Moo Cards: Customer Support Is BAD

Moo cards - Customer Support Is BADThis is a sad and sorry tale. A tale of not having a clue how to treat your customers.

When we got our first Moo cards back in May 2007, we loved them. We ordered, they delivered. Simple.

We’ve had the same experience quite a few times since then – UNTIL we had to send some back.

The cards in question arrived, and they really weren’t up to quality – something had gone wrong at their end and the printing offset had become … offset, leading to quite a few of the cards bleeding their print to other cards. Sufficient too say that we couldn’t have given them away to people.

Fair enough. These things happen. They arrived over xmas, so we guessed they were short of staff.

We popped them back in the envelope, marking the error of the provided form. Got an email from Fauzia Hussein, a service agent at Moo on 2 Jan asking what the problem was – which we re-explained.

Two weeks later – nothing back, so I emailed a reminder.

17 Jan – they write to say cards “have just been reprinted” and we should get them in 5-10 working days.

5 Feb – Write again. Moo say, we know it’s 12 days later, but give us another 3 days.

12 Feb – Oops. They must have been lost in the post we’re told, we’ll make a new set and re-ship them.

Moo cards - Customer Support Is BADWe remind them of the VentnorBlog Presents … event on 22 Feb that we ordered the cards for – back in December.

Could they send them recorded delivery to make sure these turn up?

Their response? If you want them express order, you should have ordered them express shipping!

In a very controlled way, we lose the plot – quite rightly.

19.Feb – We wrote again asking if they’d been sent out — we’d ordered some other Moo cards on Friday – they arrived yesterday with standard delivery. We’re told that they’ll be printed in 1-2 days and will be with us 5-10 later.

Their response “hopefully you should have your order by this Friday.”

28.Feb – (six days after the event we needed them for). They tell us that there’s been a “technical problem” with the printer.

25.Mar – Cards still haven’t arrived. Frankly we give up. Write to them saying the same. They offer us a voucher to spend on other Moo cards!

Lessons Learned
The lesson that we’ve learned is that Moo cards might be great, but if you hit a problem with the quality or delivery, you’re in a whole world of trouble.

It may be that it’s just Fauzia Hussein, who we dealt with through the 27 email exchange that we had to suffer. We don’t know.

It’s impossible to feel the same again about Moo after this.

Not only did they not do what they had promised to do, but they insulted us further by refusing to switch us to express shipping when they were soooooooo clearly in the wrong. As it turned out it wouldn’t have made any difference as they hadn’t actually printed the things anyway.

The only excuse that they didn’t use with us was that the dog eat their homework.

We let you know about this so you can come to your own conclusions.


One response to “Moo Cards: Customer Support Is BAD”

  1. waloonga avatar

    Wow … interesting to hear that about Moo.

    Normally it’s just praise you read online.