China Tackles Internet Porn

China Tackles Internet PornThe month of May saw a month-long crackdown on Internet porn in China. The combined forces of 10 ministries lead the closing of 300 domestic porn and ‘salacious’ sites being closed down.

Li Baozhong, head of the official press watchdog and deputy director of the national anti-porn and anti-piracy office also reported that they’d blocked 4,000 links to porn sites and filtered out more than 10,000 ‘online porn games’ – we’ve no idea what these porn games could be.

The type of pornographic material wasn’t reported, but those quick to point the finger at China, accusing them of overt control over the Internet, should also be aware that a UK government scheme for the blocking of porn sites also exists within the UK.

Li said that the sites are being tracked down by a combination of “monitoring work done by public security departments,” and “at least seven tip-offs from the public every day via out 24-hour hotline.”

China is finding out what other countries have already found – porn barons go to quite some length not to be caught or shut down, as there’s so much money involved.

Slightly more sinister is news that a new system currently under development will limit the amount of time juveniles will be allowed to spend online, as well as “controlling access to certain types of content.’ It is expected to be launched next month.

I’m in Beijing for the Broadband World Forum, so thought it would be interesting to pick stories from the local press on their reporting of technology news.


3 responses to “China Tackles Internet Porn”

  1. […] China has a self-declared battle against porn going on at the moment and on the back of that Liu Yunshan, head of the Communist Party of China Central Committee’s Publicity Department – a big cheese – has put forward the idea of “building a Web culture with Chinese characteristics.” […]

  2. Sombody avatar

    “…also be aware that a UK government scheme for the blocking of porn sites also exists within the UK.”

    This national filter is only for child pornography and maybe some violent pornography. But all other porno is alright.

  3. Simon Perry avatar

    @Somebody – You’re right, they say it’s child and violent porn, but as far as I know there isn’t a accessible list of the sites that are blocked – so we don’t know for sure what is and isn’t blocked.