
Reviewing digital media devices and services

  • Wii Fit Review: A Month After Living With Wii Fit

    Wii Fit Review: A Month After Living With Wii FitGiven you can’t really appreciate the impact of the Wii Fit straight away, we asked Ian Winter to write this multi-part review of his experience.

    Here’s the news if you’re thinking of buying a Wii Fit to lose weight, improve overall fitness, live longer and attract cuter sexual partners: it probably won’t make any difference.

    I’ve been using a Wii Fit for the past month, having nabbed one on its UK launch date. In that time I’ve maintained my usual levels of diet (mainly vegetarian, probably too much bread, definitely too much cheese, but I’m not a big snacker), exercise (I dog-walk a couple of miles most days, occasionally cycle to take The Boy to school), and my weight according to Wii Fit has not changed at all in a month. Despite spending typically half an hour an evening on it, I am still at the top end of Wii Fit’s “overweight” zone.


  • Harmony 785 Advanced Universal Remote: Review (87%)

    Review (87%)It’s great having a living room stuffed full of the latest gadgets, but with just about every gizmo coming with its own easily-lost remote control, parlour games of “hunt the ruddy remote” and “where’s the chuffing battery gone?!” have become commonplace in some homes.

  • Astraware Platypus Shoot ‘Em Up For Palm, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile Smartphones: Review (81%)

    Astraware Platypus Shoot 'Em Up For Palm, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile Smartphones: Review (81%)Released last week, Astraware’s Platypus shoot’em up game has already proved a button-straining hit on our handheld.

    The sideways scrolling, arcade-style shooter has a lovely retro feel to do it, with graphics created using claymation-style effects, giving the game a fun, sci-fi, Aardman-esque look.


  • Numark HF-125 Dual-Cup DJ Headphones: Review (65%)

    Numark HF-125 Dual-Cup DJ Headphones: ReviewFor DJs on an crab’s-bottom tight budget and home users looking for a cheap and cheerful set of headphones (or ‘cans’ as us aficionados like to call them), the Numark HF-125 Dual-Cup DJ Headphones seem to offer pretty remarkable value for money.

  • Adobe Media Player Review (Quick)

    Adobe Media Player Review (Quick)We’ve been using the Adobe Media Player for a little while, and wanted to jot down a couple of notes.

    The install of the software went flawlessly and once loaded the look of the application is very much dark and moody.


  • Proporta USB Micro Mobile Device Charger – Review (86%)

    Proporta USB Micro Mobile Device Charger - Review (86%)We were mightily impressed with Proporta’s Mobile Survival Kit USB Emergency Charger when we reviewed it earlier this year, so we were keen to check out their new, shrunk down Micro version.

  • Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 4/4 – 88%)

    Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 4/4 - 88%)In this final part of our review we check out the software, test the battery and give you our conclusion.

    Palm packs a generous package of software with the Centro including the excellent Documents To Go 10 (for reading, editing, creating and syncing full Office 2007 Word, Excel, PowerPoint and text files), Pocket Tunes for MP3 playback, and all of the usual Palm PIM applications and utilities.

  • Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 3/4)

    Palm Centro Smartphone ReviewYesterday we started getting to grips with the Centro, today we take some calls and check out the camera.

    Taking calls
    As a straightforward phone, the Centro performs very well indeed.

  • Palm Centro Smartphone Review

    Palm Centro Smartphone ReviewComing in a rounded, symmetrical design that is considerably smaller than its Treo predecessors, the new Palm Centro represents the dying gasp of Palm’s venerable operating system – but is it modern enough to provide a credible challenge to rivals in the marketplace?

  • Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Keyboard: Review (Part 2 – 85%)

    Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Keyboard: Review (Part 1)Yesterday we looked at the layout of the keyboard and battled with the installation.

    Behold! Let the light show begin!
    Once we started using the keyboard, we quickly forgave its installation quirks, and marvelled at the space age glowing lightshow on our desktop.