licensing opportunity for photo-enthusiasts in the Flickr community’ — is, in many ways, inevitable.

    Getty have caused a considerable amount of heart ache to professional photographers by re-adjusting their rates and contracts for images in their commercial library.


  • Best Warehouse: Best Buy / Carphone Warehouse Deal: Analysis

    Best Warehouse: Best Buy / Carphone Warehouse Deal: AnalysisFollowing on from the announcement of the proposed deal between Best Buy and Carphone Warehouse‘s retail operation, we thought this was such a significant deal, we’d carry an analysis piece on it.


  • Half The Planet Owns A Mobile Phone

    Half The Planet Owns A Mobile PhoneThey’ve only been around 30 years, but such has been the impact and growth of the mobile phone that half the planet will be carrying one in the next few months.

    According to Mobile Intelligence data, the period from Jan 2001 to 2010 will see mobile ownership go from just 13% of the population to 70% by the end of the decade.

  • Ashley Highfield & The BBC iPlayer PR Offensive

    We’ve had a listen to the podcasted interview with Ashley Highfield, Director of BBC Future Media and Technology, put out by BBC Backstage and thought it was worth some comment.

    It’s clearly part of a PR battle against those who are voicing disappointment at the BBC making the iPlayer only work on a Microsoft platform.

  • China’s Mobile Users Pass The 600 Million Mark

    China's Mobile Users Pass The 600 Million MarkThe days of a truly connected globe are drawing nearer with the news that China now has more than 600 million mobile phone users.

    The figures, for June this year, mean that every one in five mobile phone users is Chinese with the user base increasing by 40.56 million from the end of last year – a hefty 6.76 million per month, on average.

  • Is Sony Making A Significant Shift?

    Is Sony Making A Significant Shift?Rick Rubin, he of Def Jam records, has been running Colombia Records, owned by Sony.

    Yesterday, there was a 12 page piece in the IHT about Rubin and his attempt to change Colombia Records

    Beyond the “‘You might never see me, I may never wear shoes, you’re not the boss of me,” demand that Rubin was supposed to have made, there’s also some meat that will be of interest to anyone who watches the shift of digital media.