
Content in its shift to become digital

  • YouTube Screening Room: ‘Serious’ Content For YouTube

    YouTube Screening Room: 'Serious' Content For YouTubeYouTube Screening Room has officially been released following a couple of rumours knocking around about it.

    YouTube’s stated intention is that they want to give the opportunity to the “tens of thousands of films” that are produced every year to be seen by a wider audience.


  • British Music Rights Survey On Teenage Kicks

    British Music Rights Survey Shows Teenage KicksIt looks like someone in the music business has taken a hard swallow and commissioned some research giving the true view of UK 14-24 year olds. Potentially refreshing.

    Not only that, but it appears that they’ve swallowed even harder and decided to actually listen to what those surveyed are actually saying – perhaps a first in the music industry.


  • YouTube Introduce Video Annotation

    YouTube Introduce Video AnnotationWe were putting a video up yesterday (Virtual Mirror) and we saw that YouTube had introduced a new function – allowing video publishers to add annotations to their pieces.

    Hurrah – we’ve been waiting for a feature like this for a long time and had it as a ‘one day’ project for ourselves, for the last five or so years.


  • House Of Lords YouTube Channel Launches

    House Of Lords YouTube Channel LaunchesThe UK House of Lords, is to launch it’s own YouTube channel.

    Previously seen by some as a stuffy, rather stiff institution, it seems like the House of Lords , or The Lords as it’s normally abbreviated to, is trying to update it’s image and become more accessible to the people. All good stuff that should be supported.


  • Zattoo Mini Review: Live TV Streaming On Your Computer

    Zattoo Mini Review: Live TV Streaming On Your ComputerZattoo is a P2P applications for all three computer platforms (Linux, Mac and Windows) that lets you view live streams of many TV channels.


  • Site Down Site DownAnyone been to the T-Mobile site today? Thanks to Ian who pointed it out to us, we’ve just visited there to find that the site is showing a single holding page.

    We all know that the online world has its difficulties with servers every now and again, but T-Mobile are claiming that they we’ve caught them “secretly working on the site.”


  • Warner Music And Last.FM Part Company: Brief Analysis

    Warner Music And Last.FM Part Company: Brief AnalysisFriday saw the news that Warner Music and Last.FM had ended their arrangement to have Warner’s music play on the free on-demand music streaming service that Last.FM runs.

    It’s unclear if Warner’s dropped Last.FM or if Warner’s were themselves dropped.

  • Canon EOS 1000D/Rebel XS 10MP Budget dSLR Announced

    Canon EOS 1000D/Rebel XS 10MP Budget dSLR AnnouncedStepping out in the the highly competitive glare of the entry-level dSLR market is Canon’s new 10 Megapixel snapper, the EOS 1000D.

    The compact dSLR packs a 7-point wide area AF system, 2.5″ LCD and continuous JPEG shooting ratcheting up to 3fps until the memory card is full.

  • Facebook IM Chat: “Least Secure”

    Facebook IM Chat: Least SecureWith more and more online chatters using wireless instant messaging for both personal and business use, it’s not surprising that dodgy types are queuing up to try and eavesdrop on the conversation.

    With more users helping themselves to free unencrypted wireless networks in cafes, libraries etc, it’s easier than ever to grab IM passwords as they whizz through the air, IM security is becoming a growing issue.

  • Logosphere: Kitchen Table Lingo Wants Your Words

    Logosphere: Kitchen Table Lingo Wants Your WordsIt appears that no-one is immune to Internet fads these days, even traditional venerable institutions such as Oxford English Dictionary (OED) are getting involved.

    (Amazingly the OED is only 80 years old – it’s one of those things that you would have assume had been around since the invention of the print press in Europe by Gutenberg … or before.)
