23-25 Feb CEDIA has announced an inaugural event bringing together professionals from the architectural, design, and residential technology industries. Electronic Lifestyles ® Forum 2006 is the preeminent event focusing on how technology affects ergonomics and anthropology. With the support of the American Society of Interior Designers, this forum will open doors for discussion, and the sharing of ideas of how technology is changing the way we live, and how it affects the design professional’s thought process. Keynote Speakers: Nicholas Negroponte – one of the foremost futurists on the international scene today!
William McDonough – world-renowned architect, designer, and winner of three U.S. presidential awards! Palace Hotel, San Francisco http://www.cedia.net/el_forum/
Simon Perry
CEDIA Electronic Lifestyles Forum
Ofcom VoIP Consultation Announced For UK
Ofcom has just announced another consultation on Voice over IP (VoIP) use in the UK as a follow up to their last, which they called New Voice Services: A consultation and interim guidance, and released on 6 September 2004.
We feel this is sufficiently important to instantly flag up, so now only cover the key points. More details will follow.
Ofcom estimate is that there’s around 500,000 VoIP users in the UK, we can only assume that this is both software (Skype, gTalk, etc) and hardware (Vonage, etc). Sounds low to us and at the time of writing, Ofcom hasn’t responded to our request for clarification.
Subjects for discussion/debate –
The obvious of 999 emergency service comes up, but the use of language is pretty interesting. Ofcom say they want to ‘increase the incentive for VoIP services to offer 999 access,’ so potentially no insistence. VoIP providers will love this, as they’ve tripped up in other countries with this.
The scope _does_ appear to cover number portability which is good for the consumer.
As yet unclear, but in our view important. Will there be a move to enforce interoperability between different providers of the service? It would be very pro-consumer, but would put the noses-out-of-joint for quite a few VoIP providers, especially Skype.
Any comments in response have to be with Ofcom by 3.May.06. They’re not going to rush themselves in making their views on the process know in a big rush, they plan to make a statement in August 2006.
Ofcom – Consultation Documents on Regulation of VoIP Services
Sport1, Film1: First HDTV channels in Holland
The World Cup In Germany this year is going to be the big opener for HDTV in Europe.
When I was in Berlin mid-last year there was a lot of talk about it, and with the annoucment below, it’s clear that that HD mania isn’t going to just be restricted to Germany, as Holland follows suit.
Sport1, a new pay-TV channel will be the first HDTV channel in Holland and on the back of it they’ll be launching Film1 – no prizes for guessing what they’ll be putting on that.
Dutch Sport1 and Film1 to launch HDTV channels with World Championship football
News release follows
Amsterdam, 21 February 2006 – New Dutch pay-TV service Sport1 will air the World Championship football in Germany in the HDTV (High Definition Television) format to kick off the first Dutch HDTV channel fully dedicated to sports. A Sport1 HDTV channel will launch early June, driven by the start of the World Championship on June 9, and will also show matches from the main European football competitions as well as a wide variety of international sports in the HDTV format. Launching at the same time in early June, a Film1 HDTV channel will show the latest Hollywood movies in the HDTV format.
The launch of these two channels is an important step forward in making the superior HDTV broadcasting available in the Netherlands. chellomedia, the owner of Sport1 and Film1 in the Netherlands, has concluded an agreement to this effect with the digital cable platforms of UPC, Essent, Multikabel and CaiW. These Dutch cable operators are currently preparing their technical infrastructures for the launch of HD services. Digital cable is optimally suited to HDTV transmission due to the very high capacity of the cable infrastructure.
chellomedia, which bought the film and sports rights for the Netherlands from Canal+ last year, first concentrated on the launch of Sport1 and Film1 as a digital pay-TV service. The main goal was more content and more channels for the consumer at a lower price. The launch of HD channels for Sport1 and Film1 is a logical next step in the strategy to become the leading provider of sport and film content in the Netherlands. Another step, in advance of the launch of the HDTV channels is the change to broadcast Film1 and Sport1 in the anamorph widescreen format (16:9), coming from the older 4:3 screen format related to analogue television (as far as the content allows for this).
