Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • UK ADSL VOD provider wobbles?

    Sad news in the UK as rumours that Video-Networks, the ADSL-delivered VOD provider, is in discussions with its backers about its on-going viability.

    They’re blaming BT’s high prices for ADSL, but I think they were more damaged by BT’s slower than promised rollout of ADSL when they launched their North-West London service three years ago, which has lead them to only reach 15,000 subscribers.

  • 3D Flat Screen

    I don’t know how many of you have seen 3D moving images; I went many years ago to the 3D showing at the IMAX theatre in New York. When you got into the theatre you donned a large, semi-comfortable headset that had an Infra Red sensor on the top of it. The theatre used this to control the speed on the shutters opening and closing over each eye, to ensure it synced with the film projection. The film didn’t feel that 3D until the shark came swimming into the theatre – gasps all round.

    Following ten years of research in the UK, Sharp Laboratories has created a flat LCD screen that doesn’t need goggles. Amazingly they claim products using this will be available early next year.

    Clearly I’m looking forward to seeing on but I bet the movie and TV companies of the World must be rubbing their hand – having just got everyone to buy DVD’s of the things they already had on VHS – next, they’ll all have to get the 3D version.

  • Aggressive wireless rollout in Singapore

    SingTel currently have 100 hotspots setup. Access will be charged at 20 cents per-minute with no subscription to pay and GPRS-enabled phones will also be able to use the hotpots as well as WiFi.

    Singapore is a pretty small place but as it’s configured the offering doesn’t sound that mainstream, with a maximum of only 3,000 being able to use the service by the end of the year when it will reach 150 hotspots. I assume as demand increases they will increase the number and density of the hotspots.

  • Korea surge for VDSL

    Not content with blazing the ADSL trail, Korea has been March 2002.

  • Denham leads by Broadband example

    Another UK local community is setting up their own wireless network – and hats off to them.

    96 households in Denham, Buckinghamshire had already registered their interest with BT in ADSL-enabling their local exchange but as BT the minimum required that had been set was 450, they fell well short.

    Not seeing this as the end of the boad; two of them decided to set up Denham Broadband to provide wireless access around the area. Subscribers will receive ADSL-like speeds via a small, rooftop antenna, all for an estimated setup cost of 150 UKP plus 30UKP a month.

    It’s going to be interesting to see if this people-power action will mean that other will go to these lengths to live The Broadband Dream.

    The figures in the UK still don’t look great. In the current BT ADSL Demand Tracker only five of the 2323 listed have been converted, and of these 2323, more than ¾ of these exchanges haven’t even had a trigger level set yet.

    At the end of the table, they’ve been kind enough to not order it the by number of households signed in an exchange. To some of these people where none of their neighbours are interested in ADSL like the Bod in Onich (North west of Glasgow, Scotland), The Broadband Dream must feel a long way off.

    I tell you what would be interesting – installing a large number of Denham Broadband-type community networks across the country, as have been discussing for a long while.

    Then sell the subscribers SIP phones (normal phone handsets that can use the Internet to carry the calls) and give them the benefit of making close-to-free phone calls to other subscribers. If enough people and especially businesses subscribed, it could start to hit BT’s cashflow.

  • WiFi Video at home

    Clearly one way to distribute video around the home, be it from a cable signal or household PVR, will be wirelessly, The first company I recall announcing it as a product was Moxi over eight months ago.

    The problem with this lies in the theoretical 11Mps that 802.11a offers. This could get used up pretty fast depending on the strength of signal, the number and quality of simultaneously- viewed video streams and the amount of bandwidth other users on the network are taking up.

    Recognising this, ViXS Systems have designed a chipset to tackle it. Their customers are being offered samples of its XCode video network processor, which takes in number of sources of video, be it an HD signal or an MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 stream and compresses them down. This can then distributed over any IP based network, WiFi or wireline.

    The smart part comes in the fact that the quality of the stream can be adjusted depending on available bandwidth [Acronyms alert – IDS (Intelligent Distributed Video) and the very catchy ABFM (Adaptive Bandwidth Footprint Management)].

    The people behind the RealTime Streaming Protocol standard, RTSP, had the idea a while back and companies such as Apple and Real Networks implemented this. By exchanging performance information between the sender of the video and the client, different qualities of video are delivered to the viewer. The downside of this is, if the video wasn’t originally encoded with a version for really bad network conditions (say 80k), the next closest version is shown. This may a high bandwidth version (say 220k) that, as all of the frame information cannot be received in time will display badly. The reality of producing streaming video is that you cannot practically encode a version for every network condition.

    The beauty of the Vixs approach is it will do this to any current video source, analogue or digital and, one would assume, finely adjusting quality over many different bandwidths.

