Simon Perry

  • When Corporate Mashups Go Wrong: Chevy Tahoe

    When Corporate Mashups Go Wrong: Chevy TahoeCompanies are now starting to dip their toe into the world of Mashups/user-generated content – but when the user is generating it, the results might not always be what they expect or desire. We’ve seen a few examples of this today.

    Uber-car maker Chevrolet – or their agencies – came up with a great wheeze. They’ve put tools on the Web to allow the worlds users remix and mash-up their latest Chevy Tahoe adverts.

    It’s not hard to imagine the scene. The agency person, having hear from his ‘Geek’ source that mashups were ‘The Latest Thing’, over-enthusiasticly pitching it to Chevy

    When Corporate Mashups Go Wrong: Chevy TahoeAmazingly the thing that they don’t appear to have noticed is that many people see Chevy as Uber in a couple of sense – the sheer size of their company and, importantly for this piece, in the sheer size of the cars on the road and fuel-guzzling nature.

    Some witty wags have used the Chevy tools to create adverts mocking the over-sized cars, the nature of their advertising and the company generally.

    Selection of spoof ads
    Roll-up, roll-up get them while they’re fresh (and before they get taken down by those that be).

    Where’s My Helicopter? – This mocks the unreachable locations that car companies put their cars in for adverts, then proceeds to question if a 4×4 car of this size is really needed when they are, on the whole, only used to drive to the shopping mall.

    Global Warming – The sights of this spoof are a little more ambitious – asking why the USA reaction to the threat of Global Warming is to make and sell cars like the Chevy Tahoe.

    Flowers – This one addresses the over-sized, aggressive nature of the car. Summary – Where have all of the flower gone? Who cares? My truck’s bigger than yours and I’ll crush you.

    When Corporate Mashups Go Wrong: Chevy TahoeWe love the idea of corporate tools being used against those who are paying for they development, hosting and bandwidth, but suspect that corporate number two who approaches this may take a different approach. This won’t of course stop those who are angered by this type of thing using their own footage to the same affect.

    Expect people in the marketing department to get fired over this one. People who run companies like Chevrolet don’t like to be made to looks foolish. Perhaps if they moved to destroy the planet a little less they’d get a better reception from the world.

    Thanks to Holy-Moly! for the pointer to the videos on this one.

  • Wicked Lasers 95mw Extreme:Review (93%)

    Wicked Lasers 95mw ReviewWe’ve had the Wicked Laser Green 95mw laser for a couple of weeks now. It’s falls outside the sort of things we’d normally test, but I’m glad we made an exception, because this thing is bonkers.

    I suspect that if you’ve never worked professionally with lasers, the only thing that you will have seen that’s brighter than this laser is the Sun. This – 95mW CLASS IIIb portable laser, to give it it’s full name – is a little more convenient than the Sun though, as it’s the size of a pen (15cm, 6inch) and you can switch it on and off.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw ReviewIt arrived well packaged in a rather natty box and we couldn’t wait to get it on. An unexpected lack of the required 2 x AAA batteries at our end lead us to initial disappointment but this instantly evaporated when it was powered and switched on for the first time.

    What you can do with it
    Once you get over the brightness, you’re left with what to do with amazing product of human engineering.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw Reviewpromotional video on their site, this baby burns things. It can light a match, cut though black tape, pop balloons and burn through papers. I can confirm that I burnt a hole in a newspaper – my tip, focus on an area of black print (obviously), wait for 10-15 seconds, the smoke will rise and the hole appear. All from something that sits in your pocket and runs on a few tiny batteries. Crazy.

    Man-magnet I showed the Wicked Laser to a room full of lads (aged 25-35). The effect was remarkable. I have never seen some of these people move so fast, as a collective WOW went up around the room and they literally dashed towards it. Their attention was completely captivated.

    If you’ve got any reason to want to grab the attention of a large group of boys, you could do little better than to get yourself one of these.

    So how far does it go?
    Naturally our curiosity was peaked – how far does the beam go? What size is the light point when it gets there? Wicked Lasers tells us that the beam will reach 30-40 miles, yes MILES, and if you were to be there looking at it, the point of the beam will be about the size of a house!

    Wicked Lasers 95mw ReviewSafety
    To re-itterate a warning – this laser is seriously bright. Forget every laser pointer you might have seen before. This is like nothing you’ve ever seen. James Bond look out.