HDTV: far better picture and sound
Jeroen Bergman, Managing Director of chellomedia Benelux added: “A growing number of consumers are buying high quality flatscreen TV systems for their homes, with which they enjoy a better viewing experience. HDTV transmission here provides a huge improvement of picture and sound quality over current standards of transmission. HDTV offers television viewing of the future. There has not been such a technological revolution since the move from black and white TV to colour. We are proud to be among the initiators of the future of a new standard of television viewing.” Consumers need a HDTV ready TV set and HDTV ready digital decoder for viewing in the HDTV format.Film1 and Sport1
Film1 and Sport1 are Dutch pay-TV services of chellomedia, the European content and digital services division of Liberty Global, Inc. Film1 boasts four movie channels and broadcasts first-rate films that are making their first appearance on Dutch television. These vary from blockbusters to independent and art house films.Sport1 is a 24-hour sports channel with an extensive range of live sports. This channel can be extended to maximally eight sport channels, enabling viewers to decide for themselves what matches to follow. Sport1 televises all the major European soccer leagues, as well as the UEFA Champions League, the English FA Cup and the Copa Libertadores, as well as hockey, basketball, baseball, darts, golf and tennis.
ShoZu Mobile Photo Application: Brief Update
We covered ShoZu winning an award to last weeks 3GSM. Sadly we’d hit problems trying to test it out, but here’s the update.
Thanks to the top brass at Shozu for getting in touch to remedy our installation hiccups. Before the contact, we’d loaded another browser (Firefox over Safari, which didn’t hang) and managed to get the WAP download link onto our trusty Sony k750i.
The next problem we hit was of our impatient making. When getting the downloaded app authorised to use the phones Internet connection and access out photo’s on-board, we didn’t read the message fully and only fixed the Internet problem – the message didn’t reflect this.
We’ve now got it working and have been playing with ShuZo.
The problems we hit getting/authorising the ShuZo app on a myriad of mobile phones will be found by many others, and as far as we can see, there’s no obvious way to tackle it without being very patient and holding the hand of the user.
Looks like a clear need for a standard for getting active mobile applications working across handsets.
Volvo Penta IPS: Joystick Boat Control
When it comes to Friday, our thoughts are drawn to life on the sea with the inevitable weekend sojourn to Monte Carlo (doesn’t everyone weekend there?).
Did you know that Yacht owners can be very snooty about those who own motor launches – floating gin palaces is what they call them. I’ve never figured out if this is a class-thing, or jealousy, but I do know that they are dismissed as flash-Harry’s. Yachties take tremendous pride (probably correctly) in controlling their craft, having invested years to learn the fine art. As far as they see, motor boat owners turn up, turn the key and drive off – far too easy, with not enough suffering.
The latest innovation from Volvo Penta is bound to add extra ammunition to the yacht-owners dislike of Motor boats and their owners. It looks like it makes it a doodle of maneuver a boat, with almost super-human skills.
They’ve launched the IPS, complete with joystick, designed to ease the handling of motor boats. The Inboard Propulsion System, to give it it’s full moniker, enables the captain to finely control the boats movements by twiddling a joystick.
They’ve taken the idea beyond simple X-Y joystick movements to incorporate a twisting action and a couple of buttons. X-Y provides the obvious forward/backward, plus an interesting side-to-side action, which doesn’t swing the boat around, but literally slides it sideways – neat.
The joystick’s twisting action rotates the boat, seemingly on a six-pence, in either direction, right or left – again, most impressive.
The joystick is only part of it. The rest of IPS secrets are hidden under the boat using what those in the know would call ‘two forward-facing contra-rotating propellers per unit’. To you and me, that’s a couple of engines that you can point in different directions.
With the engines able to act independently, when combined with the joystick, the IPS provides the ability to maneuver with tremendous precision.
We looking forward to getting our hands on it for a full review and are think which of the Digital-Lifestyles boats would benefit from retro-fitting this.
Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac Safe (Update 2)
The days of smugness of Apple Macintosh users are coming to an end. Symantec is reporting that they’ve recently identified a virus for Macs. It’s a pretty rare occurrence, given there’s only been about 10 Apple viruses in the last 10 years.
Given the rareness of this, we felt it’d be worth delving further into this one.
The OSX/Leap-A virus uses the Apple Instant Messaging (IM) software, iChat, to spread itself. Once installed, it spreads itself by forwarding the virus payload (translated – reads the program that infects your machine) as photos from your IM pal, under the name ‘latestpics.tgz’. It’s not selective, it just runs through your IM list attempting to infecting each of them in turn.
