LonelyGirl15, the YouTube fictional character, who started out trying to con all of the YouTube viewers into believing that she was actually real, not the product of a writing team, has finally ‘died’.
Some UK Teachers Want YouTube Closed Down
Yesterday the UK’s Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) demanded sites such as YouTube to be closed, for encouraging CyberBullying.
Proposed by Kirsti Paterson at the national conference held in Harrogate, the motion was “Conference deplores the very real problem of cyber bullying in schools and demands the closure of sites encouraging such behaviour.”
(more…)Your Own Embedded Flash Video Player: HowTo Part II
Yesterday we looked at the YouTube player and how it became so successful so quickly. In this final part, you’ll see how you can free yourself of YouTube and other video serving sites and DIY.
Doing It Yourself
We’re now entering the next era of embedding video on your site – Doing It Yourself.Your Own Embedded Flash Video Player: HowTo
Putting video on your site or blog using someone else’s embedded video player is pretty old hat these days – there are just so many tools and services around to help you.
We know things move pretty fast on the Internet, so we thought we’d bring you up to speed with an emerging stage beyond YouTube-esque sites – running your own embedded video player.
(more…)Microsoft Surface Parody Video: Brilliant!
We’ve all seen the video of Microsoft showing off the surface table that lets you interact in what is now a novel way.
We’ve found a video that brilliantly mocks it.
(more…)VideoIPO: Video Stock Exchange: Trade On YouTube Popularity
A nifty mashup reaches us via Perry Aulie, co-founder of VideoIPO.
It’s a service that is hoping to make a success out of the enormous and growing interest in watching videos online, specifically YouTube – but not by following the same now-overdone model of serving videos.
VideoIPO lets you trade on the popularity of YouTube Videos by mashing up YouTube video and the Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) trading engine.
(more…)YouTube On iPhone: H.284 Encoded
With just over a week until the
whole of humanity is saved and we shall never have to worry about disease againlaunch of the iPhone in the US, Apple have let it be known that they have been getting even closer to YouTube.YouTube have been busily re-encoding lots of their videos to H.264 and the Apple iPhone (aka Mankind’s Saviour) will be the first phone to make use of them. The advantages to Apple is PR (You’re reading this) and the playback of H.264 should be more battery efficient, as it doesn’t need the whole of a Flash player to render the videos on the handset.
Over 10,000 video will be available on the 29 June (iPhone day) with all of the other videos following suit, it’s expected, by Autumn (Fall) this year.
By way of a lovely tie-up, it’s also the day that sees the YouTube on Apple TV go live – after they do the download update to their little boxes.