Firefox v3 becomes Europe’s Number One Browser

Firefox v3 becomes Europe's Number One BrowserMozilla’s Firefox 3.0 has now officially become the number uno web browser in Europe, according to the latest figures from StatCounter.

Although Microsoft – once supreme rulers of all things browser-related – still rock the market if you add together all the various versions of Internet Explorer still in use, Firefox 3.0 is the most popular individual browser version.

Although their lead over the former leader, IE 7.0 is tighter than a crab’s nether regions it shows the increasing popularity of Mozilla’s Firefox browser, whose first version of the browser was introduced back in November 2004.

Firefox now hogs a healthy 35.09 per cent of the market share compared to IE 7.0’s 34.51 per cent, with IE 6.0 registering 11.92 per cent, followed by Opera 9.6 with 4.88 per cent.

The next four most popular browsers are Firefox v2.0 with a 3.1per cent share, with rising new boy IE 8.0 securing a 2.37 share, while Apple’s Safari 3.2 has to settle for a relatively miniscule 1.4 per cent stake.

StatCounter CEO Aodhen Cullen believes that Firefox is set to stomp all over IE’s complete range shortly.

Firefox v3 becomes Europe's Number One Browser“The data shows that Firefox is closing the gap and is now just 10% behind all IE versions in Europe,” he explained.

StatCounter global stats


One response to “Firefox v3 becomes Europe’s Number One Browser”

  1. sell ffxi gil avatar

    I’m not surprised if US will also use Firefox often than IE. Firefox has better features and interface compared to IE… Well, that’s my opinion of course.