Sky Anytime: Murdoch Flexes Cross Media

Sky Anytime: Murdoch Flexes Cross Media  Wow … things are really starting to gel across the Murdoch media businesses, as James Murdoch starts showing his hand. Perhaps this is the first real example of seeing James’ talent on with what we’ve been told was his passion – that for convergence.

First is a typical Sky masterstroke – naming their services with a fantastically concise moniker.

They’re re-branding the previously-named-to-appeal-to-techies service, Sky by Broadband, swapping it for the far more concise Sky Anytime.

The message – don’t worry that it’s broadband, that’s not important. What is important is that you … yes, you can pay to see content when ever you want to. In fact, you can do it – Anytime.

It’s genius. A typical application of what Murdoch publications do – speak to people in a language that they understand.

The simplicity of the service cleverly removes the need for talented sales people at retail, you know the type of store I mean … “Well Sir, it’s like Sky … but it’s available at Anytime.” Genius.

Sky Anytime: Murdoch Flexes Cross Media  A number of Sky One shows will be available over the service. Sounds great, until you imagine that 93% of the those using Sky By Broadband already own a Sky+ box – having the ability to see the shows when they want to anyway.

The second example – Sky One putting out its content on another strongly-branded service. Luckily it’s in the family – MySpace.

Two episodes of the watched-by-the-obsessed running series Lost were available until Sunday via MySpace UK for UK viewers only. Fans of Lost reacted angrily when Sky out bid Channel 4 for the current series. I suspect that Sky Inc, will see it as a way of perhaps signing up more subscribers.

They’re on the move
Here’s the reality – Sky is starting to work it. They’re small steps so far, but at least they’re actually doing what other people are talking about doing – moving media between platforms.

Here’s the worrying part for all people who hope to be able to compete in this Digital-Lifestyle. They’ve stolen the march on the rest of the market, they own their own IP delivery channel.


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