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  • #geomob Event Review: Highly Recommended: On Tomorrow

    #geomob Event Review: Highly Recommended: On TomorrowWith the next #geomob event coming along tomorrow (30th June, deets below), we thought you’d like to know what it’s like and why you’d be doing yourself a favour for going along.


  • Vodafone Access Gateway: Femtocell 1 July UK Launch

    Vodafone Access Gateway: Femtocell 1 July UK Launch18 months ago, Digital-Lifestyles was one of the first, if not _the_ first, consumer-focused publications to report on Femtocells.

    We were wowed by the concept – very strong cellular reception in your home, with the calls and data heading up your broadband connection.

    As we said back in Nov 2007 …

  • Twitter Ban: Plymouth Council Bans Councillors From Twitter: UPDATED

    Twitter Ban: Plymouth Council Bans Councillors From TwitterThe Chief Executive of Plymouth Council has banned elected local councillors from using Twitter.

    This incredible news has come to light the day after many witnessed MPs Tweeting live from UK Parliament while the selection of the next Speaker of the House.


  • Live blogging iPhone 3GS UK Launch

    Live blogging iPhone 3GS UK LaunchYou may have noticed that not everyone is a massive fans of the iPhone.

    That doesn’t mean that there aren’t millions of people who are.

    One such is tech-chum Richard Lai.

    Not only is iPhone fandom in his blood, but so it writing, photographing and documenting.


  • The Future Of Moore’s Law Questioned

    The Future Of Moore's Law QuestionedFor over forty years Moore’s Law has stood to be correct. It’s now being questioned as to whether it will continue.

    Named after co-founder of Intel, Gordon Moore (pictured), Moore’s Law stated that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles every two years.

    Len Jelinek, director and chief analyst, semiconductor manufacturing, for research company iSuppli, has raised the flag that given the economics of the chip business, it could well come to an end, in around 2014.


  • Media140 To Go “Around the World in 140 Days”

    Media140 Grows To Be InternationalThe Media 140 conference held back in May in London was an excellent event.

    It brought together Twitter users, journalists, people from the PR world and others interested in what the possible effected of Twitter might be.

    It was clear that the event had legs.


  • YouTube Streaming One Billion Videos A Day

    YouTube Streaming One Billion Videos A DayDespite spoddy techsters Nielson and ComScore calculating much lower figures, Google has ‘fessed up that their YouTube service is the most popular its ever been, streaming an incredible one billion videos a day worldwide.


  • Apple Unveil iPhone 3GS Handset

    Apple Unveil iPhone 3GS HandsetApple has announced the latest update to its hugely successful iPhone range at its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.

    The new iPhone 3GS offers several new features and upgrades, including onboard memory capacity doubled to 32GB, voice activated dialling, MMS messaging, 3-megapixel camera, a digital compass, Tom Tom compatibility and – finally – the ability to record videos and copy and paste text.


  • Is Twitter Over-Hyped?

    Is Twitter Over-Hyped?It may seem that the entire online world is always banging on about Twitter, but research from web security firm Purewire suggests that not everyone may be feeling the Twitter-love.

    The company evaluated the profiles of millions of Twitter users to show off the abilities of their new Tweet Grade web tool (unfortunately, their website appears to be down at the moment so we can’t tell you anything about what it does).


  • Twitter Introduces Advertising

    Twitter Starts AdvertisingFor a looooong time people have been wondering quite how Twitter is going to make money from this beast of a product that they have.

    Looks like they’ve taken the plunge into advertising.

    Today I logged on with a new account that I created yesterday, to see an advert placed in on the upper right hand side of the page.

    You may have noticed that this space has before been used for giving you tips on how to Tweet better – and we thought a pre-cursor of where commercial ads would appear.
