O2: 8GB iPhone £100 Price Drop

O2: 8GB iPhone £100 Price DropThe price of the UK 8GB iPhone has dropped by £100 to £169.

O2 — the network with the exclusive right to sell it in the UK — and Carphone Warehouse, have announced that this will be until 1 June.

The iPhone didn’t sell as well as expected in the UK, although O2 are denying that this is the reasons for the price drop special offer.

We imagine that many people who have been umming and ahhing over getting and iPhone, might find the price drop sufficient incentive to make the jump.

The price of the newly-added 16GB will stay the same.

With the 1 June mentioned, we wonder if that’s when the new iPhone with 3G might be launched.

Back in September 2007, there was a significant drop in the iPhone price in the US that angered a lot of people. One day, the then top of line phone was $599, the next it was $399 – the same size drop that the UK has been today.

It will be interesting to hear/see how many people object to the UK price drop.

Read our detailed iPhone review


One response to “O2: 8GB iPhone £100 Price Drop”

  1. […] contract you take out.  This ’special offer’ is to remain in place until 1 June, and someare suggesting that this may be when the 3G iPhone may be […]