    They claim to guarantee deliver 30 frames per second (FPS), high quality video over any type of Internet Protocol (IP) network, wired or wireless which is pretty impressive.

    Isn’t it interesting that, as we see the industry grow up, companies measure performance in units that start to mean something to the industry their aiming at rather than tech terms.

  • A lawsuit flying and some feather ruffling at a movie conference – the debate of widening competition in media distribution heats up. The detail is on Wired.

    A lawsuit flying and some feather ruffling at a movie conference – the debate of widening competition in media distribution heats up. The detail is on Wired.

  • Germany public broadcasters want 3G levy

    An interesting twist (of the knife?) for 3G licence holders, in Germany two public broadcasters want to levy a licence fees on 3G handset owners because they’re able to receive TV and radio.

    There was some muttering from the BBC about 18 months ago about letting UK licence payers have free access to the BBC’s Internet content while charging residents of others countries but I haven’t heard much about it since then.

    I suspect that this time the BBC won’t be raising the same questions as their German counterparts as they’re very conscious of their ability to licence their content to the 3G operators via BBC Worldwide.

  • My first few months with TiVo

    I’ve been using a TiVo for the last for a couple of months and thought I’d give my initial impressions.

    As soon as TiVo/ReplyTV was announced I have been thinking of getting one but felt £400 was an unreasonable cost, so when I saw them for £150, it felt like the right time to buy.

    The setup and installation wasn’t very painful. Connecting it was a little long-winded but this is to be expected considering the number of boxes it connects to – the TV, a DTT (free-to-air digital STB), and VHS. The setup of the channels was pretty much automatic.

    A couple of initial teething problems were quickly sorted out by the excellent phone support. The most annoying was the incredibly slow speed the TiVo changed channels on the STB, but by using the supplied Infra Red extension lead and making a menu change it was soon improved.

    It’s very easy to understand the basic function of the system, as the built-in software has been excellent with the different routes to recording the shows being pretty flawless. Over the period there’s been a number of software upgrades which arrive and are installed without your intervention – which just reminds you of how easy computing should be but hardly ever is.

    Pausing live TV has been less useful to me that the marketing material lead me to expect. What has been good is the ability to rewind the live broadcast to hear something that you might have misheard or missed, as the TiVo constantly records and stores the previous 30 minutes of the channel you’re watching. If you change channel the recording buffer starts again.

    Of course the Season Pass is a great boon. This allows you to automatically record, for example, every time that Dr Katz is shown (Wow, Dr Katz has to be the best show on TV – brilliantly observed). Just set it up and you get a chance to watch a number of them in a row.

    The only slight bugbear was when a schedule overran the end of show was sometimes cut off. This has now been got around by a software update that allows you to extend the finishing time of the recording.

    The hard drive filled up pretty quickly as the novelty of recording lots and not deleting anything took over, but a concerted effort of archiving to VHS cured that.

    Sadly you have to select and tape each individually and one improvement to the software would be if you could tag a number of shows to archive to VHS and let it save them all to tape. Perhaps the reasons why it might into have been included is in an attempt to placate the media owners who can be a prickly bunch.


    TiVo is really a preview of what on-demand TV will be like.

    After TiVo I hardly every watch live TV these days and it’s leading me to widen my viewing as I’ll record something and take a quick preview of the show to see if it’s the same as described and enjoyable.

    My belief in on-demand content is what lead me to setup LemonTV in ’99. There are times when you want content to wash over you, ie live TV, but most of the time you want to watch what interests, appeals or stimulates you.

    In the real World there are two problems; with huge amounts of on-demand content there needs to be a way for the potential viewer of finding what they like and obviously there is a need to make money from the content.

    My long held belief is that one solution to this is scheduled broadcast TV show that is effectively a ‘shop window’ for the available programming. The viewers then have the option to pay for time-shifted content, whether this is a small amount of money for shows that have already been broadcast or a lot of money if it’s in advance of their scheduled broadcast.

    The TiVo must be good – I’m seriously thinking of adding a second hard drive to up the capacity.

  • BT and Bulldog mount SDSL trial in London

    BT and Bulldog are mounting an SDSL trial in 41 exchanges around London in late Autumn. The advantage of SDSL is the first S, Synchronous rather than the Asynchronous with ADSL, allowing both sending and receiving at 1.9Mbps.

    Although it’s been announced, it doesn’t look like they really going to be pushing the service, as they estimate upwards of only 500 customers by the end of March 2004. I would have thought any company with a leased-line would seriously consider changing to this, given what will be a significant cost saving but I’m sure BT are very aware of this, hence their lack of ambition for it.