Simon Perry

  • RFID’s Are Go: Ofcom Extends UK Frequency Range

    RFID's Are Go: Ofcom Extends UK Frequency RangeOfcom, the UK uber-regulator, has today announced that they have removed the licensing restrictions on the frequency that radio frequency identification(RFID) tags use.

    The currently spectrum available is limited to the range 869.4 to 869.65 MHz. The new position will make the range much wider, stretching between 865-868 MHz range.

    The extension isn’t a great surprise as, for a number of years, there has been great excitement in industry as to the possible uses of RFID. The much used example is to improve the efficiency of handling goods in a warehouse, where items within a crate are wirelessly read, and their number deducted from the known stock list automatically as they leave the warehouse.

    Many have voiced concerns about the privacy problems of information being remotely read about a person, using RFID, without their knowledge, or complicity. Their oft cited, but basically harmless example is of each item of clothing that a person is wearing being read as they walk into a shop.

    Ofcom say that when coming to their decision, they considered two main issues. The first, the potential of interference from RFID devices, concluding that current legislation of output levels covered this. Secondarily, the economic costs and benefits. We quote

    Ofcom conducted an impact assessment which found that the potential net benefits to businesses (through better inventory management and improved security) and consumers (if savings were reflected in lower prices) would be £100 – £200 million over 10 years

    Benefits are clear for business, as efficiency is improved, by removing employees from the equation. Those to the consumers are less clear, as we can see Ofcom effectively acknowledge in their bracketed ‘if savings were reflected in lower prices’. Given what we know about the pursuit of profit, we see this as a very large If.

    RFID's Are Go: Ofcom Extends UK Frequency RangePerhaps the revealing section in Ofcom’s announcement is that they “seek to deregulate in order to increase the amount of licence-exempt spectrum used by businesses to bring new technologies and services to the market.” (Our stress).

    It could be argued that Ofcom are losing site of their statutory dutiesunder the Communications Act 2003 – to look after the interests of the public. Specifically, quoting from the Ofcom site (again our stress).

    3(1) It shall be the principal duty of Ofcom, in carrying out their functions;
    (a) to further the interests of citizens in relation to communications matters; and
    (b) to further the interests of consumers in relevant markets, where appropriate by promoting competition”

    The above is listed on the ‘about section’ on Ofcom’s site .

    Ofcom’s full statement (PDF)
    Wikipedia RFID

  • WM1185-T: Accton’s Skype-Embeded WiFi Phone

    WM1185-T: Accton's Skype-Embeded WiFi PhoneAccton Technology has unveiled a Skype-enabled Wi-Fi phone, the SkyFone WM1185-T in Tokyo.

    The big difference with this handset is that it uses an embedded version of Skype, meaning that the handset can operate without the need for a PC, as other current handsets do. Accton is one of the first companies to do so.

    It’s been reported that the handset has a 4 hour talk time and around 20 hour standby. It is expected to retail for $150 (~£86~€127).

    Accton plan to ship 5,000 handsets in December to Skype’s business partners and wireless broadband service providers worldwide for testing.

    WM1185-T: Accton's Skype-Embeded WiFi PhoneThis is exactly the type of deal that we thought that Skype would be doing and fits perfectly into our thought of The Genius of eBay Buying Skype, where Skype turns in to the next Vodafone and eBay becomes the largest phone shop in the World, sitting between the third-party handset producers and a world of customers.

    Prior to this, Accton have been producing other WiFi VoIP handsets like their VM1188B (see top), but they ran SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) not Skype.

    If you’ve never heard of Accton, you’re like the vast majority of people, even those specialising in keeping a close eye on this sector. They’re a Taiwanese company better known for producing network equipment, recently reported a pre-tax profit following seven quarters of loss.

    Accton consumer electronics

  • Amazon UK Straightens Out Tesco Via The ASA

    The commercial rivalry between two UK online retailers has spilt over into the world of advertising, or more precisely the heady world of UK advertising adjudication, run by the Advertising Standards Authority. complained directly to the ASA that Tesco has sent out an email for DVDs and CDs, that attempted to seduce purchasers as follows, “Did you know our chart CDs and DVDs are cheaper than and* Visit Tesco Jersey and see for yourself … *Refers to Tesco Jersey, and delivered prices”.

    This put’s nose right out of joint on two counts. Firstly some of the chart DVDs from Amazon Jersey were available from less money than Tesco Jersey, secondarily they felt it mislead readers as Amazon order over £19 included delivery.

    The ASA batted the first complaint aside, but felt the second held water despite Tesco putting up the follow argument. Their long winded thinking can be cut down to … As no single CD or DVD was priced over £19 (thank goodness – our addition), to qualify for the Amazon free delivery, it entailed ordering more than one item.

