Blackberry Storm: Vodafone Details Call Plans Disclosed

Blackberry Storm: Vodafone Details Call PlansThis Xmas, despite dire warnings of how everywhere is entering recession, there’s going to be a battle royal between the mobile companies in their attempt to get you to buy a new mobile phone.

O2 has the 3G iPhone, T-Mobile has the G1 Google Android handset and as we let you know back at the begging of October, Vodafone will be bring the Blackberry Storm to the UK.

Today Vodafone have revealed how much you’ll have to pay to have the Storm in your hands.

If you sign up for 24-months – yes, mobile contracts are stretching beyond the previously-accepted 18-months – and pay £35/month, they’ll give you the Storm handset for free.

18-month contracts starting from £35/month will also get a gratis handset.

Want to pay for your handset(!)? – there’s two prices available to you – £300 or at the upper end, £500, on a 12 month contract.

All of the various packages are pretty darn complex, so you’d be better off checking them out yourself.

The long contracts come with ‘unlimited’ Mobile Internet (with a ‘fair use’ limit of 3Gb/month), but surprisingly the low end deals don’t, potentially costing a _fortune_ to use the phone’s full potential.

We’re on the list to get a Storm and are interested to try it out. We loved the Blackberry Curve long term, so how they’ve implemented the Storm’s touch screen will be key for us.


2 responses to “Blackberry Storm: Vodafone Details Call Plans Disclosed”

  1. […] of typing, then the Storm could be the perfect choice for you, although the initial pricing plans sure look a tad steep to our […]

  2. mark avatar

    Hey its really a nice phone & I just found one on for just $149