Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of World Record

Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of RecordYou may have heard about the Highest Popping toaster in the world and the intention to get it into the record books.

We were at the RCA yesterday when the devices creator, Freddie Yauner, 26, launched himself (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun) into the Guinness Book of Records with his bonkers over-powered toaster.

The official from the Guinness Book of Records (on right) recorded the height of toast at 2.6 metres (8.5ft). We were pretty sure that we saw it go much higher than that — as you can see from the video.

It’s a CO2 gas-powered monster that is of very little practical use what so ever, unless you’re looking to create a service where people on balconies have toast delivered fresh to them. That aside, it’s a great fun idea and certainly one that got young Yauner some attention.

When receiving the Guinness Book of Records certificate, Freddie told us “This is the proudest moment of my life. I don’t know what’s better, getting my MA from the RCA or the world record.”

Slow motion video
For a long time we’ve been trying to find a practical use for the 120 fps video capture that comes on the LG Viewty (and latterly the Secret) and yesterday’s toast launch was the perfect opportunity.

Delight in the slow mo vision of two pieces of toast trying to touch the sky.

Freddie Yauner site


3 responses to “Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of World Record”

  1. […] of life, it largely goes unnoticed and uncelebrated. Until now, that is. Yesterday Simon over at Digital Lifestyles went over to the RCA to meet Freddie Yauner, inventor of a CO2-powered supertoaster, who broke the […]

  2. […] powered “Moaster“. An account of the successful record-breaking attempt can be found at Digital Lifestyles. And while the folks at Guinness recorded the trajectory at just 8.5 feet, the video shows that it […]

  3. […] なんと天高く舞うパンの動画を発見してしまいました!! 空を飛ぶパン、といってもアンパンマンではありませんw どういうことなのかは、さっそくこちらの動画をご覧ください。 このパンが軽すぎるとかそういうわけではなく、仕掛けの秘密はパンを焼いているトースター。 なんとこのトースター、パンを飛ばす高さでギネスブックに登録されていますwww その高さは2m60cmだそうですが、動画を見る限り絶対それ以上飛んでるって!(゚∀゚) 世の中にはおもしろいものを作る人がおりますねえ……w ■記事元 Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of World Record (英語サイト) […]