    Well, yes, true. We follow that. The ASA also did, but found it irrelevant.

    How did Tesco aim to put this right? First by stating that they didn’t think the ad was misleading, then with a swift call to their internal legal department by the looks of it. They fine tuned their terms and conditions of the price comparison on their Website.

    We’ll save you from all of the details, but to us the pertinent part of it was “Comparison excludes multiple purchase or free delivery offers.”

    But this jiggery pokery didn’t get them off the hook and the ASA found against them.

    What terrible fate awaits Tesco? The ASA told Tesco to make clear in future that the claim referred to single item purchases and excluded their competitor’s multiple purchase discounts. We bet the collective boots of Tesco shook.

    It’s a funny old world isn’t it?

    Well what can we draw from this? It shows that the online market is sufficiently tough – and potentially profitable – that Amazon is employing people that read through their competitors emails looking for the smallest detail that they can try and call them on.

    We have no doubt that Tesco would do the same to any other company that it felt threatened by.

    Given the outcome, we suspect that neither Amazon with be cracking the champagne in celebration, nor Tesco will be drowning their sorrows.

    The world continues to turn and the happy came of capitalism continues to fight another day.


  • Grokster U-turns And Closes Service

    Grokster U-turns And Closes ServiceGrokster, the online music sharing service, much legally embattled, has decided to shut the service and pay $50 million to settle claims against it.

    Visitors to their site will now see the following message

    The United States Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that using this service to trade copyrighted material is illegal.

    Copying copyrighted motion picture and music files using unauthorized peer-to-peer services is illegal and is prosecuted by copyright owners.

    There are legal services for downloading music and movies.

    This service is not one of them.

    Quite a turn around from their previous stance and not exactly expected.

    AP is reporting that the settlement

    permanently bans Grokster from participating, directly or indirectly, in the theft of copyrighted files and requires the company to stop giving away its software.

    You would think that this would pretty much be the end of them, but no.

    Grokster U-turns And Closes ServiceThere is a plan to launch a service that they say will be a “safe and legal service” under the name Grokster 3G.

    As you would expect with such a massive turn around, the record industry is pretty happy. Mitch Bainwol, Chairman and CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) explained their position, “As the Court articulated in no uncertain terms, there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct a business. This settlement makes clear that businesses are well aware when they are operating on the wrong side of that line.”

    The fallout from this sudden turn-around by Grokster is far from clear. They were originally one of the strongest proponents of the right to run a P2P service without restricting the content that is exchanged on it.

    Grokster U-turns And Closes ServiceCertainly, it will put significantly more pressure on StreamCast Networks Inc., which distributes Morpheus, and Sharman Networks Ltd., which distributes Kazaa, who were co-defendants of the original court case.

    What is not certain is if Grokster will be able to pull any of their current users over to their new Grokster 3G service – effectively ‘doing a Napster’. We suspect that it’s highly likely that many of the current Grokster’s will feel betrayed by their change around.


  • EHX Fall 2005, Electronic Home Expo

    Who attends EHX?
    A ‘connected home pro’ is an abbreviated term for anyone whose job it is to deliver the connected home to consumers. For instance… Architects, A/V Contractors, Cabling Contractors, CE Pro Readers, Computer Systems Integrators, Computer VAR, Custom Installers, Electrical Contractors, Electronics Retailers, Homebuilders, HVAC Installers, Mobile Installers, Satellite Dealers, Security Installers, Systems Integrators, TecHome Builder Readers, Telco & Cable Operators. As well as members of these associations:
    CEA, CEA’s TechHome Division, CEDIA, CABA, CAA, CompTIA, AAF, BICSI, IEC, IPRO, PARA. Who exhibits at EHX?
    Manufacturers and distributors of electronic home products, including home theater, distributed audio systems, structured wiring systems, high-performance audio systems, burglar & fire alarm controls, HVAC controls, lighting controls, music management systems, speaker wire & cables, video cables, screens, acoustical treatments, surge suppression, telephone systems, residential gateways, wireless networking.Anaheim Convention Center
    Anaheim, California

  • Nokia 770 Internet Tablet Ships

    Nokia 770 WiFi Tablet ShipsWe first reported the news of the existence of the Nokia 770 back in May 2005, when Janne Jormalainen, Vice President of Convergence Products, Multimedia at Nokia showed it to a slightly stunned crowd at LinuxWorld Summit in New York. Now it’s shipping.

    At the time, we enthused – naturally. How else could we react to a WiFi-powered Web browsing tablet with a 65k colour screen, that gives 3 days of browsing or 7 days of standby? We saw it as the TV watching buddy that we’ve always wanted. We could finally dump the laptop, removing its leg-heating characteristics at the same time.

