We’ve been salivating over the Canon 5D Mark II dSLR since details started leaking about it.
Now we’re starting to see the quality of video it’s capturing, we’re in overdrive.
As you’re probably aware, it’s the first dSLR camera that captures HD video, so you’d expect the results to be impressive, but the visual-quality is way beyond what we’ve seen from ‘normal’ HD camcorder footage previously.
As the Canon 5D Mark II benefits from all of the Canon lenses, the video it shoots look cinematic, possessing a depth and richness only previously dreamt of.
The quality of results appear consistent from the enthusiastic amateur to the high-budget professional.
Let’s not forget that what we’re seeing over the Internet isn’t the highest quality, it’s just through a Flash video player.
Enough of the chat, let’s look at some of the output.
(Tip: Play them all in full screen for the complete effect. If the video does look _amazing_, make sure that you’re looking at the HD version)
Enthusiastic amateur
Joi Ito is, we’re sure he’ll admit, an enthusiastic amateur – no matter, as the results are impressive.
Even a mundane trip on the train to Tokyo, the first film that he shot on his Canon 5D Mark II, takes on a cinematic beauty (read his blog post on it). Heck, even the escalators even look attractive.
Heading to Tokyo from Joichi Ito on Vimeo.
His next day of filming illustrates one of the reasons for the filmic quality. By limiting the depth of field, much of the frame is out of focus with the main subject beautifully sharp.
The footage also gives examples of how everyone using this camera is going to sharpen skills like keeping manual focus, as auto-focus is disabled when filming.
Six Apart Japan 5th Anniversary Party from Joichi Ito on Vimeo.
The next day’s filming is his delightfully simple wedding to Mizuka, showing the progression of technique including the story boarding of the shooting.
Mizuka and Joi’s Wedding from Joichi Ito on Vimeo.
The High-budget, Pro end
If you’ve got a large budget – for models, helicopters and fast cars – you can also make the videos shot with the Canon 5D Mark II look amazing.
Vincent Laforet, a New York-based commercial and editorial photographer has such a budget and output.
If you want to get some idea of the kind of budget behind the shoot, take a look at the ‘Behind the scenes‘ video.
More examples
Here’s a couple of more examples.
David Chung, snapper for the Guardian.
Canon EOS5DmkII, One night in Beijing. from Dan Chung on Vimeo.
Korean production company Prism
EOS 5D Mark2 Movi – Prism from chador on Vimeo.
If you want to keep an eye on other footage, Planet5d, are keeping a list
Happy Christmas?
If you want to make someone very happy this Christmas, buying them – or yourself – a Canon 5D Mark II dSLR would be a very good place to start.
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2 responses to “Canon 5D Mark II dSLR: HD Video Is Stunning (Videos)”
Simon, very nice story about the mk ii – and you’ve grabbed some of the best samples too. Just in case you don’t know, we’ve started a wiki with samples and tons of info about the 5d mk ii at http://planet5d.com
It appears that the line between the camcorder and still camera is fading. I have a HD camcorder that is capable of taking 6mp stills. Almost the other way round to the 5D