    I’d definitely recommend wearing protective goggles with it, if you’re going to be using indoors. This baby has so much power that it reflects a serious amount of light when you point/shine in to surfaces. In our findings, the longest you want to use it indoors without protective glasses is about 15 mins. After that you start to get a strange ache in the back of your eyes. This fades off over around 10 mins.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw ReviewConclusion
    This thing is seriously powerful and certainly not to be messed with. You _will_ impress the pants off people who see it – especially men. Take care with it though, it could be dangerous It’s certainly not cheap, but you’re paying for its extreme power.

    We don’t really know how or what to compare it with as it’s outside out normal remit. All we can rate it by is how much it impressed us – and everyone we showed it to, without exception.

    Score: 93%

    Wicked Laser 95mW CLASS IIIb portable laser- $369.99 (E307, £214)

    Wicked Lasers 95mw Extreme

    Extra photos and videos

    When you get to the end of burning things and scaring ocean liners, you start to explore the potential. Here’s one of the videos that we shot with using the laser. Link.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw Review
    Creating lighting havoc from the sofa.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw Review
    Commanding the street.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw Review
    Oh look, it’s the corner of the room.

    Wicked Lasers 95mw Review
    Freaking out the camera with a direct hit.

  • Mobile Entertainment Summit

    This is the official Mobile Entertainment Summit taking place across the street from CTIA although no longer affiliated with CTIA. Join the dynamic deal-making environment between content owners and distributors where we discuss the hottest trends for mobile content and applications. The Beach, Las Vegas

  • MipTV 2006, Featuring Milia

    MIPTV featuring MILIA is where you will find everyone involved in content creation, production & distribution across all traditional, digital & Telcos TV platforms. Boasting a world class conference with over 200 speakers and 45 sessions on TV & Digital Platforms. Last year, some 12,000 professionals from across the globe generated over €3 billion worth of business at MIPTV featuring MILIA.

  • Toshiba HD-DVD Player: First Release In Japan

    Toshiba HD-DVD Player: First Release In JapanToshiba has today released the first HD-DVD player.

    The Japanese release will be a big PR boost for the HD-DVD camp in their long running battle for the next-gen High Definition DVD format with Blu-ray. Toshiba said they plan to release the HD-DVD player in the US by the middle of next month and computers equiped with HD-DVD in April-June this year.

    It will retail for 110,000 yen ($934, £539, E772) and Toshiba are hoping to sell 600,000 to 700,000 of the new machines globally in the fiscal year ending in March 2007.

    As we’ve all learned, it’s not just the hardware that is important, it’s the amount of content available. Toshiba said they expected to have 150-200 films available in the format by December.

    The next-gen DVD players offer considerably larger levels of storage, needed because High Definition video content is much higher resolution, therefore bit-hungry. They are also taking the opportunity to store lots more content on them, in an attempt to add value. The current DVD format does not have enough storage available to hold a feature film.

    Toshiba HD-DVD Player: First Release In JapanWhere the Toshiba-lead HD-DVD will win with the public is in the simple extension of the DVD name, incorporating HD which everyone either does know about, or will do after the advertising frenzy around this years World Cup.

    The battle between the two formats has astounded many people, many of whom simply throw their eyes to the ceiling wondering how Sony could re-live the VHS vs Betamax headache for them. It’s quite clear that Sony and their partners are determined not to loose this argument, apparently at any cost.

    Sony, who have been selling Blu-ray equipment in Japan since 2003, plan to start selling their next-gen player, Blu-ray in the USA starting in July with a price of around $1,000.

  • Crazy, Gnarls Barkley; First Electronic-only Chart Number 1?

    Crazy, Gnarls Barkley; First Electronic-only Chart Number 1?It’s thought that the forthcoming UK chart show, released on Sunday, run by the terribly formal sounding Official UK Charts Company, will be the first time a Number 1 will be a non-physical product. Translated – Crazy by Gnarls Barkley has only been released electronically, as a download.

    Downloads have been around for ages though haven’t they? Why hasn’t this happened before, I hear you cry? Well, it’s only been a few weeks since they changed the way the charts were calculated. Previously downloads were counted if they also had a physical release, but since the change hey don’t have to have to be rendered on atoms, to be included.

    Crazy, Gnarls Barkley; First Electronic-only Chart Number 1?Those Chart cat’s are exactly what you’d call ‘with it’ are they? But I guess we know that given how long it took the music companies to pull their fingers out and start to grab hold of the digital revolution – actually there’s many who’d argue that they still haven’t.

    As ever, we tried to dig further into this story, but found it very clear that this isn’t a company familiar with having press inquiries, so dear reader, this story ends here.

