Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Former Scottish Telecom CEO makes DSL move

    The former CEO of Scottish Telecom has arranged funding for a new DSL supply company in the UK. He asserts that accessUK has sufficient funding to convert and run over 1,000 exchanges and will be initially targeting business customers. The UK will then have three companies capable of doing this country-wide, the others being Bulldog Communications and BT.

  • First year of Emmy for Interactive TV

    This year will be the first time there will be an Emmy for Interactive TV. The scope is broad, covering on TV-screen graphics as well as related Web sites and is being seen as a first step in full recognition. Interestingly it will be given during the engineering awards presentation and will be a plaque, not a statuette. The article also refers to the 1950s TV show “Winky Dink and You” as being the first interactive TV show.

  • NTL debt default is larger than Enron

    UK cable company NTL have defaulted on their debt, making it the World’s largest default, even larger than Enron. Fortunately for 3.5m NTL UK customers, control of the UK company will pass to the bondholders rather than just shutting down. Less fortunate are the shareholder – the shares, have lost more than 99 percent of their value in the past year, yesterday closed at 9.4 cents.

  • Freeserve announce ADSL pricing

    UK-based ISP Freeserve has today announced the heavily reduced price of £84.99 for installation and modem of its ADSL offering.

  • Cheaper BT satellite service launched

    BT have announced another satellite-delivered high speed Internet service, this time at a significantly cheaper price, because the service is delivery only with requests being made via a normal phone line. End user monthly costs are estimated as £20-30 but installation is £400.

  • Sky to launch broadband access service

    A teaser story stating that BSkyB will be launching broadband Internet access via a phone line. No details in the story, but I assume it will be marketing tie-up with BT offering Sky viewers ADSL.

  • Broadbus RAM approach to VOD

    Broadbus’s approach to serving video content on-demand is to place content in huge RAM caches which they claim enables them to services many more connections while providing better quality, faster starting delivery. Having looked though the site, their logic appears sound but I haven’t heard or see it in action so cannot vouch for practise of the idea.

  • MS homeworkers ADSL deal with BT

    BT has signed a deal with Microsoft UK enabling 1,500 of their workers to access MS network from home via a secure ADSL connection. From experience I know this is something that has a strong appeal to large companies as it give them the potential to significantly reduced their overheads.

  • MPEG-4 to become the digital video standard?

    The digital video distribution market has been crying out for a single format to encode into. When companies want to distribute video on the Internet, they have to be encoded in Real, Microsoft, QuickTime and even DivX to ensure everyone can watch them. This can be a barrier as it puts up the cost substantially, especially if the video pieces are surrounded by Rich Media. There have been clear moves towards making MPEG-4 the format of preference for video compression in particular by the Internet Streaming Media Alliance. There was a significant rumour at NAB this week that MovieLink, the online film distribution vehicle for Sony Pictures, Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros. and Universal would be using MPEG-4 to distribute its content. MPEG-4 has the advantages of not being owned by a single company so should be compatible across different players and importantly, across platforms (PC, STB, handheld). On2 have submitted an objection to the US Justice Department claiming MPEGLA, which represent the rights holders of MPEG, are acting outside its current MPEG-2 remit. There is a lot of momentum behind MPEG-4, so it will be an interesting few months.

  • UK take of ADSL going well

    It’s encouraging to hear that BT are currently dealing with over 10,000 wholesale orders a week for ADSL. They are also broadband-enabling 100 more exchanges and beefing up the capacity of the 1,000+ current broadband-enabled exchanges. A strange turnaround from their comments and action of six months ago where they were actually blaming the consumer for the failure of broadband take up in the UK.

    Another surprise announcement from BT was their intention to launch Direct DSL. A service that will be a slightly cheaper service connecting users directly to the Internet, rather than through an ISP, an idea borrowed from Spanish operator, Telefonica. This is going to be very unpopular with UK ISP’s and it will be interesting to see if OFTEL blocks it.