Macs still safer
The next stage illustrates PC & Mac virus are notably different. To become infected, the recipient has to get involved, and not just once, but follow a few clicks.In the case of the OSX/Leap virus – the .gz file has to be accepted; clicked on to unbundle; then executed. The more steps there are to follow, leads to a significant reduction in the chances of it being executed without suspicion. PC viruses often install themselves without the user knowing anything about it.
Symantec tell us that to date, no Apple Mac virus has been able to install itself without the user getting involved in some way.
Spotlight – used by OSX/Leap
Illustrating the double-edged side of all technology, this virus uses Spotlight, the Apple supplied quick searching service that ships with OSX.By identifying the four most recently executed apps using Spotlight, it uses this information to attempt to infect these files.
Many Mac users will find this the most disturbing aspect of this virus. Something as integrated and wide-ranging as Spotlight being able to be taken over by a malicious program is very worrying.
Safe with Intel-based Mac?
(Update: Thanks to Lee Dickey for getting in touch pointing out that what we’ve written, about OSX.Leap not running on Intel-Macs conflicts with the advice on the Symantec page. To be clear, when we were researching the original article we spoke to Eric Chien, Chief Researcher at Symantec. He told us it did _not_ run on the Intel-Macs.)
(Update 2: We’ve re-contacted Mr Chien today, and he now informs us that it _does_ run on Intel-Macs, but won’t spread from them. His words …
There is no malicious payload (e.g., deleting of files, sending out personal information, etc.) in the threat itself and thus, on both Intel AND PPC.
The threat merely tries to replicate. On Intel, it does not executeproperly and does not replicate successfully, but can be saved andcopied onto the system. The threat itself was clearly written for PPC.
Ammendmants to our text have been made.)
When delving into this, we found it interesting that the virus code doesn’t
execute, at all,spread on Intel-based Macs, even when using the compatibility emulator, Rosetta. Summary – Intel-based Macs are safe from damage this heartless-beasty.Start the queue here marked ‘Conspiracy: Getting you to buy an Intel-based Mac.’
Discussion on IM worm viruses
We chatted over the currently state of Apple Mac viruses with Eric Chien, Chief Researcher with Symantec. It’s clear that it’s early days for Mac viruses, just take a look at the total lack of social engineering involved with the virus payload. All that’s delivered is the gz file, no supporting message to entice you into looking at them like, ‘hey have a look at these’, ‘here’s some shots of you last time you danced naked through town’, nothing.On the general subject of IM worms (viruses that use IM to transport themselves), we wondered if IM is less successful as IM users are generally more tech-aware, therefore less likely to be tricked into getting infected. As Chien pointed out, there’s also an instant response route to the potential-infector – ‘what’s this latestpics.tz you’re sending me’ – which is likely to de-rail a lot of infection.
One of the benefits in using IM to distribute viruses is that it plays on the intimate relationship with everyone on your IM list. They wouldn’t be there without that level of trust and this is easily abused – currently.
Full details of how OSX/Leap installs itself and how to get rid of it are available from Symantec
Guitar Hero: PS2 Release In Europe
It’s rare that there are inconsistencies in the Digital-Lifestyles clan, but there’s one subject that brings a split consensus. Some of us, me included, think that different forms of controllers for video game is a trend that is just starting – a more natural way of working with the games console is inevitable, like the Reebok CyberRider we reviewed at the start of 2003. Others think they’re just a plain daft idea, to be forgotten in the twitch of a joystick.
Guitar Hero on the PS2 has re-ignited the subject as it features a guitar controller modeled on the classic Gibson SG.
Rock-power-fiends will set their fingers a flyin’ around the five frets, strum-bar and whammy bar. Beyond the buttons, there’s an alignment sensor used to gain extra style points when it’s played vertically. Expect the inducement of dizziness as heads are thrown around in a frenzy.
Gameplay for single players includes a ‘career’ mode, taking you from playing small indie club on your path to the rock-mega-god status of playing stadiums.
With the Multiplayer mode seeing two players facing-off in what are described as ‘an electrifying series of guitar duels’, it’s quite unclear what will happen over artistic differences, or even usages of the power axe (otherwise known as guitar) as there’s only one shipped with the software.