  • Orange Get Animalistic

    Orange Get AnimalisticUK Mobile company, Orange, is to abandon their numbered Talk plans to replace them with ‘types’ – Dolphins, Canaries, Racoons and Panthers.

    We’ve covered this before when it first hit the news, but from Saturday it all starts to happen in the Orange’s shops.

    OK … we understand that this is a PR-driven story, but given Orange’s past, we think it’s worth keeping an eye on.

    Orange Get AnimalisticOrange has always been a pioneer in dealing with customers. This started with their name, which back in 1994, was extremely adventurous – as was tying it in with a colour and trying to associate it with emotion.

    This combined with leading the field in customer service, gaining them significant number of users – despite the early problems they had with the quality of the actual mobile call service.

    Orange Get AnimalisticOn a personal note – I’ve been with Orange since they started and was highly impressed in the early days. Over the years I found that the quality has gone south a little – people you speak to there are a little less helpful; the flexibility that made you glad to be with Orange and started to atrophy shortly after Wanadoo (France Telecom) took over in 2001.

    Back to the story – Orange’s research has brought up that 68% of the British find mobile phone tariffs confusing. When they’re labeled 100, 200, 300 & 500, we find it baffling that people can’t understand what they getting.

    Orange Get AnimalisticInstead we will be categorised as Dolphins, Canaries, Racoons or Panthers. Here’s the explanation …

    • Fun Loving Dolphins – Dolphins are fun loving, extrovert characters that enjoy the spontaneous and impulsive. Thrilling new experiences are always welcome
    • Chattering Canaries – Canaries love to indulge themselves with the small pleasures of life � relaxing hot baths, great haircuts, and maybe the odd facial
    • Dilligent Raccoons – Raccoons can turn their hands to many things, and will always show commitment to the hobbies and interests they settle on
    • Proud Panthers – Panthers are careful time managers, hungry to squeeze the most out of life. These cats aren’t afraid to search out and enjoy the unusual

    Worthless nonsense or a world leading move? Only time will tell.

  • Takeaway Festival Of Do It Yourself Media

    More and more people are transforming themselves from media consumers to producers – using the new tools, software and technologies now at their disposal.

    From the expanding realm of free and open source software (FLOSS), to peer-to-peer (P2P) distribution and ‘pervasive’ mobile and locative technologies, the possibilities exist as never before to create and disseminate our opinions and experiences through our own media.

    TAKEAWAY, the Festival of do it yourself Media, will help you to understand what it’s all about and how to take part in the revolution.
    The Dana Centre – Science Museum 165 Queen’s Gate South Kensington London SW7 5HD

  • eBay Opens Doors To Blue Peter Badge Cheats

    eBay Opens Doors To Blue Peter Badge CheatsThe BBC are reporting that they are suspending a Blue Peter badge scheme. Why? Cheeky blighters are buying them on eBay and presenting them as if they ‘earned’ them and claiming the benefits.

    Non-BBC readers may be confused as to the relevance of the Blue Peter badge. Blue Peter is a British institution. The late afternoon TV show for children, which every child in the UK has watched, awarded badges to children who hard work and appeared on the show. Back in the 70’s they were highly prized items – the sort of thing that people would place under their pillow when they slept.

    In the thirty or so years since then they may have got a little slack with their distribution because people are now selling them on eBay. Heresy in the old days. It’s be like chucking out your Jim’ll Fix It badge.

    This may not be news to owners of the hallowed Badge, but apparently Blue Peter has a deal with over 100 venues around the UK that gives free entry.

    Some rotters have clearly come to learn this and have been pursuing on eBay. The £30-odd that they are paying for them more than balance the amounts of money they have saving by getting in free to the locations.

    Having become aware of this, the BBC say that they have been forced in to reconsidering if the free access to venues will continue.

    A spokesman said: “The BBC investigations unit has been monitoring eBay over the past few months and has noticed badges being sold in large numbers by individual sellers.”

    Blue Peter

  • Collaborative Research Planning Conference

    28-29 March 2006 Produced by Internet Home Alliance, a cross-industry network of companies conducting collaborative research in the connected home space, the Collaborative Research Planning Conference is the only digital home conference that gives participants an opportunity to hear the latest connected home research and then work side-by-side with other attendees to develop connected home solution concepts for testing within the Alliance’s collaborative (multi-company) research program. At this spring’s conference, attendees will hear and discuss key learnings from the Alliance’s State of the Connected Home Market Research 2005, the organization’s most comprehensive annual research study into the digital home market. Orlando County Convention Center
    Orlando, Florida