News: BTopenworld charges £900 for satellite broadband service – The Register
Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009
BT applies for broadcasting licence
News: BT applies for broadcasting licence – Yahoo (via Andy Jones) Comment: Ahh, at last, a reason for BT to rollout ADSL or am I just being cynical.
Shin says Internet TV will promote broadband usage (Thailand)
News: Shin says Internet TV will promote broadband usage (Thailand) –
Boosting broadband
Opinion piece: Boosting broadband – Boston Globe Online Comment: A movement that sees the rollout of BB as a re-starter of the US ecomony
Baseball officials plan live video streaming
News: Baseball officials plan live video streaming –
Comment: This is the kind of content that will start to make a difference to the adoption of broadband. People will hear others talking about ball games that they haven’t seen and have no way to seeing — they’ll ask them about it and what other content is available thought a BB connection & if there’s sufficient, they’ll have it installed.
Broadband by satellite gets a boost
News: Broadband by satellite gets a boost – The Register
CNET Drops TV Show to Focus On Broadband
News: CNET Drops TV Show to Focus On Broadband – EContent News
Comment: Two strong drivers – they have a BB audience and they have demand for segments of their programming. They say 70% of users of use a BB connection, so they have an enabled audience. They also say viewer of their TV content do not want to sit through their currently linear TV shows, so I imagine they’ll make it searchable and viewers will be able to create their own show online.
I’ll be watching the development of this keenly.
Broadband hobbled by high prices
News: Broadband hobbled by high prices – UK E-envoy’s office – The Register
Chello broadband announces more than 500k subscribers
News: Chello broadband announces more than 500,000 subscribers –
Ethernet bites back in bid to halve BT leased line prices
News: Ethernet bites back in bid to halve BT leased line prices – The Register