The game format will be familiar to anyone who’s ever played or even seen a game like Dance Dance Revolution. Different coloured objects move down the screen towards you and actions have to be performed to match these object.
Initial previews have been strong and it’s gained from PR boosts with the like The Darkness talking about on MTV Overdrive. It looks like there’s high hopes from this one.
Guitar Hero will be released in the UK in April 2006, priced £49.99 (including SG controller). Rollout throughout Europe will follow shortly.
We’re looking forward to getting our hands on it.
Guitar Hero Games
(There’s a video of The Darkness talking about Guitar Hero on MTV Overdrive, which due to Geo-locations filters, we are unable to see in the UK as ” MTV Overdrive is currently unavailable in” our “territory”>ShoZu, Mobile Photo Sharing App Wins Award: 3GSM
We’ve found it amazing that no application has come along and claimed theposition as the de-facto mobile phone photo-handling application. Perhapsbecause it’s such a mouthful.
Mobile phones with cameras are, after all, one of the main devices that areused by the wo/man in the street to capture most of their photos.
One of the applications that fits into said category is ShoZu, and weimagine that they are feeling rather pleased with themselves today afterwinning an award at 3GSM.
Prompted by the enthusiastic press release (below), we thought it was abouttime we tried it out – after all, we’d been seeing their name on Flickr forages, so it only seemed right.
We hope our experience is unique otherwise there’ll be a lot of peopleusing other services that _aren’t_ ShuZo.
The first few sign up screens were OK, until we were asked for our mobilephone number, so we could be mailed the app. Clicking the button to receivethis has, for the last half hour, just left us hanging.
Initial impressions – not good, but we’re hoping it’s going to get better.
We assume the 3GSM judges got over this.
Cognima collects top award at 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona for its ShoZu mobile media application
Wednesday 15 February 2006: Cognima, the company behind ShoZu, the free-to-download mobile phone application which allows users to share full quality images and video content with their chosen online community, was officially named as a world leader within the global mobile application market by the 3GSM Association at last night’s worldwide award ceremony in Barcelona. The ShoZu content sharing service, which was only recently launched at the end of last year, offers users the smartest and most affordable way to share rich media content using mobile cameraphones.
Accepting the award on behalf of Cognima, Mark Bole CEO said, “We have been delighted with the genuine support we have been getting from our customers, web partners and handset manufacturers in mobilizing a thriving and workable rich media content ecosystem.”
ShoZu’s ongoing commitment to fueling the mobile value chain by offering innovative and simple high quality media content services has captured the mood of the industry as it heads into the realm of consumer focused rich media content sharing. The fundamental concept behind ShoZu’s rapid growth in market visibility revolves around making the user-experience as enjoyable and simple as possible and in doing so makes mobile image sharing both straight forward and immediate.
ShoZu has been one of the defining presences at this year’s international congress, highlighting the sustainable growth within the maturing international mobile content sharing industry.
Bole added: “It is exciting that ShoZu has managed to capture the attention of the global community who are looking to work within this space. We are fully committed to finding new ways of allowing our growing user base to interact and participate with their online communities.”
Earlier on in the day, Mark Bole received a personal visit from HRH Prince Andrew who was keen to hear about ShoZu’s work in the area of delivering and offering application solutions to a wider mass user market.
Over the coming weeks, ShoZu will be announcing major enhancements to the service, including the development of rich media content from the web to mobile devices. These will include videocasting, podcasting, music and other third party media formats.
Opera Web Browser Now On Nintnedo DS
Opera, Opera, everywhere
Opera have had a concerted effort to place their Web browser on _everything_, most recently, with AJAX support on digitalTV.
Nintendo have made an interesting move here. The DS has always been focused on providing gaming, so to take the jump to making it a Web-access device is significant.
Those interested in running it will need to buy a Opera on a DS card and they’ll be away – browsing over Wifi on the dual screens.
February 15, 2006: Opera Software today announced that it will deliver the World Wide Web to Nintendo DS users in Japan. In Opera’s agreement with Nintendo, Nintendo DS users will now be able to surf the full Internet from their systems using the Opera browser. The Opera browser for Nintendo DS will be sold as a DS card. Users simply insert the card into the Wi-Fi enabled Nintendo DS, connect to a network, and begin browsing on two screens.
