Old News (Feb.01):Korea Telecom VDSL Rollout Slated for 2001 – phoneplusinternational.com
Simon Perry
Liberty Media buy 6 co’s from DT
News: Liberty Media to buy six cable companies from Deutsche Telekom – Cabletoday
BT to launch satellite broadband service
News BT to launch satellite broadband service – ZDNet
The black art of media streaming
News: Broadband lack makes media streaming a black art – The Standard
UPC to start digital TV in Vienna
News: UPC to start broadcasting digital TV in Vienna this month – Europemedia
Educational Disconnect in Online Learning
News: Educational Disconnect in Online Learning – LA Times
Broadband funding from Alston (Australia)
News: Broadband funding from Alston (Australia) – The Age
Speedy Net Links Face a Slowdown
News: Speedy Net Links Face a Slowdown – IHT
‘Info’ on Xbox2
A reported ‘Exclusive’ from UK PC Format magazine about the Xbox 2 or HomeStation. Interesting as MS were VERY keen not to portray the yet unrelease Xbox in this way – fearing the ‘MS is taking over your life/world’ argument put format while the trial was going on.