
  • Blackberry Bold (mini review – 75%)

    The Blackberry Bold has been around for a while (having been released during summer last year) and it’s already been superseded by the Storm (which is probably in a tea-cup) though they are designed for different markets.

    The Bold is a business phone, it has a nice screen and a keyboard that is usable – as usable as the earlier Curve and better than the dual key bodge of the Pearl.

    The Storm is RIM’s attempt at a consumer phone to compete with the iPhone and public opinion says it pretty well fails at all counts, especially the software which is buggy.


  • BlackBerry Storm Gets Off To A Wobbly Start

    BlackBerry Storm Gets Off To A Wobbly StartThere seems to be a growing band of unhappy bunnies among Blackberry Storm customers, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal.

    The paper reports that Research In Motion’s first touch-screen device has attracted a storm (sorry!) of complaints from users about the handset’s buggy software and temperamental hardware.


  • BlackBerry Curve 8900 Hits Vodafone UK, T-Mobile US

    BlackBerry Curve 8900 Hits Vodafone UK, T-Mobile USThe latest from the Blackberry stable, the Curve 8900, is now available on UK Vodafone and T-Mobile will have it in the US.

    The Curve builds on the success of previous models – some people are even declaring it a combination of Curve, Bold and Storm.

    With the screen from the Bold (high-res 2.4-inch 360×480), the 3.2Mpx camera from the Curve, WiFi, GPS and a very strong audio and video player, including divx playback, it’s going to be one to watch.

    Big excitement
    We’re hugely excited about getting our hands on the Blackberry Curve 8900.