    Nokia 770 WiFi Tablet ShipsWell today, Nokia are announcing its actual availability and they’ve expanded its capabilities to enable Web browsing using Bluetooth via your mobile.

    We were naturally straight on the phone to Nokia, lining up our review copy. We’d been aware of a version floating around for a while, but knew the release of software it had on it really didn’t cut the mustard. Soon, dear reader our impression of it will be revealed.

    Nokia 770 WiFi Tablet ShipsFor Linux hackers everywhere, there’s the great excitement that the 770 will be running Debian Linux, with the new platform – derived from the Linux GNOME UI – going under the name “maemo”. Development on maemo has continued since May and the end of October saw the release of maemo 1.1 Release Candidate 5. They’ve even given it the fancy new name of Nokia Internet Tablet 2005, if you please.

    Nokia are actively encouraging ‘Hackers’ to produce software for it. They’ve even got a maemo WiKi (shock, horror).

    Nokia 770 WiFi Tablet ShipsVoIP was hinted at back in May. It’s now been confirmed by our old mate Janne Jormalainen, “During the first half of year 2006 we will launch the next operating system upgrade to support more presence based functionalities such as VoIP and Instant Messaging.”

    For once with a technology product, Europe will be seeing this little beauty first, with the US having to wait a whole week longer. Prices appear to have shifted a little, upwards sadly, to €350 ($412, £240).

    Nokia 770

  • TiVo, Yahoo Deal Connects

    TiVo, Yahoo Deal ConnectsTiVo and Yahoo are linking up to provide a reasonably extensive collaboration.

    TiVo Series 2 users will be able to program their TiVo over the Web, from anywhere with an Internet connection. Simply by browsing Yahoo’s TV episode page, TiVo users will be able to click on ‘Record to my TiVo box’ to setup a record. Next time the TiVo connects to receive updates, the Yahoo service will instruct the TiVo to record the program.

    Programming your Tivo over the Internet has been possible since the first generation TiVo’s, but it required the hardware upgrade of adding a network card inside your TiVo and a small amount of fiddling with software. This deal makes it a simple point and click operation.

    TiVo, Yahoo Deal ConnectsWe understand that both companies see this as a cross-promotion service, so moines haven’t been exchanged. Proof of the promotion for TiVo are see at the bottom of the Yahoo page explaining the service, where non-TiVo owners are given the chance to buy a machine for $49 after rebates.

    We’d imagine that the possibilities of a deal between these two companies could be quite substantial, giving Yahoo a direct connection to the living room, something they’ve had strong desires on for quite a while.

    For a long time there have been a number of rumors about TiVo being bought/swollowed up by another, more in fashion (therefore more monied) company.

    TiVo, Yahoo Deal ConnectsThe programming your Tivo remotely part of the deal mirrors the deal they did with AOL a number of years ago, but as we mentioned, gives Yahoo an output in peoples TV rooms.

    After pioneering PVR’s along with the now non-existant ReplayTV, TiVo has been slowly slipping from dominance as other players realised that they could achieve pretty much say as they had done. This has been mainly true, excepting the excellent User Interface that TiVo has triumphed with.

    Yahoo/TiVo service

  • Botnet Man Charged In California

    Botnet Man Charged In CaliforniaThe alleged ‘commander’ of a 400,000 strong botnet has been arrested in the US, in the first US case brought.

    The 20 year old, Jeanson James Ancheta, of Downey, California received a knock on the door from FBI agents on Thursday. He was subsequently charged with spreading a Trojan horse program, “rxbot,”, and in the process building a network of around 400,000 infected computers.

    The FBI say he used IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to command this network to do his bidding.

    Botnet Man Charged In CaliforniaHe looks like he’s in pretty big trouble as he’s been charged with 17 counts, including conspiracy, transmission of code to a protected computer, to a government computer, and multiple counts of fraud and money laundering.

    The cheeky young scamp even advertised his botnet to be available from such pleasantries as spam and DoS (denial of service) attacks.

    His fiendish plans didn’t stop there, they think he also received $60k from what is being referred to as an “unnamed advertising service company” and in return he popped their advertising gunk on the infected machines under his control.

    We hope that if this is proved to be true, not only are the advertising company going to be chased down, but the advertisers are too.

    Botnet Man Charged In CaliforniaAmong the computers infected were some from the Weapons Division of the US Naval Air Warfare Center, and machines belonging to the US Department of Defense’s Defense Information Systems Agency, according to a statement from Debra Wong Yang, US Attorney for the Central District of California.

    You have to question how a computer at somewhere that sounds quite that serious has the opportunity to get infected

    As ever, all of this is alleged and we await the outcome of the court case to find out if he actually did carry it out.