Earlier this year, Nintendo reported that 13 million Nintendo DS systems were sold to consumers around the world within just 13 months of its debut in November 2004. Nintendo DS combines unique dual screens, touch screen, voice recognition and wireless and Wi-Fi communications capabilities. According to an independent market research company in Japan, Nintendo DS has become the fastest selling video games machine to top the 6 million sales mark in Japan in just over 14 months since its Japanese debut, breaking the old record held by Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance.
“The incredibly popular Nintendo DS is already Wi-Fi enabled to support real?time gaming, so adding Web browsing capabilities was a natural evolution for this device,” says Scott Hedrick, Executive Vice President, Opera Software. “Gaming devices are growing more advanced and a great Web experience is becoming a product differentiator for gaming manufacturers. Opera is excited to work with Nintendo to deliver a unique dual screen, full Internet experience on Nintendo DS.”
With an on?screen keypad and stylus, users can easily navigate the Web from their Nintendo DS with PDA?like functionality. Based on the same core as the Opera desktop browser, Opera delivers superior speed and rendering of Web pages on the Nintendo DS.
“Within just five seconds of turning on the system, the Nintendo DS is already fully operational. This makes it the ideal device to enable people to swiftly obtain the latest information from the internet, wherever they are,” says Masaru Shimomura, Deputy General Manager of Nintendo’s R & D Department. “Opera exceeded our expectations with its user friendly interface, quick access to all your favorite sites, ease of use and, most importantly, in making the best use of the Nintendo DS system’s unique double screens and touch screen features. Opera is an important partner for Nintendo in our efforts to further expand the users of the Nintendo DS.”>Nintendo Co., Ltd. held a presentation today in Tokyo, Japan, to announce updates for the Nintendo DS. Information on the availability of the Opera browser DS card has not yet been announced.
Google To Power Vodafone Mobile Search – Imagination Lacking: 3GSM
The news is coming out of 3GSM thick and fast, so we’re going to be reporting in a slightly different way. When we see a press release that we think it’s of interest to you, Dear Reader, we’ll put it up in full, with a brief comment at the top. Normal service will be resumed post 3GSM – unless you tell us you like this format.
We’re increasingly disappointed about the view of a couple of technologies by the wider market. The primary recipients of over-glowing acceptance in our view are Apple with their iPod and Google with search. OK, they’re good products, but really …. have some imagination. There are other products/services around that are equally good, and we’re sure that it’s only a matter of time before the alternatives exceed what is currently seen as the benchmark.
To fit in with this trend, Vodafone (who for goodness sake should have more confidence and technical expertise) have signed with Google, to have them power search on the Vodafone network.
Vodafone and Google team to create innovative mobile search experience for mobile phone users
Vodafone today announced that it is collaborating with Google todevelop innovative mobile search services for its customers.
Vodafone will integrate Google’s search capability into its consumerservice, Vodafone live!, providing customers with the most relevantinformation, wherever they are and whatever time of day it is.
Google’s search results will be delivered through Vodafone’s high speeddata networks. Combining Vodafone’s mobile expertise with Google’ssearch capability will ensure that customers can quickly and easilyfind what’s relevant to them. The new service will offer simultaneoussearch both on Vodafone live! and the wider Web.
Vodafone’s integration of Google search will take the mobile internetto a new level. Vodafone live! was the first mobile service to makedata services easily accessible to mobile customers. Whether checkingthe weather, looking for a restaurant or getting the most up-to-datenews, consumers want search services that meet their everyday needs.
Alan Harper, Group Strategy Director, Vodafone, said: “Innovative mobile search will become increasingly important as fastand easy access to information and services are increasingly demandedby customers on the move. Together, Vodafone and Google will focus oncreating the best mobile search service in the market, helping to bringthe mobile internet to life. Our customers will be able to findrelevant information and services faster, making the Vodafone live!customer experience even better. Our intention is to develop ourrelationship with Google to ensure Vodafone customers continue to havethe very best in mobile services.”
Nikesh Arora, Vice President, European Operations, Google Inc., said: “As people become more mobile, it’s increasingly important that we canprovide them with access to information when on-the-go. Googleunderstands that mobile phone users are looking for more than a desktopreplacement – they want directly relevant content, quickly. Vodafonehas long been a pioneer in providing mobile data services to itscustomers and we believe that by working together we will ensure a userfriendly experience for mobile users.”