Pre-announcement of the new BT ADSL lite service BBC News Comment: The monthly figure is still far too high – £40/month.
The new digital ways content was becoming distributed
Broadband Baloney
Opinion piece – Broadband Baloney – BusinessWeek.
Comment: Pretty negative piece, that in my view is someone jumping on the dot bomb bandwagon. Interesting facts listed – ‘Market watcher Forrester Research Inc. estimates 72% of dial-up Net access customers won’t pay more than $25 a month for broadband–half of what most providers now charge.’ & ‘fewer than 5% of U.S. online households have (it)’.
South Korea broadband powerhouse
News: South Korea emerges as powerhouse in broadband and wireless Internet markets – EM-Wire
Korea Telecom VDSL Rollout Slated for 2001
Old News (Feb.01):Korea Telecom VDSL Rollout Slated for 2001 –
BT to launch satellite broadband service
News BT to launch satellite broadband service – ZDNet
UPC to start digital TV in Vienna
News: UPC to start broadcasting digital TV in Vienna this month – Europemedia
Speedy Net Links Face a Slowdown
News: Speedy Net Links Face a Slowdown – IHT
Demand cooling for broadband
News: Demand cooling for broadband – digitalMass