
  • Some eBay Sellers Still Charging 17.5% VAT

    Some eBay Seller Still Charging 17.5% VATOne of the great things about being computer-based is that you can move fast and change information quickly … right?

    We know these things, don’t we.

    This was the basis for us being really confused as to why some eBay sellers are still charging VAT at 17.5%, instead of the new 15% rate.

    As those in the UK will be well aware, in an attempt to stimulate the economy and get people spending their money, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer allowed the VAT rate (sales tax) to be trimmed down on 1 December 2008.


  • The Rise Of The PVR: Painfully Slow. New Technology Adoption Is Slow

    The Rise Of The PVR: Painfully Slow, But UK Highest In EuropeNever be fooled. Things always take a lot longer to change than you think they will – particularly where the mass adoption of a new technology is concerned.

    The PVR lesson
    When I started writing about TiVo back in 2001, I saw “PVR’s are a vital piece in the jigsaw.”


  • Twitter Misunderstood In The Evening Standard

    Twitter Misunderstood in the Evening StandardNick Curtis has written a poorly-researched piece in the Evening Standard that attempts to take a chunk out of Twitter, while asking if ‘Twitter is the new Facebook.’

    Why poorly-researched? Well, he starts the piece saying that Tweets are 160 characters long – and as anyone who has ever looked at the sevice will know, they’re 140, the large ‘140’ beneath the input box being the clue. He then moves to tell us all how he didn’t really understand it.


  • Sun Startup Essentials: An Interesting Deal For Start-Ups

    Sun Startup Essentials: An Interesting Deal For Start-UpsIt’s possible that some people reading this won’t have heard of Sun. They’re a big computer company that has gone through many iterations (during the dotcom boon their moto was “The computer is the network”).

    We’ve covered a background below to get you up to speed on Sun, but before that, we’ve got an overview on the Sun Startup Essentials, which is aimed at start-ups.


  • Yahoo: Top Searches of 2008 Published

    Yahoo: Top Searches of 2008Yahoo has published their “Year in Review,” covering search over 2008.

    They’re keen to point out that it isn’t just what the top 10 searches were, but Top 10s of lots of catagories.

    Beyond the Top 10s there’s also some analysis of what those things could have meant.


  • Virgin Mobile: 30p/Day For Internet Access

    Virgin Mobile: 30p/day For InternetEvery day more people are accessing data services from their mobile phones, like Internet browsing, Twittering, checking Facebook.

    Virgin Mobile are to be offering a 30p per day Internet tariff from 8 December to tempt people to their network, or indeed keep them.


  • Met Office To Offer Free VOD Weather To Your Mobile

    Met Office To Offer Free VOD Weather To Your MobileThe Met Office, well-know weather forecasters, are to offer a world’s first – a free-of-charge (beyond any of your own mobile data charges), video on-demand weather service to your mobile phone.

    Access will be via a branded portal (lovely to hear that phrase again :) ), giving access to weather forecasts that will be updated several times a day – currently the mobile site is saying it’s three times a


  • 100 Mbps Internet Coming To European Cable

    100 Mbps Internet Coming To European CableCable subscribers in France, Spain, Finland, the Netherlands and Belgium are in for a treat.

    Cable Europe, the self-described body representing leading Cable operators in Europe, have announced that they will be bring 100 Mbps Broadband services to their customers.


  • See The Power Behind The Browser (Video)

    See The Power Behind The Browser (Video)When you’re sitting at home or at work, tapping away in your Web browser, you hardly ever consider where your request queries are being dealth with.

    Sure they’re runing on a computer _somewhere_ on the Internet, perhaps in a data centre, but do you really know what goes on behind making that machine run?


  • Mobile Internet Grows Eight Times Faster Than PC Web Use

    Mobile Internet Grows Eight Times Faster Than PC Web UseUse of the mobile Internet is growing eight times faster than traffic to the PC-based web, with the number of Brits accessing the Internet from their mobile devices soaring by 25% in the third quarter of 2008, according to new research from stat-studying spods Nielsen Online.