    Botnet’s explained

  • BBC Radio 1 Does Video, With Gorillaz – News release

    BBC Radio 1 Does Video With GorillazExclusive animated footage from Gorillaz Demon Days Live in Manchester will be available ‘on demand’ via the red button on digital television for seven days, courtesy of BBC Radio 1.

    This is the first time Radio 1 has delivered visual content on demand for TV and takes the BBC’s plans to visualise radio up a gear.

    The ground-breaking initiative means viewers with digital satellite, cable and Freeview can enjoy audio and animated visuals from the gig at the push of the red button for a week after transmission.

    Radio 1 will broadcast audio from Friday’s on Lamacq Live from 9pm on Monday, November 7. From 11.30pm the same night, the station will make visuals and audio of the event available from all BBC TV channels (via digital TV) and online at Freeview viewers will be able to press red from Radio 1.

    Gorillaz Demon Days Live is a trailblazing event for the Manchester International Festival, the world’s first commissioning arts festival which kicks off in 2007. Jamie Hewlett – co-creator of Gorillaz visual identity – is producing exclusive visuals for the evening.

    Daniel Heaf, Radio 1’s Interactive Editor said; “Radio 1 knows how important visualisation is for its young listeners. This collaboration with Gorillaz Demon Days Live demonstrates how the station can provide world class music content across multiple platforms.”

    BBC Radio 1 Does Video With GorillazDan Duncombe, Digital Media Manager at Parlophone, comments, “Giving fans the ability to access content across a number of digital platforms is a key part of the Manchester events. These shows are groundbreaking and working with Radio 1 has allowed us to take this further in terms of reach as well as interactivity. Gorillaz fans throughout the world can access and interact with this exclusive audio and visual content, making it a truly global and multi platform event.”

    Gorillaz Demon Days Live sees the musical collaborators behind smash hit album Demon Days brought together for the first time ever, to recreate the album over five remarkable and unrepeatable evenings; it’s also the first time Radio 1 audiences can receive on demand visual content on digital television (DTV).

    People can listen to Radio 1 – and any other BBC radio station – via DTV. Recent research shows nearly 10 million people in the U.K. listen to radio via DTV every week (RAJAR Q3 2005).

    This initiative uses the thinking behind the BBC Radio Player – which allows people to listen to BBC Radio programmes via the Internet for a week after transmission – to give DTV listeners more control.

    BBC Radio 1 can be found on Freeview, Sky Digital, NTL and Telewest.


  • Homehoice Appoint CSFB To Fund National UK Expansion

    Homehoice Appoint CSFB To Fund National UK ExpansionThis morning, Homechoice, the currently London-focused DSL-based VOD announced that they had appointed CSFB (Credit Suisse First Boston, as was) to raise new capital for their expansion around the UK.

    Starting 2006, Homechoice plan to expand the number of homes they cover from the current 2.4m homes to over 10m. Homechoice state that this footprint is approaching the same size as that of the combined UK cable companies, which they’re close with, as ntl + Telewest actually have just over 12.6m.

    New subscriber figures have also been announced by Homechoice, revealing 34,000, more than double the 15,000 previously disclosed and widely quoted this week when rurmours of Sky being interested buying them were circulating.

    Roger Lynch pointed out, “We’re now the fastest growing pay TV service relative to our footprint ,” which, while it’s encouraging, would be expected given they started at such a small number of subscribers.

    Homehoice Appoint CSFB To Fund National UK ExpansionTheir newly-announced ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) figures are impressive at £430, being considerably higher than Sky’s £384 (announced in 3 August 2005), but lower than Telewest’s £538 and ntl’s £477 (reported to ofcom, Q2 2005).

    We find it slightly confusing that Homechoice is headlining this news release with their national expansion, which has been a long-stated aim for them and is therefore not news, and not CSFB’s appointment. They’re also putting out a whole lot of figures saying how well they’re doing. We’re not clear if this down to them wanting to make the most of the resent press interested the Sky rurmours have brought or a way of trying to cover that they’re need more money, or just genuine excitement of working the CSFB.

    On the financing of the next stage of the roll-out, Lynch explained, “We’ve also reached the stage in our corporate development when we believe it’s right to raise capital from new investors. Hence our decision to appoint CSFB.

    This could be read as saying that the current majority backer, Digital Explosion, which is owned by Chris Larsons, a Microsoft co-founder, doesn’t look like it’s prepared to fund the next stage. When we asked Homechoice, their spokesperson said Digital Explosion “Remained committed,” one further probing they wouldn’t be drawn on how much more money, if any they were prepared to invest.

    We really hope that Homechoice is successful, we’ve always have been, and continue to be supporters of theirs – for their vision, their progress and their sheer bloody-minded determination to keep going.
